Chapter 1

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"That will be all!" Mikey shouts. All of Toman members began to leave leaving only Mikey, Draken and (Y/n). "Hey Ken-chin! (y/n)! Let's go on midnight drive." Mikey says with a smile on his face as he walks pass them both towards their bikes. Draken looks towards you and scoffs and follows Mikey. You lower your head and heart aching, "seriously what did I do...". Mikey didn't hear this since he was a bit farther off but you also don't want him to know. You also turn and follow the two males to their bikes. As usual you get on with Mikey and hang on tight while they ride through the roads. They stop on top of a hill that overlooks the city.

"Wow! This is beautiful Mikey." (Y/n) said excitedly. You run up to the railing to get a better look. Mikey and Draken walking up behind you.

"Can't lie, this isn't bad Mikey." Draken said with a smile letting the breeze hit them. Mikey takes a deep breath and smiles.

"I found it while I was on a solo ride. I was lost in thought and next thing I knew I was here on this hill." Mikey laughs.

"Mikey! Always pay attention when you're on the bike!" you whine to him. "Seriously, what do you think would happen if you crashed!" You lightly punch him repeatedly hoping your point gets through to him.

"Okay okay. I hear you, I won't do that again." Mikey grabs your arms to stop you from hitting him. "Geez since when have you gotten so strong. Those punches hurt."

"Quit lying, I was barely using any strength." You huffed at him. Without Mikey knowing Draken was giving (y/n) some serious side eye. Of course (y/n) could feel that stare from the tall male but ignores it. The three of them enjoy some silence and cool night air before deciding to leave.

"Hey Ken-chin, drive (y/n) home for me. I forgot about an errand and Emma will kill me if i get home and not have done it." Mikey says making both (y/n) and Draken got wide eye. Mikey not letting Draken say anything as he was in a hurry and quickly drove off leaving the two alone. (Y/n) cautiously looks to Draken and sees him looking at her with such rage filled eyes.

"You can forget it. You can walk, you need it." He said smirking looking down on her. He gets on his bike and with a final look at (y/n), he gives her the bird and drives off.


With Mikey and Draken both gone, your smile fades. Crouching down and hugging your knees, you let out some sob sounds without any tears falling. After calming down You take out your phone to see how far your house is from your current location. "Great....I'll be home around 00:30 - 1 am." You put your phone in your pocket, sigh and began your walk. After a while and a nice cop who offered you a ride, you got home slightly earlier but still pretty late. Opening the door silently as you can you enter your house and went upstairs hoping the creaking sound the stairs make won't wake up anyone or give away your position. But as always, lady luck is never with you. You step on a bad side of the stairs making a semi loud creak.

"Well well well... Look who it is." you look up to see your oldest brother Sora, looking at you from outside his room. "Don't you know what time it is." You look down afraid of what he might do to you. "I asked you a fucking question. Are you really that much of an idiot." He grins once he sees that scared expression on your face he loves seeing.

"It's 23:48..." you answer in a low voice.

"About fucking time. I don't want to disturb father about this so get to your room. I'll think of a punishment for you tomorrow morning." He says before going to his room. Once he was inside you go into your room as well, change and get into your bed. You get lost in your thoughts and think about how all the Toman members just straight up hate you. You were even there when Mikey started the gang. The only ones who treated you as part of the Gang was Mikey and Haruchiyo since you all hung out as kids which always makes you wonder why Baji hated you since he was nice to you as kids. Not to mention even your father and older brothers resent you for reasons they never told you.

"I'm just going to spiral down if I just continue.. time to sleep." You whispered to yourself as you got comfortable and closed your eyes.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A very young (y/n) came crying to her father. "Brother Sora and brother Kai are being mean to me!" (Y/n) cried as she pulled on her father's sleeve. He grabs her small arm and pushes her off of him.

"Why must you continue to bother me with something like this. Besides, I strictly told you not to show yourself in my room!" He said as he turned his back. (Y/n) silently cried as her father turned away from her. She walked to her room and cried.

"Why does no one like me..."

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