Dinosaurs of the carrabian

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The waves crashed against the shore of a Caribbean island. Buried deep with a cliffside was another capsule. As the waves crashed against the rocky terrain, the cliff slowly began to erode away until there was nothing left to hide the capsule.

One more wave was enough to cause the ledge holding the capsule the give, causing the capsule to fall into the ocean, hitting a rock that made it open up before landing in the water.

Thankfully for the dinosaur inside, it was a Water Element. So once it was in the water, the card, along with two Move Cards, glowed blue and summoned the dinosaur.

The dinosaur was another sauropod. It was a mixture of dark blue and tan all over. It had a large tan splotches where its shoulders were, top of the head, parts of the neck, and lower portion of the front legs. While there were large blue splotches on most of the hind legs, the eyes, tail, rest of the neck, and the under belly. This dinosaur was a Jobaria.

Since the card activated underwater, the sauropod quickly swam up to the surface with all his might before he drowned in order to breathe

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Since the card activated underwater, the sauropod quickly swam up to the surface with all his might before he drowned in order to breathe. His head emerged from the water as he took in a deep breath. As the Jobaria looked around at his new surroundings and debated what to do next, several creatures starting leaping out of the water around him. Some of them were dolphins. While the others were similar looking creatures, but entirely different

(Intro theme)

It was a typical day for the Hazbin squad. Thankfully there were a few patrons in the happy hotel as the alpha gang did their best to accommodate them with the rooms they like best. One of their patrons was a hellhound named crymini

 One of their patrons was a hellhound named crymini

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And boy was she a hard one to please. As a teenager she was really difficult to make happy, asking for bigger space, a window with a view, a more comfy bed, that kinda stuff

Ed: man. Who've thought teenagers were hard work

Ursula: you forget. I'm a teenager

Ed: oh. Right

Ursula groans
With the main Hazbin squad Charlie was able to contact the space pirates to see the progress in the nesting grounds and so far they were able to integrate a few early Jurassic and early Cretaceous age species like dilophosaurus and eineosaurus into the nesting grounds as they found their accommodations tolerable for the moment before the voyage. And so far the marine reptiles and pterosaurs were coming along well as their English lessons were going well as some of the marine reptiles like the popular ichthyosaurus and pliosaurus were able to speak plain English and have been able to learn how to speak French and Spanish on their own.

Hazbin hotel: dinosaur kingWhere stories live. Discover now