The council of kings

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Seikatsu: hello Hazbin squad

No one said anything. The sound of breathing amongst the large crowd was almost impossible to hear. One second, two seconds, three seconds passed before anyone did anything. When some action was finally taken, the dinosaurs all bowed like when Charlie first became Queen. Finally realizing they were in the presence of God herself, the Hazbin squad also bowed before Seikatsu.

Well....Almost everyone since baby Morrie kept reaching out to the beautiful Phoenix like creature and Millie constantly keeping him in her arms

Millie: stop squirming sweetie

If they could see her face, which is impossible given how bright she is, they would see the white phoenix smiling.

Seikatsu: It warms my heart to see you all alive and well after all these centuries. Seeing you here helps weaken the blow my brother made.

The dinosaurs all looked at each other with slight confusion. Never had they heard about there being another being like Seikatsu. The idea sounded nearly preposterous. The demons on the other hand had somewhat of an idea who she was talking about.

Charlie: You mean Shi, don't you?

Seikatsu nodded sadly before glowing brightly. The screen changed to show images of the seven Cosmos Stones.

Seikatsu: As you've already been told, the Cosmos Stones were formed by the earth as an attempt to recover from the Great Dying. Six of the stones represented the elements of nature, and they would allow me to form. The seventh was meant to be the balance; the darkness to my light, the death to my life. It would create the being known as Shi.

The screen kept on switching scenes to tell the story.

Seikatsu: Eventually, when the dinosaurs began to evolve and unite their species together, the Cosmos Stones were located and placed in shrines to keep them stable and allow us to use them to keep the earth thriving. However, as the centuries passed and the world changed, Shi began to feel betrayed. The dinosaurs all praised me as a goddess, the one keeping them safe from the harms of nature. Yet, despite playing just as important of a role by keeping balance, he never even got mentioned at all. The jealously began to cloud his judgement, and by the Late Cretaceous he snapped.

He began to send his wrath down upon the dinosaurs that ignored him. Earthquakes and volcanos, along with numerous plagues, brought the dinosaurs to their knees. I tried as much as I could to repel all of his attempts, trying to reason with him to stop. But it was all for nought. Grabbing a large asteroid from space, he used his powers to guide it towards Earth on a collision course that would kill all the dinosaurs. I attempted to stop it, but Shi prevented me anytime I got close.

Eventually, the asteroid made contact with Earth and began an extinction that killed all the dinosaurs. However, as Shi celebrated his victory, I used to opportunity to sneak attack him. Knowing reasoning with him was out of the question, I used all the energy I had and imprisoned him inside the same Cosmos Stone that gave him life.

It was after that, I realized just how much power we held over the Earth and its animals. I knew that if I continued on using the powers like I have been, I could risk becoming like Shi. So, the last thing I ever did was create the Stone Plates using the pleas and cries from the panicked dinosaurs and hope that sometime in the future someone would be able to stop the catastrophe.

As she finished the story, everyone was speechless.

Blitzo: So, your own brother had been in a black glass ball for the last 65 million years?

Seikatsu nodded sadly.

Seikatsu: I was fortunate enough to be able to put him into a deep sleep so he wouldn't suffer from the solitude. But I fear what could happen if he were to ever regain consciousness

Hazbin hotel: dinosaur kingWhere stories live. Discover now