Points (America x Reader x Canada)

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Okay I should legitimately stop with these Author's Notes at the beginning of the story because I only have things to say by the end of the one shot but whatever.

*le face palm*

Okie I'll just start now


DaHero has started a Chat with MaplePancakes

DaHero: Hey dude! I heard that you were seeing (f/n) tonight

MaplePancakes: Yeah.

DaHero: Why didn't you invite me dude?! .-.

MaplePancakes: I didn't know that you wanted to join us...

DaHero: DUH dude, you know how much I love (f/n)!

MaplePancakes: Same.

MaplePancakes: Okay, I guess you can join us at the fair tonight.


MaplePancakes: Sorry... you didn't ask her out before I did. That's a point for me.

DaHero: She likes me more than she does you!

MaplePancakes: ...how about we just make up a point game?

DaHero: A point game? What do you mean dude?

Maple: Well, whoever gets the most points by the end of the night gets to date (f/n).

DaHero: Good idea! You know that I'm going to win it though! The hero always wins!

MaplePancakes: ................

MaplePancakes: Alfred just meet me at the fair tonight with, (f/n). You're okay with that aren't you, eh?

DaHero: .______. Fine.

DaHero: But she's gonna spend more time with me than you.

MaplePancakes has left the chat.

Chat ended.


You were getting ready to meet one of your closest friends, Matthew, at the fair. To be totally honest, he was also your crush... You always blushed at the thought of him, even when someone just mentioned his name. It was obvious to everyone that you had a crush on him.

What was also obvious is that you had a crush on his brother, Alfred, as well...

Whenever the two of them were together was when you were a blushing mess though, you didn't understand why though. Maybe it was the effects of having a crush on the both of them? Who knows.

You shrugged it off, looking at yourself in the mirror. You wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a random t-shirt, and for the shoes (of course) a pair of (f/c) converse.

'I hope this is okay... After all, it's just a fair.' You thought to yourself as you exited the bathroom.

You grabbed your wallet and phone, quickly shoving both of them into the two separate back pockets of your jeans.

The fair was close enough to your house, so you didn't have to drive. "Ah, I believe I have everything." You tell yourself, as you walk to the front door.

Time skip

Once you arrive at the fair, it was dusk. The flashy lights of the rides and games were more noticeable by now.

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