Chapter 35

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*Takado's Pov*

(Y/n) is currently laying on a bed in the hospital. My head in my hands in relief. Hosho said that the only thing she suffered was a fractured skull and some pain from the impact, besides that she is fine.

"A miracle, huh..." I uttered lowly as I released a deep sigh. "Honestly (Y/n), you're gonna kill me one day." I get up to check up on Mikey and Draken.

"Takemitchy is trying to save everyone." I hear a female voice nearby. I continue walking since it's where Mikey should be. "I will die." I froze. "In 12 years, I will die." I peak my head from the corner to see Mikey, Draken and a girl.

What the hell is she talking about?

"To stop that from happening, Takemitchi came from the future."


"This whole talk might sound like a bunch of lies, but it's true. You can see his desperation. He knows the future for all of us. He wants to save all of us."

Honestly everything that girl has said sounds ridiculous. Time travel doesn't exist, but her words seem to have brought some life in Mikey. After several quiet moments, they talk about heading to the battle Takemichi went to. They all walk and stop when they notice me.

"Where are you three going?" I question them.

"You can't stop us, Doc." Draken responds back and he walks past me. I look down, I know I can't stop them, but still....


He turns back to me surprised.

"Where is this fight at?"

"Worry about yourself. This is our fight. Stay here with Emma and (Y/n)." He says and continues out the door, leaving Mikey and the girl behind. I turned to Mikey hoping he'll answer my question.

"Where?" I asked more sternly.

"The 7th pier at Yokohama Bay." That's all he says before exiting the hospital with the girl.

7th pier at Yokohama Bay. I got it. I run back up to the office and pick up my belongings.

As I grab my stuff, I hear the door to the office open. I turn around and see the rest of the EICU doctors. "You're all back? Does that mean...." I look to them hoping it's good news.

"Emma Sano survived." Kasumi informs me. A wave of relief hits me, before I can bask in more of that relief, Kasumi interrupts me. "She'll be paralyzed from the waist down most likely forever." I freeze. She's paralyzed. She'll have to get used to life without the use of her legs, but at least she's alive. Content with that I sigh.

"Is that all?"

Kasumi shakes his head. "She might have gone blind but we can't be sure until she wakes up."

I digest all the information before continuing to leave. "Where are you going?" Sentaro asks me. Stopping at the door I turn halfway,

"I gotta pick up my troublemaker sons." Then I sprint out of the hospital and catch a cab and make my way for Yokohama Bay.


I payed the cab driver and asked him to wait cuz I'll need him to drive us back. I make my way towards the pier and see a bunch of delinquents. I get closer and I hear talk about there being gunfire. I push my way through to see two figures on the ground, blood pooling around them. I rush towards them and check on the white hair boy.....

"Dr.Takado..."Mikey said my name as I ran past him. I check his pulse....nothing.

"He's gone..."

"Takado?!" Hearing my name, I raised my head towards the direction of the voice to see Ran and Rindou. They come stumbling towards me and I see that they were hurt. Before I can say anything, Mikey speaks up.

"Members of Toman and Tenjiku, listen up! Our dispute ends here. An ambulance and the cops will be here shortly! Get out of here before any of us gets into trouble! I'll be the only one who stays here!"

That kid sure does have charisma. Others are saying for Mikey to leave and instead they'll stay.

"Takado!" I bring back my attention to my two future sons. "Is it true?" Ran asks me.

"Was (Y/n) really hit by a bat?!" Rindou begs me. I nod at them. Their eyes go wide with worry and fear. "Someone told us about her, but then we were knocked out and we couldn't ask more about it."

"That's right! And Izana was in on it!" I turned back to see another boy looking at us. "Izana believed she would hold you back so when I went after Mikey's sister, I saw (Y/n) and decided to go for it. Killing two birds with one stone!" He begins to laugh evilly.

My blood boils hearing this bastard confess about what he did. "So he's Kisaki!" Each one of my words filled with venom. Just then that Kisaki bastard is picked up by another in a motorcycle and drives off. Takemichi and Draken go after them and leaves Mikey to look after the girl.

"(Y/n) is at the hospital, We have to go before the cops show up!" I tell them and they nod. "I have a cab waiting for us, we'll take that to head back to the hospital!" All three of us start running away until I stop. I turn back to Mikey and say, "Emma Sano survived." Mikey's eyes go wide along with the girl. "You can hear the rest of it when you finish with all of this!" I yell at him before sprinting off again.

I see the cab with Ran and Rindou inside waiting for me. I go inside and tell the driver to take us back. As he's about to drive off, a slam hits the car's window. "What the!" I see a long bleach blonde hair boy with a mask on the other side. He opens the door behind me and hops in.

"AH! This bastard!" I hear Rindou yell.

"Sir please drive!" I ask the the driver and he speeds off. After a few moments pass by and some distance from the pier, I decided to question the mysterious boy. "So, who are you?"

"Haruchiyo Sanzu." No more, no less.

"Okay Sanzu, why did you hop in with us?"

"I overheard you saying that you're going to the hospital where (Y/n) is at." My ears perk up at the mention of (Y/n).

"Oh? How do you know her?" Some protective instinct kicks in.

"I knew her since we were children. She's my first and current love." He says nonchalantly. My eyes twitch.

Did he says love? (Y/n)? My cute (Y/n)?! I use everything that I have to not turn around and attack him while we're inside the full car.

"And guess what?" Rindou said catching my attention. "This fucker kissed her after Christmas!"

Blood boiling at this point but I have to remind myself that I am not her father yet. She knew him for years so maybe she knows things about him that I don't know yet and might approve of.

"Let me ask you something." I hear Sanzu say.

"Ask away." I reply.

"Who are you to (Y/n)?" I smirk at his question.

"I'm about to be her father. I'm adopting her, including the other two in the back." Both Ran and Rindou smirk at him but he ignores their teasing smirks.

"Guess that'll make you my future father-in-law. Nice to meet you." He says as he bows lightly to me from his seat.

Father-in-law sounds weird to me, knowing (y/n) may one day marry this guy if she ever agrees. I sigh, breathe Munechika. You're almost there. Almost to (Y/n).

I'm coming (Y/n), and I'm bringing your brothers.....and your future boyfriend I guess.

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