Chapter 6

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"(Y/n)" You gulped from how Mikey said your name in a serious tone. "Do you have any proof of what you're saying." You should have seen this coming, but somewhere deep down you hoped Mikey would believe you.

"I don't" He walks closer to you.

"So you're accusing my gang of hating you. What's next? They hit you?" His voice becomes deep, there's no emotion in his words.

"Mi-Mikey...Please you have to believe me." At this point tears are spilling from your eyes. "I knew how much you love Toman. I couldn't tell you all these years." You sob.

"Years? So this isn't recent. So what, have you been putting on an act all these years?" Mikey was angry. He thought he knew (Y/n) but does he? "(Y/n). Leave now." You looked at him wide eyed.

"What..? Mikey..No please don-" Mikey turns his back to you.

"If you find it hard to be in Toman then leave. You're no longer part of us. So leave while I'm showing you mercy." Those are his final words before going back to his men. You can't help and stare at his retreating form in disbelief. So in the end Mikey chose Toman. You dry your tears and head for the bike you left and rode back to your house.

As you reached your house you went to unlock the door but found that the key didn't fit. "What the..." Just as you were about to knock on the door it opened. You looked up and see Your father. "Dad, thank goodness. Were the locks cha-" Your father put up his hand to make you stop talking.

"You are no longer welcome here." You looked at him, eyes wide once again. You're not sure if you heard him right.

"Wait. I think I just hallucinated right now. Can you say that again?" You looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"GET OUT NOW!" His voice rang loud and startling you into running away. You ran for a while. Still in pain from the fight and blood now dried. You have no idea where you are but you don't stop until you are breathing deeply.

"Damn, where the hell am I gonna sleep?" You always carry cash in your bra since you were never a purse user. Instead of spending somewhere to sleep it's better to buy bandages and food. You continue to walk until you see an alley and find a spot in dark shadows hoping it'll cover you from any questionable people. Laying down in a comfy position you go to sleep.

~Next Day~

You feel yourself being woken up by some pokes. "Hey...Hey" one of them says somewhat irritable.

"Hey princess, it's best if you wake up now." The other says in a more gentle yet teasing tone. Finally managing to open your eyes you see two boys around your age. One has his hair in two braids, the other is loosely slicked back. "Finally up." Now being completely awake you jump up which causes your untreated wounds to sting.

"Ah Fuck!" The one with slick back hair lightly laughs. " I in your way?

"Not really but we saw you and decided to mess with you. By the way I'm Rindou. That's my older brother Ran." The one he called Ran winked at you when you turned to him.

"'ve messed with me, can I leave? I need to treat my wounds." The older brother turned and said,

"Follow me." Just as you were about to say something Rindou pulled you up by your arm.

" FUCKING LET GO!" You shouted in pain. "Damn I was hurt there to." Some tears building up in your eyes from the pain. Rindou sure as hell didn't give a damn about your pain and went to follow his brother.

"You coming princess?"-Ran

"Yeah I'm coming." You followed the two brothers not knowing where you were headed.

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