Chapter 27

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All three of you decided to stop by a park and get drinks from a vending machine that you never got earlier. You went ahead to find a bench to sit at as Ran and Rindou decide what to get. You eventually found one and saw someone familiar as you got closer.

"Haru?" He turned his head to see who called his name. It was weird seeing him alone, he's always with Mucho. Haruchiyo sat up and walked to you.

"Hey (Y/n)."

"Hi." There was a bit of an awkward silence before you spoke up again. "Um. Haru, I know you deal with traitors, so why didn't you come after me?" You finally asked him. (A/N: I'm listening to Forever Kind of Way by Everly for this part. Highly recommend!)

He looked to the side and back to you.
"You didn't betray Toman. Besides, I wouldn't do that to you." Hearing him made your eyes widen a bit.

"What do you mean?" You asked. He hesitates a bit, but then leans down, pulls his mask down and gently presses his lips to yours. The kiss lasts several seconds before He pulls back and puts his mask back on. You're completely still, face completely flushed.

"That was our second kiss, just letting you know. I wonder if you remember our first." Haruchiyo smirks and holds your chin, lightly rubbing his thumb over your cheek and lips before pulling away and running off.

"Huh?" You regained your senses when you see him running away. Then a loud pop sound came from behind you, turning you see your brothers. One of the drinks Rindou was holding had been crushed in his hands. He had a neutral yet crazed expression, as if in deep thought on how to kill Haru. Ran had a smile on his face, though it wasn't a genuine, happy smile. A smile with evil intentions towards the boy who kissed you.

"Um..let's go home?" You said, trying to distract their thoughts of possible murder.

"Yes lets. We need to think up a plan." Ran said to Rindou.

"Nope nope nope! Just forget what you saw!"

"Why? Did you like it?" Rindou questions you. You halt in your steps.

Did you like the kiss? Yes, yes you did despite turning into a statue when it happened. Just thinking about it makes you blush again.

"A hooligan kissed our beloved sister and she likes it. What have we done wrong?!" Ran said with exaggeration.

You rolled your eyes, "Okay! Let's seriously go home! I want to go to sleep!" Remembering you were hurt they stopped and made their way back home. You turned to them again to see if they had any drinks and saw that the three drinks were all crushed.

You sigh. I guess I wasn't meant to have any hot drinks today.

~Short Chapter~

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