Tough Decisions (Popular!Spain x Shy!Reader x Popular!Romano Pt.1)

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I'm doing a lot of high school au's lately but I really like them so enjoy! (Btw read until the very end)


Today was your first day as a student at Hetalia High, you weren't the only one though; all of the other freshman's were as well. As for you though, you had moved there at the end of 8th grade, leaving all of your old friends behind and starting out fresh at this school. However, you did have one friend that you knew that went to the school; she was a cheerful, blonde girl named Emma.

Your mom dropped you off at the front of the school, a flight of stairs leading up to the main entrance of the building. Getting out of the car, standing on the side walk, your mom unrolled the car window in front of you. You gave your her an uneasy look, fidgeting with your spinner you pulled out of the pocket of your hoodie,

"Mom, I'm scared..."

She gave you a reassuring smile, "Just relax, you'll be fine. The first day is tough for everyone, but in a couple of weeks you'll be bringing new friends home!" Other kids in the school began to walk towards the building, so you decided to do the same.

Giving your mom a sudden wave goodbye, you started off to the the front door. You gulped, you hadn't felt this sort of anxiousness in what felt like forever.

Walking through the halls you silently made your way to your locker, watching the people pass by with their middle school friends or miserably carrying along, after all it was the first day after summer vacation and it being Monday... You sighed, none of them chose to pay any mind to you, so you decided to just place your new supplies into your locker and head to your first period class; Spanish 1.

Walking your way into the class, you were greeted by a friendly teacher, who welcomed you, taking a seat in the front of the room, that's how most of the new kids would do if they didn't want to be in the back with the rowdy kids. In your middle school, you decided to take band (meaning you couldn't participate in any other elective of choice), but this year, you decided to pick something new since the band curriculum was much more different at this school than the previous one you went to.

You saw all of these preppy girls walking in, wearing skimpy outfits, and loads of makeup, sitting in the further back just so they could gossip to each other and not even acknowledge anything else that was going on in the class. You chose not to feed into their trap, even though they were staring directly towards you, exchanging a few whispers.

'Gosh if I ever end up like them...' you thought to yourself, breaking from your thought, you were interrupted by a short, brunette that had a large, extended curl sticking out with an olive toned complexion take a plop down in the seat next to you. Soon after, another male, with brown, curly hair and green eyes sat in the last remaining seat next to you, causing you to sit between the two of them.

The girls sitting around the room began to squeal, in your head you couldn't help but think they were handsome. The two boys smiled and occasionally make a flirtatious comment at one of them, but soon, their attention focused on each other after getting settled.

"Stupid bastard, why are you here in the Spanish 1 class?" The shorter one grumbled, his curl moving as he glared at the other one.

"Oh Lovino, I didn't take Spanish in middle school because taking a language is required here, I thought it would be a fácil grade," He replied with a grin.

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