Chapter 39

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A few more days went by and you were finally able to leave the hospital. You went to visit Emma to tell her the news. She was happy for you, you didnt have to feel bad for leaving her since Draken and Hina visit her often.

Takado, now legal father of you, Ran and Rindou gave you the news that you're all now his children. Tears of joy spilled as you heard the news, all four of you joined a group hug.

You had walked out of the hospital with your new family only to see a group of delinquents there, delinquents you recognize.

"Congratulations, (Y/n)! Ran and Rindou!" They cheered at you all.

"Eh what?" You looked towards your brothers.

"We might've bragged about being adopted to them as well as you being discharged." They held balloons, signs and gifts. The congratulations was for you and your brothers, but the gifts were for you for being discharged. You thank each of them and when you were done, they left to let you enjoy your time with your family.

You went out for dinner and went back to your new home.

"Wait, what about our stuff at our other place?" You asked them.

"We had our guys help us move some personal stuff over here." Rin began to explain. "Da-Takado had everything else we needed." Rindou blushed having been heard calling Takado dad.

"Aww don't be embarrassed Rin~" Ran took his opportunity to tease his brother.

"Yeah Rin, he's our dad after all." You joined in.

Takado went in between Ran and Rindou and rested his hands on their heads. "It's true I'm your dad now, but I'm not gonna force you to call me that. Say whatever you're comfortable with." He walks off leaving a blushing Ran and Rindou behind and goes to his dvd player and grabs a movie. "Now get comfy, the night isn't over. We're watching a movie."


You woke up the next morning to everyone else sleeping on the big couch. "Heh, we must've passed out at some point." You did a double take as you looked back once again to see your Dad sleeping sitting upwards. Ran's and Rindou's head sleeping on his lap with a pillow. "How cute~" you took out your phone and took a quick photo. You stretched and went off to find a bathroom.

After freshening up, you decided to cook breakfast. You looked through his refrigerator and see you have ingredients to make Eggs Benedict.

"Damn, smells good."

"Good morning Rin!" You half turned to see a sleepy Rindou walk into the kitchen. "I'm just about down, can you wake the others?"

"Yeah." He slowly walked back out as he yawned.

You all had breakfast together, and it was such an emotional moment for you. Everyone eating together and talking to one another, a peaceful morning. You almost wanted to cry, this is what you wanted in your previous home.

"You don't have work today?" Ran asked our dad.

"Nah, Kasumi gave me a few days off to spend time with you." Not used to having a parental figure, Ran quickly looks down and blushes slightly.

~Ring Ring Ring~

You picked up your phone and see Emma calling and you answered it.

(Y/n): Hey Emma, what's up?

Emma's phone: (Y/n), can you come to the hospital?

(Y/n): Draken?! Why did you pick up?

Emma's phone: Please, (Y/n)...

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