Chapter 20

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~To those curious these doctors are from Love 365 the title is called Romance MD: Always on Call.~+Their names are on the image

It was finally the 24th and you were outside of the hospital with Dr.Takado present in hand. Ran and Rindou were behind you since they said they wanted to meet the Doctor you talked about before.

"Hey bro...doesn't this hospital seem familiar?" Rindou said as you all walked inside. Ran began to lightly sweat as you walked up to the receptionist.

"I'm not liking this feeling." Ran responded. You walked back up to them,

"She said we can go up to the office he works." They nodded and followed you. After a while you found the room, knocked and walked in and found other doctors inside. All of them stopping what they were doing to look at you three. "I was told I can come here to meet Dr.Takado." You said, trying to break the sudden silence. One called out,

"Hey Takado, the girl you mentioned is here." Then another door inside the office opened revealing Dr.Takado.

"Hey (Y/n), finally here?" He yawned as he made his way towards you. Before he got close, Ran and Rindou got in front of you, stopping Takado. "I'm going to assume you two are her brothers, Haitani Ran and Rindou. Am I correct?" He asked and they nod.

"Wait, Ran and Rindou?" One of the other doctors spoke up, grabbing the brothers attention.

"What? You know them Kyogoku?" Takado asked. Both Ran's and Rindou's eye went wide at the name Kyogoku. Dr.Kyogoku gives them his deadly smile.

"Remember about the two troublemakers brothers I mentioned a few years back?" What this Dr.Kyogoku said really intrigued you.

"Oh?! Now this I want to hear!" Your eyes sparkled.

"Actually we're all going back to my place. Kyogoku can tell you the rest of the story there." They all finished up and you all made your way to Takado's home. On the way there you tried to ask Ran and Rindou what Dr.Kyogoku meant but they refused and looked away making you even more curious.
You walked in and Takado told you to make yourself comfortable. You all ate and noticed your brothers keeping quiet and remembered you wanted to hear the doctor's story about them.

"Um Dr.Kyogoku, could you tell me the about them?" You bobbed your head to Ran and Rindou. They fixed their gaze on you, slightly horrified.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Sure!" He smiled at you. "They were children when I first met them. They were brought in by their mother who was angry and worried for them because they were beaten up." You looked back at them, mouth agape and they avoided eye contact. "Hehe, she told me they picked a fight to prove they are strong only to lose miserably."

"Pftt." Hold it! Don't laugh! You told yourself, doing your best to hold back your laughter. You can feel their hard stare at you, waiting for you to laugh. You can't imagine them losing, even at a young age. Dr.Kyogoku continued,

"Once they were healed, they would go right back and start another fight which ends them back at the hospital." He sighed just remembering the past. "Each time they came back they always cried. I assumed it's because they lost the fight and their bruises and broken bones hurt, but that wasn't it." You see the other doctors are laughing softly since they already know the story. "Those two..." he turns to look at them more clearly. " thought they disappointed each other by losing."


"Waaahh!" A blond kid cried out loud. "I couldn't prove I was strong for Rin!" Dr.Kyogoku hugged and comforted the crying boy.

"It will all be fine, I'm sure he's not disappointed by you." He had done this several times whenever these two brothers come in all beaten to hell. When he goes to check up on the younger brother in another room, it's the same thing.

"Wahh!! I'm sorry brother!" Rin sobbed loudly. "I'm weak! You hate me!" As he did with the older brother, Dr.Kyogoku comforted Rindou aswell. I need a plan to make them realize each other's feelings. Kyogoku asked Dr.Ekuni to help him by bribing him with instant ramen. He asked Ekuni to take Rindou to a room and hide behind a curtain and stay quiet as he enters with Ran.

"Now Ran, tell me everything that you feel when you lose." Ran eyes became teary instantly.

"I..I.." he cries out again. "I want to be strong for Rin! I want to be a strong big brother for him!" He cries into his hands. "Im sorry Rin!" He hiccups. "Im sorry for being weak and a bad brother!" Kyogoku sees Rin poking his head out, eyes teary. He gestures him to come out. Rindou immediately runs to Ran, hugging him.

"No I'm sorry brother!" Rindou cries as he hugs his older brother. "I thought you hated me for being weak!"

"I would never hate you, you dummy!" Ran returns the hug as they both cry.

~End of Flashback~

"And they continued to cry as they kept hugging each other and venting out their feelings." Kyogoku finished his story. You turned to them seeing both with their backs to you. You couldn't see their faces but you can see their ears. They were red.

"Can we go now." Rin asked in a low voice. You went up to them and hugged them both.

"Aww! My two big softies!" You can almost feel the heat of embarrassment radiating from them. After letting go you asked Kyogoku if they ever came back. He nods his head no.

"I never saw them again, not until today. They certainly left an impression though." He went back to eat after finishing his story of the Haitani brothers. After a while It began to get late and the other doctors began to leave, you walked to your brothers and saw they were both asleep, leaning into each other.

"Damn, wish I had a phone right now. I wanna take a picture of them." You said in a low voice not wanting to wake them up.

"I guess it's a good thing I got you this." Takado hands you a present. You open it to see a new phone. "Figured you didn't have one. It's already activated and I have my contact info saved." You looked at it in awe. You hold it close to your chest.

"Th- thank you. Thank you Dr.Takado!" You hug him. "Oh! Here's your gift." You hand him his present. He takes out the handkerchief and plushie. "I know it's nothing compared to the phone you got me, but I didn't know what else to get." You said blushing, twiddling your fingers nervously. You looked up to see his reaction.

"Haha! Even you know my obsession with the kids meal. I love it!" He gives you a bright smile. You smile back,


"Of course. You embroidered this didn't you?" You nodded. " You took time to make me something, how can I hate this." He hugged you. "Why don't all three of you stay the night, it's late already." When he said that you remembered about the photo you wanted to take of them while sleeping. You quickly open the camera and snap the shot.

"Yes, I'll make this my lockscreen wallpaper."

"I'll go bring some extra blankets and pillows." You nodded and layed Ran and Rindou on the carpeted, fluffy floor. Adjusting yourself in between them as you always do, you fell asleep. Without knowing, Takado couldn't help but take a picture of all three of you sleeping together.

"Goodnight you three, and merry Christmas."


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