Chapter 4

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"Hey (y/n). I know my nose doesn't deceive me." Mikey says as he walks up to you. By now all the others have left leaving Mikey and (y/n) alone.

"aha, yeah. I knew you were going to smell it out." You sweat dropped taking out the bag from inside your uniform.

"Mmmmm yum. Gimmie" You handed him his share of the dorayaki and you both began to eat. "Stay strong out there (y/n)." He continues to eat.

"I'll do my best. You know I always do Mikey." You say before taking another bite. Although you aren't a great fighter like the others, you don't entirely suck either. But when you do get overwhelm when fighting, the other members don't step in to help. They let you get hurt by the other gang members. Of course you don't say anything to Mikey. How can you when he loves his gang. You both finish eating and just continue sitting enjoying the silence.

" did things go when you went back home?"

"Ummm...Our relationship is a work in progress. It might take some time to get used to each other." You can't tell Mikey about your situation. You hate lying to him, but you have been for years now. How can you tell him the truth and will he even believe you.

"That's understandable. Well" He gets up and turns to you. "Let's get you home. Tomorrows a big day." You get up and head to his bike. As he drives through the streets you can't help but think about the incoming injuries tomorrow. He suddenly stops making you wake up from your thoughts. "Here we are. Goodnight (Y/n)." and with that he drives off. Aoi saw you arrive from the window. You get to the door and it suddenly opens.

"Welcome back (Y/n). Why are you back so late?" She questions.

"The meeting ran late." You lied. She looks at you not believing you.

"Hey who was that boy who dropped you off?" She said that kinda loud. Catching the attention of your father and brothers.

"Oh? A boy dropped you off?" Your father asks.

"It was Mikey. You remember him right."

"Ah yes, that short boy who's brother died a few years back." He said very nonchalantly. It pisses you off how he said it. Shinichiro was definitely a brother figure to you. Him and Mikey were the only ones who were kind to you so his passing hurt you a lot. You kept your emotions in check and continue making your way to your storage bedroom. Hearing footsteps behind you, you stop.

"Hey (y/n), now that we're sisters. Can you introduce me to that Mikey guy? He's real cute." Aoi saying that just made something almost burst within you. You turn and,

"I'm sorry. He's gotta focus on his gang."

"Seriously? All I'm asking is for you to introduce us. What? Are you jealous he'll want to go out with me and leave you behind"

"No but like I said, he's busy and needs to focus on his dreams." You say before shutting the door in her face making her gasp. It felt kinda good but you know you're gonna regret it soon. A few moments pass by before you hear some fast approaching footsteps nearing your door. The door slams open and in come your two older brothers. Your oldest brother Sora approaches you and slaps you.

"How can you be so rude to Aoi when all she wants is to be introduced to Mikey?! -Sora

"She's just trying to keep him all to herself. You're probably suffocating him." Kai said making you go wide eye. You never thought about that. The stinging pain on your cheek makes you abandon your thoughts. "Dad said you're grounded until further notice and can't leave the house starting today."

"What?! But I have something important to do tomorrow! I have to be there!" You begged. They looked at you with uncaring faces.

"I don't give a shit. Oh! Also your phone is being confiscated." Kai reaches for your phone which you hold on for your dear life.

"No please! Just let me make one call right no-Ah!" You were kicked on your side by Kai. They walked out and you heard a click sound from the door. Of course the lock was on the outside. They locked you inside the room.

"What about school!" You said as you banged on the door which got you no response except a giggle from the other side. It was Aoi.

"Man...when i found out your only family didn't like you, I knew I could make my life easier by putting you down too." She continues to laugh more. "Thank you for being a loser dear sister." With that Aoi walked off. You can't believe it. How were you going to escape. You have a fight with another gang tomorrow and you can't even let Mikey know.        

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