Chapter 17-Edited

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Charan's POV:

Was today an example of how life would be, like an array of joy and sorrow with events springing up like a sinusoidal wave? Being an MBA student still doesn't answer all the questions.

My heart ached, thinking about both Chinmayi and then, my heart, gracefully contained the pain and yet skipped a beat as my thought slipped to think about the most beautiful woman, the damsel of my life, my better half, my soulmate, the love of my life, my sister's best friend, Megha.

Even when her eyes silently spoke sad words of the unpredictable moments that occurred today, she still looked beautiful. Even though her heart didn't want me to converse with Ma, questioning the decision made by elders, she just understood and artistically in actions tried to support me. She definitely would make a great daughter-in-law to this house. 

But what about the daughter? What about my dearest sister? What about Chinmayi? How did it all get decided with just a blink? And nobody noticed it? Seriously? Aren't we a big family that has varied opinions? 

All of us had resumed to our rooms. The Sharma Mansion was dressed in dim lights as moonlight itself reflected on the window panes. I saw Chinmayi talking to Megha sometime back, after the Shastri's and Joshi's left.

Usually, there would have been a huge conversation, with 3 big things happening in the house, but, definitely, arranging for a function and experiencing a day, well you know how it went, everybody was exhausted. Conversation with Ma was not just disheartening, but something that I couldn't believe or you can rightfully say, I did not want to believe that she reacted that way. 

"Beta, The Joshi's are really good people. Our Veera is also going to their house na. Who can take care of Chinmayi as well as Veera? And, for the girl's family, she will always be young and will be treated like a child. But with every passing day, she is also getting old na-"

"But Ma, Chinnu is just 22-"

"So is Megha, Charan. Do not forget."

Her comeback was something that shut my mouth. 

I really tried not to arguing with Ma. But, sadly it only worsened. 

"But Ma, Megha and I, we know each other from our childhood. She practically lived here Ma. Didn't you always treat her like your own child? And, we like each other Ma, so, it is totally different. Deepak might me a good guy Ma, but we really do not know anything about him-"

"Charan, I thought I brought you up well. I really thought you would give me the key to choose a bride for you. But what did you do? Follow your brother's path. Vivek married Veera's bestfriend and you, Chinmayi's. And inspite of me agreeing to whatever you do, when a good proposal comes for my daughter, you are trying to spoil it. I always knew that he was the brain behind your life. Love marriage Charan, seriously?

And, look who is talking about my daughter, who is silently accepting everything. Even Veera would have come out like you and your great brother, but before that itself, thank goodness, they only asked. That good the Joshi's are. You think I am blind Charan? Well no, not really! We have been here in the room for a long time. My children's both the in-laws are there. So let us not create a scene by not being a part of the discussion. Just leave from here Charan-"

The words were like an apparent glass piece  tearing my heart into pieces, like a carnivore tearing a raw meat piece. Why is Ma, the woman whom I had as my role model turn out to be like this? I always thought she liked Megha. I know she did. I have seen her feeding Megha with her own hands when she was little while serving food to all of us.

Is it because we loved each other? What was that comment on Bhai and Veera? Why was everything changing just because of the the factor of love? Isn't it the most beautiful thing? And, we worship Krishna and Radha, aren't they the epitome of love? My heart was heavy inspite of the cuts of pain and when I saw my darling cousins hugging one another, I ran towards them. 

A knock on the door brought me back to my present. When I moved to open the door, I realized that I hadn't changed my clothes yet and my eyes were teary. Wiping them off, I opened the door to see her. 

Megha's eyes were teary, red and swollen. As she closed the door behind me, and as a reflex, she quickly hugged me. 

It felt perfect, even in the saddest moments, it just did. Her long silky hair cloaked her back as she cried silently on my chest. I could feel the silk of my dress drenching in her emotion filled tears. I didn't feel like asking her anything. It just felt right to simply hug her encapsulated in the loudest silence possible. She softly lifted her face to meet mine.

"Charan, that shouldn't have happened to Chinnu. You know and you also feel it is wrong na, please please tell me."

I teared up a little and controlled not to break down, because, even if I did, then who will take care of my girls?

"Ushhh, Megha, crying won't solve our problems. We need to try to think logically and solve it. Please let the night pass. Tomorrow is a new day, with new hope and possibilities. I know it is hard to digest. But please Megha, sambhaalo apne aapko..."

She just stood there intertwined with me. She stayed back, not for me but for her friend. Something must have happened.

I checked my watch. It was 11.58pm. Now whatever it is, it should simply stop. It is just background now.

I heard a knock and this time I knew who were waiting outside.

I slowly released from my magical hug. I made Megha sit on my bed.

I checked the watch.



Tik. Tik. Tik.


I opened the doorknob.

All the new gen Sharma's rushed to fit into my room.

Bam. 12am.

They screamed,

"Haaaaaaaaaaapppppppyyyyy Biiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrttttthhhhdayyyy Meeeeegggghhhhaaaa"


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