Chapter 30

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~Takado's Pov~

Ever since Christmas, (Y/n) has been even more on my mind, alongside her brothers. Their future in fact. I...I know she's not attending school, and knowing how Ran and Rindou are from what I seen, they aren't either.

"Hey Dr.Takado? Come back down to earth." I looked to see who had called me. The Prince of EICU gives me his princely smile. "What has you thinking this hard?"

I looked down and put on my usual annoyed face. "Tch. Nothing..." just as I was about to get back to some paperwork, Kasumi comes into our office.

"Dr.Takado." Kasumi calling me makes me somewhat afraid. He beckons me and I go to him. "Take a look at this." He shows me his phone with a video.

""What's this about?" I ask him. He just pushes the phone towards me. It's a train station and a bunch of delinquents are coming out. Why is he showing me this? Then I see it, I see her.
"?!" I gasp. "(Y-(Y/n)...?" There she is, running away from the group of delinquents.


My heartbeat is quickening. "There's been reports about gang members with that uniform description beating others unconscious, Almost killing them." Kasumi informs me. He looks at me worried. I take hold of my phone in my pocket, gripping it hard.

Why hasn't she called me...? Is she...

"Wait. (Y/n)? As in the girl who we spent Christmas eve with?!" Hosho asks.

The door burst open with Matsunaga with a panicked face. "Hey Takado, have you seen what video just surfaced?" He said with a slightly elevated composed voice. I nod at him. "Call her, there was a bunch of them. I'm worried about her." I grab my phone out of my pocket and call her.

~End of Takado's Pov~

A phone ringing could be heard by Smiley and the gang.

"Hmm?" Smiley digs around in my pocket.

"Um! Excuse you!" I yell at him once I sense one of his hands on my shorts pocket. He pulls out my phone and sees who's calling. "Hey!"

"Who's Munechika Takado?" I can't even attempt to grab the phone without possibly make him lose control.

"Someone I know! Now give it!" You wanted your phone. Takado was calling you, it could be important. "Hurry before it ends!"

"Brother, just give it to her." Angry backs me up.

" fun." Smiley hands me the phone and I quickly answer the call.

(Y/n): Hello?

Takado: (Y/n)! Thank God! Are you alright?

(Y/n): yeah I am, for the most part. Why? What happened?

Takado: There's a video of you fleeing from a group of delinquents! I called to make sure you were safe!

(Y/n): you were worried?


Your heart warmed up from hearing those words.

Takado: where are you now?! Actually, where are those Ran and Rindou guys?!

(Y/n): um... my bros went out earlier, I came out here to shop.

Takado: (Y/n), where are you?

(Y/n):um! I'm kinda headed towards the Gang's hideout...

There was a moment of silence...


You held your phone away from your ear from his sudden loud voice.

Takado: I swear you're gonna be the death of me at this rate.

He sighs, resigning since he can't really do anything else from his end.

Takado: Just...just don't get hurt from this..okay?

Your heart clenched, feeling guilty for worrying him.

(Y/n): I won't! I'm a good fighter!

Takado: I don't want to see you being rolled in here needing to be attended cuz you were badly hurt.

(Y/n): I promise i won't!

You giggled.

(Y/n): You sound like a dad. You're more of a dad than mine ever was!


Takado: Hey (Y/n)... do you by any chance..

He trailed off.

(Y/n): hmm?

Takado: nothing! Just be careful, alright?

(Y/n): Okay. Bye.

Takado: bye..

You end the call and hold onto your phone.

I wonder what he was going to say..

You suddenly felt the bike stop.

"We're here." Smiley states.

"So this is their hideout." Chifuyu says. You're all standing outside of a warehouse. Y'all walk in and gawk to see a bunch of Tenjiku members inside.

"Wow...that's more than I though. I don't mind beating this many." Smiley said while grinning.

"Let's leave if we get badly hurt."

Shit. that's a shit ton of them and just after I promised Takado I wouldn't get hurt.

"So is this their hideout or..."

"We've fallen into their trap." Smiley and Angry finished each other's sentence.

"So you've come." A guy with a scar across his face greets us.

~Back with Takado~

"So, is she OK?" Matsunaga asks me. Kasumi and Hosho also worried.

"She's..." I sigh. "She's heading towards their hideout."

"What?!" All three of them shout.

"There's nothing we can do to stop her. I just have to trust she'll be safe." I sit onto my chair. Then I remembered what I wanted to say to her but decided against it.

"So we just have to wait until she contacts you that she's safe?" Matsunaga questions.

"Kasumi. Matsunaga." They both turned to look at me. "How can I adopt as a single parent?" My question leaves them a bit dumbfounded.

"Wait, are you.." Hosho trails off.

"I want to adopt (Y/n)." They both look deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" Kasumi asks me, making sure I don't hesitate. I take a deep breath and harden my resolve.

"Yes. I want to legally be (Y/n) AND the Haitani brothers father."

Seeing no doubt in my eyes, Kasumi sighs.

"Alright, I'll help you look into it."

"Thank you!" I smiled with relief and gratitude.

"You'll have some troublemakers as your children." Matsunaga begins to laugh.

I know they'll be trouble, but I want to do this. I hope they feel the same.

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