Pianist and the Rockstar (Austria x Punk Reader)

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There was this one guy named Roderich you had met in your town's music club, you thought he seemed rather interesting, so you decided to ask if it was alright if you went over to his house to learn more about his favorite music genres and tastes.

You would like to maybe play your tunes together, it would be fun and interesting to you to 'Jam out' with someone! You had only done it by yourself.

Well, today was the day that you were to visit his house, right now you were getting ready to visit him.

You put on a pair of ripped jeans and black boots, you straightened your hair (punk style) and put on eyeliner, and to top it all off, you put on a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and your black leather jacket.

Ah, this was a complete outfit, an outfit that was known to you as a fashionable work of art...

You were making your way to his house, you put your car equipment into the trunk and hopped into the car. One of your favorite bands started playing: Three Days Grace.

((A/N: I'm not too sure if you're familiar/like Three Days Grace but for me Three Days Grace is life okay?))

Aw, ye. That's what you were talking about. You started to do some extremely intense head banging going on as you began pulling out of the driveway, and driving on the road.

Before you knew it you had arrived at Roderich's house, you pulled into his driveway, and parked your car.

You walk up to his front door.

'Man... This place is really old-timey... No wonder they think he's such an old man.' You think.

You ring his doorbell and wait patently for an answer at the door. After a bit, he arrives at the door... He was very slow.

"Hello, (f/n). You can go and get your equipment now, I'm interested to see what you have to show me."

"Hey! And yeah... I'll go get my stuff from my trunk." You turn around and walk off the porch and back to your car. You pop your trunk with your keys and pull out your guitar equipment, it was slightly heavy.

You carefully roll your equipment along with your guitar. You proceed to his music room.


"(f/n), I'm very impressed with your such... Unique taste. What did you say the genre was again?" Roderich applauded you of your amazing guitar skill, yet you doubted whether or not if he was familiar with punk music.

"It's punk-rock. It kind of goes along with my look," you explain, pointing down at your punk outfit. "May I see you play your piano?" You asked, you knew he loved to play the piano. You felt your cheeks turn a small shade of pink.

He nodded and led you to his grand piano. Wow! It was so shiny, so clean, so grand... Roderich must've really taken care of it.

He sat down on the chair so he could begin to play, you stood, watching from a short distance away.

"You don't just have to stand there," Roderich looked at you. "You can play your guitar with me. We can do a duet."

With that, you walked over to your guitar, waiting until he was ready to start playing. He gave you a small nod as a signal that you could begin to play.

The beautiful sound of his piano and the string of your guitar sound... So interesting put together.

You continued this for awhile until the end of what you realize was a song duet was over. You felt a small tear roll down your cheek as you gently set down your guitar and he stood up from his piano.

Roderich walked over and wiped the tear from your cheek away. "The things music does," he looked down at you.

You brushed some of your (f/c) highlighted (h/l) hair. "I know, music really speaks to me... Regardless of its style."

Roderich smiled for a short moment. "The duet really seemed to speak to me, it made me realize something."

"What did it make you realize?"

"It made me realize well... That I love you." He said quietly, just so the two of you could hear.

You opened your mouth to say something, but words wouldn't come out, finally you were able to speak. "I... Love you too," you whisper, and embrace him.

Things music can do.


Hello reaader-chan! Well I would like to thank you all so much for reading and make sure to request more stories!

I'm finally back to the one-shot writing business! Yay!

Well, if you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment. That's all for now.

I love you guys.

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