Chapter 51.

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Chinmayi's POV: 

The wedding arrangements sought out in full swing. There were three marriages happening at once and therefore, everyday felt like a festival! Happiness touched all our souls once again. There was contentment and peace that bestowed in the house. The feeling of home befriended us. It basically felt native and there is definitely no better feeling to it all. Akhila got into her Masters in one of the most reputed colleges while Anirudh started working for an MNC. 

With Deepak being super supportive of my career, I also bagged a great job with a bombastic salary offer. Charan also supported the family business along with our Vivek Bhai. Megha was now in her home, recoinciling with her parents. Eeshwar ji had a very big heart. He wanted to support Veera's career and therefore found a job in Germany as a Surgical Resident. There was legit goodness everywhere. 

But since Veera had to leave in two months, the preparations for the wedding ramped up. In a week, I was getting married to Deepak, Charan to Megha and Veera to Eeshwar ji. It all sounded like a fairytale, but it was the truth. It was planned that we'd all twin, where the girls would flaunt in a maroon and golden wedding ghaghra gown, with golden jhumkas and jewelry to compliment the looks. The guys would typically wear a heavy threaded golden and cream sherwani with a matching maroon pant. It felt cliche', but isn't it all a cliche' for a reason? 

With Charan and Deepak getting along, it felt easier to have common meetups. Anirudh and Akhila ensured that everyone at home normalised us hanging out together and as for Bhai and Bhabhi, they took the major chunk of wedding preparations onto themselves. 

A dreamy me sat in the corner of my bed as I heard a knock on the door. It was Bhabhi. 

"Chinnu, is it a good time?" 

"Yes Bhabhi, what's up?"

Bhabhi carefully closed the door behind her and found herself a spot on my bed to sit. 

She skeptically looked at my face then gracefully smiled at me. Reaching out to my hand, she said, "Chinnu, our parents come from an era where 'girl-talk' is not common. Also, since Veera and Megha are getting married along with you, I felt its important for me to talk to you about umm-" 

I knew where Bhabhi was getting at and I blushed overwhelmingly!

Bhabhi chuckled at my innocence and laughed. 

"Oh Chinnu, it's a part of marital life, you need to embrace it." 

I put my head down and stared at the floor to reveal what the right response would be. 

However, Bhabhi had come prepared. She asked me a few questions and all I had to do was to answer her truthfully. 

"You are aware of the need for a physical relationship, right Chinnu?"

"Yes Bhabhi-", I nodded slowly. 

"Chinnu, a physical relationship alone is not enough for a strong and loving marriage. But it is also required to complete the entirety of marriage. It makes the husband and wife understand eachother better. Whatever are your inhibitions and thoughts, discuss with Deepak. Trust me, men have much better understanding of all these things and therefore will know how to make you feel comfortable." 

I nodded once again, in acceptance. 

"Have you both spoken about these things?"

I blushed deeply, so deep that I could feel my cheeks heaten up. 

The truth is, we did. Deepak was kind enough to give me enough time and space to comprehend it. That day, he also pulled me close to give me the deepest kiss, eliminating even the tiniest inch of space between us. 

"So, I take it as a yes, right Chinnu?", Bhabhi teased, bringing me back to reality. 

I smiled. 

"You do like him, don't you, Chinnu?" 

"Yes Bhabhi, I do. Infact I love him Bhabhi. He is the one for me, I can tell that for sure." 

Bhabhi teared up through my words. 

"I am so happy for you, my baby.Always remember, your Bhai and Bhabhi are always there to support you. Infact, our whole family is by your side, okay?" 

"I know, Bhabhi. Thank you so much for coming over and making me understand these things." 

"Oh, no-no! Don't worry about it." 

There was a loud sound followed by all my cousins, Eeshwar ji, Deepak and Megha just bombarding into my room. 

"Oh my god, here you both are-", gasped Anirudh. 

"Ha yes, what happened?" 

"Eeshwar, Deepak and Charan have a news to tell us, but they were just looking for you-" , said Veera. 

"Yes Chinnu, they are not telling only-", said Megha, sharply glancing at Chran. 

"Okay okay, calm down all of you-", said a gleaming Charan. 

Eeshwar ji then took over. 

"As all of you know, Veera and me are shifting to Germany, in two months. "

A thin flair of pain struck us all. Eeshwar ji continued anyway. 

"Well, Deepak, Charan and I gave it a thought and felt that we should have our honeymoons in Europe. So yes, the big news is we'd be having a Europe travel for our honeymoons and we'd culminate our trip in Germany. While Deepak, Chinnu, Megha and Charan would return back to India, Veera and me would kickstart our lives in Germany. This transcition would be easier for us as well as on you guys. What do you say?" 

Ecstasy filled us all and before we could react, Bhabhi suddenly slipped and almost fainted. Veera and me immediately held her. 

Eeshwar ji rushed and checked her pulse. He ordered Deepak to bring his medical kit from the car. Panic struck us all as Akhila ran to bring Shakthi Badi Ma. A worried Bhai did not leave Bhabhi's side. As soon as Eeshwar ji checked her pulse, he looked at Bhai and Bhabhi and smiled. Shakthi Badi Ma understood the reaction, but the rest of us stood clueless. 

"Congratulations, you're all going to become aunts and uncles! However, to confirm, I'd like to take her to the hospital. My mother will run a thorough check up- I hope that's okay Ma ji?"

"Oh Beta, thank you so much for giving this great news- Of course, let me first inform all of the family members-", said Badi Ma. 

More joy filled our hearts! Happiness happiness everywhere. 


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