Chapter 8

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You took off your sarashi and felt some relief on your chest. You always have your bra on cuz you never leave the sarashi on for long but last night things took an unexpected turn. You put on a oversized black shirt and tied the extra fabric with a hairband and put on some beige shorts. You walked out with your long (h/c) flowing as you walk.

"Are you done, I'm starving." Rindou said as he walked up to you but stopped when he saw you. "Hey, you got boobs." He said surprised.

"Pfft!" Ran let out a laugh. You looked at Rindou with an annoyed face.

"If you must know I had a sarashi on. I took it off before changing." You said folding your arms. " Now let's go I'm hungry!"

You and Ran followed Rindou since he was choosing the location.


Ran looked at you and saw you holding your stomach and smiled. "Hey Rin, we almost there? Our wallet is about to collapse from hunger. " You gave Ran a glare when he called you thier wallet and he returned the glare with an innocent smile.

"Yeah its Here!" He said excitedly. You looked up and saw a slightly expensive ramen restaurant. Mouth wide open you saw that their special was a wagyu ramen.

"You know I'm not made out of money right?" You said that but still was willing to go there an eat.

"But your still walking towards the building so you have enough." Rindou gave a genuine smile, happy he's going to finally eat that ramen.

All three of you walked in and asked for a table for three. You were guided to your table and look through the menu but your stomach was set on their wagyu ramen special. As you all waited for your food you looked at the two boys. Then it finally clicked! You wanted to smack yourself for realizing way too late. Ran and Rindou Haitani!? Of course they ruled Roppongi. A mental slap will do for now. Ran looked at you and assumed you finally figured it out.

"Took you long enough, heh." He said with a smirked. You looked up at him and said,

"Can you blame me? I had a rough night."

"Okay okay..You're right." He turned to his brother who has not said a word since ordering and saw that he looked at the kitchen doors, waiting in anticipation when his own stomach growled. "Tch..damn traitor.." he mumbled, face red which made you giggle.

Soon the ramen arrived and all three of you had ordered the same thing. You cried on the inside thinking about the remaining amount of money you'll be left with but the ramen in front of you began to cloud your mind. You slurp on some of the ramen and a expression of happiness took you over. Ran and Rindou were the same although being hungry makes anything taste downright delicious.

"Gahh! Scratch that off my bucket list." Rindou said with a happy smile as he rubbed his stomach which made you form a smile on your face.

"You're welcome by the way." You said and Rindou glanced at you before saying with a huge grin,

"Yeah thanks!"

"Thanks." Ran also thanked you. All three of you got up and headed out the door.

"So where are we headed next" Rindou said looking towards Ran and (y/n). You went wide eye when he said that. You thought you would your separate ways and be done with that. Your silence made Rindou cock his head to the side and get near you. "Earth to (y/n)! Where are we going next."

"Uhh.. oh! Let's just go walk it off. It's good to walk after a good meal." You said randomly since you were unsure on where to go.

"Tch. That's lame..." Rindou said and Ran just smack him on the back of his head. With that all three of you began to just walk in any direction. You trailed behind them and shyly smiling to yourself. Soon it's nighttime and you end up back at their hideout.

"(Y/n), spend the night." Ran said as he made his way inside. You gaped at him not expecting that but followed him when Rindou patted your back to make you keep walking. Inside you see Ran and Rindou picking some stuff up when Ran says, "head to the back of the building, we'll make a bonfire." You did as he told you and saw some foldable chairs outside and fire pit. Soon the brothers brought out some wood, fuel and some blankets. You were watching Ran preparing the fire pit when your vision went dark by a blanket.

"In case the fire isn't warm enough." Rindou said before walking back towards his brother.

"Thank you..." you said lowly since Rindou had walked away already. They got the fire started and soon more warmth surrounded you. You had your eyes closed and were enjoying the cold night air while being surrounded by a fire when Ran tapped your shoulder. He held up your Toman uniform.

"Told you we said we would burn it." You looked at him and back to your uniform. You were hesitant to go through with it because although you had bad memories with the other members, you also had good ones with Mikey. You were about to tell Ran not to burn it when you suddenly remembered Mikey's words to not come back and you made up your mind.

"Do it.." Ran grinned and tossed your uniform into the fire. You sat there as all the years you spent in that gang burned away. "It's for the best..." you mumbled to yourself. Soon you all engaged into a conversation that went on for a while when you felt sleepy. Your head began to drop every now and then until you had to close your eyes. Before completely falling asleep you mumbled, "I wanna stay here..." unaware that the two brothers heard you.

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