This Could Work (Netherlands x Reader)

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Hello everyone, I have arisen from the dead once again... Anyway this was a requested story so I shall be getting to writing it now! (I think I said that last time, but oh well XD)

Oh, and I would just like to apologize about not knowing Netherland's and Belgium's official human names. I don't think they were officially assigned human names by Hima, so I went online and did some research for some of their POSSIBLE human names.


Today you were working in the village at a stand, you would sell vegetables that your parents would plant and harvest the crops. You didn't work everyday, but today was the day that you did, you were about to be finished with today's job.

"Ah... Just a few more minutes until I can go visit Emma." You sigh, wiping the little drops of sweat that heated down your forehead. To be totally honest you were exhausted because of the blazing summer heat, standing up all day, and of course, not really doing anything.

You gathered up all your belongings and then put a closing sign next to your stand to signal that you were closing up. You started to walk down the street and to Emma's house.

Once you had arrived you just opened the door and walked in, Emma was your best friend so did it matter if you barged in on each other? Of course not.

You lay down your stuff at the front door then walk into the kitchen, Emma was there cooking you a meal after a long day of work in the village.

"Hello, (f/n)! I'm glad you could make it! I've missed you so much!" Emma walked over to you and glomped you.

You gasped this tight embrace, it was squeezing all of the air out of you "I- need air... PLEASE." You pleaded, she quickly pulled away and gave you a guilty look.

"Oh I'm very sorry, (f/n)! Help yourself to dinner and sit down, you need to rest up." Emma said apologetically, leading you over to the counter where dinner was put on a plate.

"Waffles? I should've never guessed." You said sarcastically.

Emma chuckled, "It's your favorite of courses! Did you not waffles this time?" She asked as you sat down at the table.

You shake your head, "No, no. It's fine! Really, I just wasn't really that surprised that you would cook me that for dinner." You giggled.

"Oh I see!" Emma nodded, sitting next to you.

"So, do you have a special guy in your life yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows jokingly.

Your eyes widen at the question "What type of question is that?! I um- well, no. Not really." You admit, putting syrup on your waffles then taking a bite.

"Oh, I see! I know someone who you would look adorable with!"

"What? Why haven't I ever met him before? Why haven't you said anything before now?" You push your plate aside.

"I just happened to think of it now," Emma explained. "Anyway~ he's my brother, he's very handsome and strong, would you like to meet him?"

"Hell yeah, he seems pretty hot to me." You said without hesitation.

This made Emma laugh "Okay! You can just spend the night and we can visit him in the morning!" Emma stood up and pushed her chair in.

"Sounds good to me!"

~le timeskippy brought to you by Romano's tomatoes~

It was morning now, you were awakened by Emma shaking you until you almost fell out of bed.

"Morning..." You said groggily.

"Come on! Today's the day you get to meet my brother!" Emma drug you out of the bed. "You're really going to like him!"

"I can't wait, now let me get ready."

~Another le timeskippy because I'm lazy and stuff right now so yeah~

As you arrive at Emma's brother's house your mouth drops agape in awe at his driveway.

It was beautiful, from the pavement to the beautiful tulips of all colors in the beautiful green grass, the lawn was mowed neatly. All you had to say was his house was stunning.

As you got out of the car you skipped with Emma up the little pathway that led to his front door. Emma eagerly nocked on the door as the two of you waited for the door to open.

Shortly after you were greeted by a tall, young man. He had dirty blond hair that was spiked up, green eyes, he wore a blue and white long scarf with his uniform.

Like Emma said, he was handsome!

Bella smiled cheerfully as he invited the both of you inside.

"(F/N)! This is my big brother, Abel. Abel, this is my best friend, (f/n)~" Emma introduced the two of you to each other.

"Yo." Abel said.

You smiled, "Hello there! Your house is amazing, especially your tulips, they're so beautiful with all the different colors!" You complimented.

This made a blush rise across his face "Thank you... You can come visit to see them any time you would like."

~le timeskip because I'm lazy rn ughhhhh~

It was around dusk now and you needed to leave with Emma to go home now.

"Bye big brother, (f/n) and I really enjoyed visiting you!" Emma waved as you went to the front door, followed by Abel.

Abel walked over to you and kissed your cheek softly. "Please come back, I enjoy your company."

You smiled, blushing from the soft kiss he gave you on the cheek. "I will, I promise." You nod.

Both you and Emma wave goodbye as you walk out the front door.

The two of you walk to the car and stare at each other for a quick moment. The two of you suddenly just burst out laughing.

"Soooo~ what do you think of my brother (f/n)?" Emma managed as she tried to catch he breath.

You smirk, "I... I think this realistic ship could work out."



Hello lovely readers! I'm Sooo sorry I rushed this... It took like two weeks for me to come up with this :/ I'm really, REALLY sorry...

Well anyway, I'm going to try to start improving my fluffiness in these Oneshots, and the only way to do that is if you request more Oneshots!

So go ahead, request away. I'll make it better than this one, I promise.

Love you guys 💕💕

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