Just plane crazy

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The day started out normally at Zeta Point with Dr.Z playing his bone game.

Dr Z: Shake-a-bone, shake-a-bone, shake-a-bone, stew! Ride your own dinosaur two by two! Reveal!

The bones slid across the map before one, either a tooth or claw bone, pointed at Japan.

The bones slid across the map before one, either a tooth or claw bone, pointed at Japan

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Dr Z: Look at that. The bones have shown right where the next dinosaur will appear.

His minions were watching from the couch with disinterest.

Dr Z: On your feet, you lazy slugs! Get moving, and don't come back without it

Trio: On our way!

The trio sprang to their feet and saluted before the floor opened up beneath them, leading to their transportation for the week, a large pink rocket.

Trio: Aaah!

The trio screamed before they landed right in the rocket seats very hardly.

Ursula: Owww! Ugh, by now you'd think we'd learn to not stand up in front of that couch

The rocket activated and blasted off towards when the bones pointed.

Trio: Yaaah!

The trio screamed again as they were pushed to the back of the cockpit thanks to gravity.

Ursula: Maybe someone could suggest that we have a few seatbelts put into this thing?

Ursula climbed into her seat once the force from the blast off died down.

Zander: The worst of it is that if it weren't for a bunch of old bones, we wouldn't even be out here!

Zander and Ed climbed into their seats.

Ursula: I didn't even have time to record the new episode of Game of Thrones.

Ed: For a man of science, Dr.Z sure does believe in a lot of superstitions. But for some reason, those bones seem to work.

Ursula: It all sounds like bunk to me. But supposedly those old bones can detect vibrations from the other dinosaurs emotions.

Ed: Like if they were mad at someone?

Zander: Or if someone were to have mistreated them?

The duo cowered in fear before they heard a loud roar. Turning around they saw a giant dinosaur skull surrounded by blue flames.


The duo screamed while Ursula bonked them on the heads and rolled up the picture.

Ursula: Grow some balls, will you? How can a bunch of bones detect emotions that are nonexistent?

She laid back on her seat. When she did so, the heel of her shoe accidentally broke off one of the levers up front.

Trio: Huh?

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