The start of a new journey

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We open in the happy hotel, where we see Charlie's silhouette as she gets a new outfit for herself

Voice: let's see, maybe this. And maybe this. Maybe some hair buns wouldn't hurt

We see her shadow as we see her new outfit

Voice: there. All ready for the big departure

We see her exit the hotel and leap onto a teleporter outside with two reptilian eyes staring at her

We then see Charlie with her new look

As she makes new way through the street of her new kingdom of people and dinosaurs living together

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As she makes new way through the street of her new kingdom of people and dinosaurs living together

Ever since the battle 7 months ago, people and dinosaurs have started coexisting together as equals. A majority of dinosaurs started getting jobs like people as well. Even some of the gang have started having changes to their lives. Stolas and blitzo have officially started dating as well as fitch and Ursula, Baxter was back in touch with Marie, and moxxie and Millie any day now are going to be parents! Boy were their folks exited to hear the news that they were gonna have a baby any day now. She then sees the back lander as it is getting repaired by the space pirates and Jonathan with some help from Helga

Charlie smiles as she sees that things were going good for her as she prepares for her departure it complete her uncles mission to save all dinosaurs from extinction
In another part of town, Chomp and Terry were looking at a new game being shown on a TV inside a store.

Terry: So that's the new game everyone's going crazy over.

Chomp: They say millions have died just to get their hands on a copy.

Terry: Jesus. Must be really good if people go that far to get a copy.

Chomp: Yeah. You wanna buy it?

Terry: Heck yeah! But there's a problem with that.

Chomp: What's the problem?

Terry: We don't have money.

Chomp: Well, have you considered getting a job?

Terry: Oh, yeah. Let me get right on that. I'm sure there are many places looking to hiring a Tyrannosaurus.

Chomp: Have you looked?

Terry: Why should I? Who would hire a dinosaur?

Chomp: Maybe you should look for jobs that aren't looking for dinosaurs, but instead other qualities of yours. That's how some of the others found their jobs.

As Terry looked down in thought, Charlie walk passed them toward the back lander

Terry: What was that all about?

Chomp: I'm pretty sure that was the Queen

Both of them knew immediately what this meant.

Terry: Looks like it's time for the departure
We see the town and the Hazbin squad dinosaurs as they gather to see Charlie make her speech

Hazbin hotel: dinosaur kingWhere stories live. Discover now