Dueling dinos

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Dr as: Okay, one more time

Dr.Z aimed a ring shaped like a dinosaur foot at armatus.

Dr Z: Here it goes!

He tossed the ring, but amatyd moved his tail up slightly and caused the ring to bounce off her horns.

Dr Z: Hey! You moved your tail again! You're a big cheater.

Armatus: I never said I'd allow you to ring me, I just said I'd allow you to try.

Dr Z: You get back here! I'm not...ugh!

Pain surged through Dr.Z's back when he reached out.

Dr Z: Ooooh! Nobody cares about me and my bad back

Zander and Ed then came to the scene with a cart for his lunch

Ed: We brought you a nice hot lunch, Dr.Z.

Dr Z: Oh! What did you bring me? Soup?

Dr.Z e sat back up, but not enough to hurt himself again.

Zander: Yes, but it's a little bit too hot

Dr Z: Uh, you don't have to do that.

Dr.Z: I'm serious. Don't. You're just getting your spit into it! Stop that!

Zander: Anything else, sir?

Dr Z: No! I called you here to be my ring-toss targets, that's all! Now hold still!

He continued throwing rings until he was out and the duo's hands were trapped by the rings, except Ed who just had them around his neck.

Ed: Wouldn't there be another job more worthy of us?

Dr Z: Yes, but Helga already took out the trash, so now all I need is a dinosaur card.

Dr.Z kicks his table at them, knocking over the cart and sending the duo flying out of his room.

The duo crashed into a wall and two of their Alpha Scanners fell out of their pockets.

Zander; ugh...maybe Ursula had the right idea quoting

Ed: yeah. I hate being treated like this. Especially on his sick days

Before the duo could pick them up, they were instead grabbed by Rod and Laura.

Rod: Well, look what we found

Zander: Give those back!

Laura: We'll just hang on to them for now.

Rod: Being the big losers you guys are, I doubt you'll ever get close enough to a dinosaur to use 'em anyway

Zander: Grrrr. One of these days, kid.

Those two were just as infuriating as the Hazbin squad. It was this reason he vowed to never have kids of his own.

Helga: What are you two doing in here when there's homework to be done?

Rod and Laura; Aah!

Rod and Laura gasped when they heard Helga's scolding voice.

Both: Oh. Hi, Helga.

Helga: Since you have so much free time, perhaps you would like to help me clean toilets.

Zander: Yeah! That sounds like a swell idea.

Helga: I'm glad that you think so. In fact, since you think toilet scrubbing is so entertaining, we will use your toothbrushes to scrub them with. Go get them!

Laura and Rod smirked as Helga punished the trio. It's why you don't go mocking others in Helga's presence.

The trio shrunk down from both fear and embarrassment.

Hazbin hotel: dinosaur kingWhere stories live. Discover now