Chapter 12

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It's been a few days since the festival and you felt that much more bonded with your brothers. Kind of embarrassing that you cried in front of them yet again, but that still brought you closer together. You were currently walking around by yourself when you heard some chatter from some delinquents. You hid by the wall as you eavesdrop.

"Did you hear there's going to be a showdown between Valhalla and Tokyo Manji Gang?" One of them said. Your eyes widen a bit, not expecting to hear about Toman.

"I heard to. It'll be on October 31st. Are you going?"

"Of course. I heard other gangs are going to. They're interested to see who would win." Feeling conflicted you walked away. Arriving to your hideout you see Ran and Rindou counting money they "earned". They hear you arrive and see your face.

"I guess you heard about the incoming fight." Ran said patting the spot next to him. You sat next to him and said,

"Yeah..hearing about them makes me feel...I don't know..weird?" You said unsure. "I heard someone say that other gangs are coming to see the fight."

"Yup and we're going to." Rindou said putting down the money. You turned to look at him.

"We are?!" You said shocked, not expecting them to show interest.

"Come on sis, you'll get to see them getting beat up. You should feel some feeling of happiness knowing that. Rindou was right. After what they did to you, seeing them get beat up would make you happy.

"Plus they'll get to see you thriving with us. See how better off you are." Ran said. What Rin said already convinced you to go, but Ran's piece definitely made you excited for the fight. Ran and Rindou saw you smiling and knew you were convinced.

"Damn now I'm hyped! I can't wait!" You said excitedly. The two chuckled seeing you excited. They stood up and Ran wrapped his arm around your shoulder making you walk along with him out the hideout. "Where are we going?"

"We gotta make sure we show you off to the others. We're no longer the Haitani brothers, with you by our side it's the Haitani Siblings." Ran said proudly.

"Ran and I decided to buy you some clothes since you've been using my old ones. They're going to assume you're our girl but we'll make sure everyone else knows you're our sister, our equal." Your eyes watered a bit hearing Rin say that. You were truly blessed to have them by your side. All three of you went clothes shopping for you. You were never fond of shopping for clothes but these two certainly made you think otherwise. They were picky with their choices, always looking towards you either shaking their heads yes and no if the clothes would look good on you. Maybe they should take some tips from Mitsuya. You immediately shook your head. Why the hell did I think of him!? Before you could answer yourself you see Ran holding an outfit in front of you. It's a black long sleeve somewhat crop top and a black flannel skirt. You weren't into girly clothes but that outfit looks nice. You grab it and head to the dressing room. You looked into the mirror and see yourself.

"Wow...I look very feminine." You said to yourself. "This outfit makes me look like a total badass!" You step out to show Ran and Rindou. They look at you and immediately approve of their choice.

 They look at you and immediately approve of their choice

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"We'll buy similar looking outfits then." Ran said going back to look for more clothes. You went back in to change back and you felt that much more confident of yourself.

"Nice looking clothes deserve nice shoes." You smile to yourself and head to where the shoes are located. As you approached you saw some boots, "boots work as well." You grabbed a pair or black boots that are almost knee high and try them on. Your surprised, you didn't expect them to be very comfortable but you still had to test them. You made some kicking moves, jumped, walked and run around.

"Are they good?" Rindou asked watching you.

"They are perfect."

"Great let's go pay for everything." He said heading to the register.

"I can buy these myself. You're both already paying for the clothes." You said not wanting them to spend so much money on you anymore than necessary.

"We want to buy them. We wanna spoil you with things when we can afford it. Just enjoy it. Okay?" Rin patted your head.


Finally it was October 31st and you three made your way to the location of the fight.

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