Family air-fairs

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In a prison in Africa, a lone man sat alone in his cell. A poacher stripped of everything. All his weapons confiscated. His organization collapsed. His reputation as the most terrible poacher the world as ever known completely destroyed. And all because of three kids and their dinosaur friends.

Ungaro: Grrr. Those walking fossils ruined my life. I don't care how long it takes. When I get out of here, I'm going to hunt down every last one of those dinosaurs, kill them all, and mount their heads as trophies in my bedroom!

Then, in a sudden twist of fate, the wall behind him exploded. The blast knocked the poacher off his seat to the floor. Grunting while adjusting himself, he saw an imp with a cowboy getup in the whole created by the blast holding a stick of TNT and a blessing topped rifle

 Grunting while adjusting himself, he saw an imp with a cowboy getup in the whole created by the blast holding a stick of TNT and a blessing topped rifle

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Striker: ungaro, I presume

Ungaro: who wants to know?

Striker: the imp who is generous enough to bust you out of this joint

The poacher looked slightly confused.

Ungaro: Why're you breaking me out?

Striker; I'll cut to the chase

He aims his rifle and shoots at his cuffs blasting them off

Striker: my boss was impressed with your work when ya went after that Torosaurus and caught half Kenya's population. He wants to employ you. I bust you guys out of here, and you help us win our little war in return. Deal?

Ungaro grabbed the gun and looked at striker

Ungaro: Let me see your boss first

(Intro theme)

While that was going on, Seth was finishing up his latest hybrid dinosaur. The indoraptor. A bit modified from the scorpios and way more obedient. Trained to respond to his own targeting system isolating and tracking prey in complex environments like jungles and savannahs. Finally he finishes up and shows it off to the other clone dinosaur

 Finally he finishes up and shows it off to the other clone dinosaur

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Pyro: incredible

Professor: it is rather unique. And it's half raptor so I can see the resemblance in the design

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