Seborga The Seborgy (Seborga x Reader)

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A young, Italian adjusted the tube around himself, just slightly over his swim trunks as his pink inner tube rubbed against his stomach tightly. "Now, I think (f/n) will find this very attractive, just like her. What do you think fratelli?"

Two pairs of eyes fixed upon the younger Italian. Feliciano, one of his older brothers perked up and gave him a wink. "Wow you're looking good, Sebastian! Si, I think she'll love it."

They both turned to Lovino, who was gawking at how ridiculous the green eyed teen looked with the tube basically squeezing the shit out of him. "Why would a signora like something as ridiculous as that?" Sebastian hadn't seen his two brothers in a couple years, but nothing has really changed as far as they acted. He predicted a response like that from him, but it didn't seem to bother him that badly.

"Because it's my inner tube!" Sebastian exclaimed, running out of the locker room and to the outdoor community pool that he had reserved. Today was the day of his big pool party to celebrate summer vacation, all of his friends were invited. That included you, who he had a crush on, and you were one of his friends closest to his age.

Meanwhile, you were sitting on a beach towel while you saw Wendy floating around on a smiling poop float, while Peter was racing his younger friends up and down the pool. You saw your Italian friend approach you, grabbing you by the hand and taking you to the water. "(F/n)! This is my pool party, a pretty girl like you should be swimming with me!"

Your cheeks heated slightly, feeling the warm touch of his hand provoking you to that butterfly feeling in your belly, he was always so flirty, the feeling intensified only after his lips met your cheek. "Well get in with me then Sebby!" You giggle, jumping in, pulling him in with you while he joined along. As you were under water, he instantly floated above the water due to the inner tube holding him up.

As you resurfaced, you gave him a look of disappointment, you extended your lower lip, puffing out your cheeks. "Sebastian! You let me go under water all by myself, I want your float now!"

You received a glance from the young blonde Peter. Hearing your words, his eyes lit up. "Floaty?! I want the floaty. I could use it if my members of my ship fall from the ship and I need to save them!"

"What members?" Wendy teased glaring at him with a fake annoyance.

Sebastian giggled, treading over to the side of the pool struggling out, standing on the pavement. He lightly jogged to the black fence that crossed around the pool so strangers couldn't get in if they wanted to after hours. He slipped the tube beneath his body and stepped over it with his legs. Holding it with one hand, he tossed it over with the fence, watching it roll down the little hill, grinning at you and the children that were arguing over it.

"If you wanna float then go get the float!" He laughed as he watched you and the little kids race over to the exit door that lead to the outside of the fence. Feliciano joined in as well, but Lovino decided not to, and just tan sleepily by the side of the pool in one of the chairs instead.

You were of course the fastest considering the others were either slow or had smaller legs than you. All of you searched around carefully, but it was nowhere to be seen. You searched down the hill, around the hill, and on top of it, but it was now located in the woods.

Peter began to pass you, speeding up you yelled at him, "Move bitch!" You entered the woods and then saw a reddish donut shaped item wrapped around a tree branch.

You hurried down the dirt covered trail to where you spotted the tree before the others, a frown etching your face as you reached for the inflatable. There was a hole punctured in it (you thought most likely from the tree branch). You shook your head, making your way back up the hill where Sebastian was. Opening the gate, you trotted over where he was sitting by the poolside, followed by the others entering through the gate.

"Sebastian, look what happened to your float, it got stuck in a tree." You handed him the float, worried he would be upset about the damage.

"The floats just like me! I must've thrown it too far, but I have an idea to fix it," He stood up, no signs of worry seemed to occur in his facial expression.

"But isn't it destroyed now? There's a hole in it," You asked with confusion, following him to the shed next to one of the pool chairs, watching him open it.

"No, silly. The hole you see is where the air goes in, it opens up all the time and I have to fix it." He answered, retrieving an air pump from the shed, placing the hole against the tube, pumping air into it until it refilled.

Your eyes watched the float as it filled up with air, then gazing back at the lime-eyed Italian who was now finished with the task, watching him smile. "So can I have your floatie now? You said whoever could find it first, could use it!" You giggled, dodging for it before he pulled it away from you.

He smirked, striding to the door of the shed before shutting it, his red hair shining as it reflected against the window above you both. "Of course, I planned a pretty lady like you to get it! But first I think I should give you another surprise as well~" He emerged closer, his arms extending wide against yours. You returned the hug, and the surprises he had to offer only escalated from there...

Sorry for the late update, I don't think I updated any last week, and this update is pretty darn short (My friend helped me come up with the name of this XD). Anyways, I have my final exam Wednesday and after that's summer vacation so I'll be able to update more yay! After, doing a lot of research on Seborga's human name, most of the threads stated it was Sebastian even though his name hasn't been confirmed, I decided to use the most popular (I thought of Black Butler the whole time of writing this lol). That's all for now love y'all! Happy national Gerita day!!

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