Chapter 45

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*I'm slacking on the Spoiler Warnings*
Manga Spoiler Warning ⚠️

After recruiting Inupi, the 5 of you sat down in D&D motor shop and discussed on who else to recruit.

"Now all Thousand Winters needs an advisor and someone with taste." Takemichi explains.

"Agree!" You, Hakkai and Inupi respond back immediately.

"I get the advisor part, but what do you mean "someone with taste"?" Chifuyu says unaware of everyone's opinion on the uniform.

You were about to say your honest opinion again, but Takemichi covered your mouth with his hand, stopping you from saying the truth.

"Anyways! I got a good idea who we're looking for!"



Last thing you heard from Mitsuya was that he was deeply affected by Draken's death. You wanted to say something, but some small twisted side of you wanted to see how he was handling it in person, so you kept your mouth shut.

Hakkai guided the group to Mitsuya's apartment.

"This is it?"

"Yup!" Hakkai says before inhaling deeply. "TAKA-CHAN!!! COME OUT!!!"

"Whoa, that's loud." Takemichi says. You and the rest take your hands off your ears after the loud yell. A door opens up to reveal a little girl.


"Luna!" Hakkai calls out the girls name. "Where's Taka-chan?"

"He's in a pinch right now." She said nervously. "He's participating in Japan's fashion design award for rookie designers."

"I see.." -Michi

"It's in a week, so he's working hard right now." -Luna

"But didn't Taka-chan say he didn't like awards?" -Hakkai

"He did mention that before, but the thing with Draken happened, you know. Since then, my brother shut himself in and keeps designing. He rarely eats. Mana got scared too..." Luna finished explaining.

"Um Luna. Can I meet Mitsuya?"

You see Luna invite Takemichi inside. Hakkai walks back to the group as we wait for Takemichi.

You leaned against the building and just observed everyone. Hakkai staring at the door that belongs to Mitsuya's, Chifuyu pulling at his shirt to get a better view as his eyes sparkle with joy. You then eyed Inupi as he had a sad droopy look as he looked at the shirt all of you wore. His sad look causes you to let out a chuckle and his attention goes to you as he eyes you laughing at his misery.

"You're in no position to laugh." He says which doesn't stop you. "You're trying too hard for attention with how tight your shirt is. Desperate much?" Those words halts your laughter and you sent him a glare.

You? Desperate? Nah, bitch got me fucked up.

You stomped your way to him and pull him from his collar.

"The only reason I'm wearing this is because Chifuyu refuses to give me another shirt!"

Hearing his name, Chifuyu turns to the both of you. "Wow. What's going on here?"

"Chifuyu!! Give me a bigger size shirt!" You yelled at him as you still had Inupi's collar in your grip. He's attempting to pull your hand off while you have your attention on Chifuyu.

"Why?" He says as he poses his hands in a frame like position focusing on you. "You look hot as is."

"I know I'm hot!"

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