2022 Request Page

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Hey guys, so I'm so sorry to make a new request page but for those of you that requested appropriate requests I have them in a safe place and I'm working on them. I feel like my regulations on my old post were not inclusive enough so here's a new template.

Also, I refuse to write anything going on with the Russia and Ukraine situation going on in the world right now, I was getting tons of requests with Russia and I am very hesitant publishing anything to do with him right now because there are some scary people in this fandom that will make insensitive comments which will most likely end in me deleting the one shot and muting that person.

I will not write anything smut or anything suggestive with characters under the age of 18. Sorry I'm not comfortable with that. I will write high school AU if no smut is involved.

I will write smut but I am hesitant because all of my lemons got deleted so lmao.

Also be as specific as possible! Something with as much detail as to how you want it to be will be top priority, and a simple 'Prussia x Reader' won't be as exciting as you'd think it would be. So don't be shy! Give me all of your ideas, you can also feel free to message me if that makes you feel more comfortable :)

Anyways, leave some requests, fill out the template, I have been wanting to do Attack on Titan crossovers so if you're specific with your request I will do it:


Character type: 1p, 2p, Nyo,

Type: Fluff, Lemon, Angst

Alternate Universe: (College, Modern, Royal, Attack on Titan, Country Reader)

Pronouns of Reader: female/male/gender neutral reader

Type of Reader or Characters: Shy Reader, Punk Reader, Popular Character, Pirate, literally anything you can think of.

Anything else to make your request as special as possible: (Give me all the details, if not I'll do my best to make it as interesting and as fulfilling as possible)

Thanks for reading my new request page I hope y'all send in some more good stuff and ideas love you guys.

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