Ghost Of The Past

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"I see, so that is what happened" Yellow said in thought.

"Yeah. We dont know who it was. But Chip was hacked, we had to run here for help" Steven explained.

Blue placed a hand on her gem as she staggered, catching the attention of both Yellow and White.

"You okay Blue?" Steven asked watching Spinel stretch up to the diamond.

"Something.....isn't right" Blue said with unsteady breath.

Before anyone could question her. The sound of mechanical footsteps caught the group's attention.

Aurora's eyes flashed a dull red. Her hud reading "Link Compromised. Attempting to reestablish"

"Hello again" A distorted and glitched voice said as Chip emerged from the darkness.

"You Foolish Traitors"

"Clearly you didnt learn your lesson from last time" Aurora said in an unamused tone. Turning to the hacker. Drawing her sword from her gem.

"Just leave the dude alone!" Connie said in anger, drawing her sword as well.

"Well our last encounter didn't exactly go as planned...."

"It would seem Chip was able to lock down his weapon systems. But this time?"

The hacker cut himself off by transforming his arm into a large blaster cannon of sorts.

"I'm fully combat ready"

The hacker looked to the three diamonds, who all seemed to be in a state of shock.

"What? You look like you're seeing a ghost" The hacker said with a grimace, a scowl crossing Chip's face.

"H-How could this be possible? I-"

"Erased me?" The hacker asked coldly. Cutting White off.

Being Metamorin has it's benefits! Like the advantage of being able to move your conciousness"

"You tried to erase me. So I hid away in the core files of this Chassis"

"I was fragmented and unconscious for so long. But here I am"

"W-What are you talking about? Just who are you?" Pearl asked in hesitancy.

"It's a dangerous game Pearl. When you go around digging up the past" the hacker said with a distorted chuckle

The ground quaked as White Diamond stepped forward, glaring at the hacker.

"I woll not allow you to harm them. Not these gems, nor my fellow diamonds" White proclaimed sternly.

"That stands for Chip as well"

The hacker fell silent for a moment before transforming his arm into a sharp spear like object.

"Well...I'd like to see how you defend yourself then" The hacker said with a grin crossing Chip's face.

He vanished once more in a blur of motion, appearing infront of White's face, reeling his spear fist back.

Moments later his elbow erupted into a glowing red rocket like engine, propelling the spear directly into White's gem.

A loud *Crack* rang out as White fell backward. A pained yelp escaping from her.

"Okay! Thats a line! And you've crossed it buster!!" Spinel said angrilly as she wrapped her arm around Chip's torso. Flinging him to the ground.

Carbonite attempted to slam her pole-arm down on the hacker. Only missing as they flipped themselves up to stand.

White's form glitched and stuttered as Yellow and Blue ran to her side.

Steven looked to White just in time to see her sit up, her form glowing a bright white.

Moments later a poof of white smoke replaced her. Leaving her massive gemstone to fall to the ground, a few chunks of it falling off from the large crack in it's center.

Steven looked back to the hacker, watching him pick Carbonite up by her neck, crushing it in Chip's hand. Poofing her as a result.

Before he could stomp on her gemstone, The hacker was knocked back by Pearl firing a laser from her trident.

Bismuth grabbed the hacker from Behind, doing her best to restrain them.

"That's enough out of-"

Bismuth was cut off by a pair of metal spikes stabbing through her abdoment. One Barely missing her gem.

As she poofed it was revealed the hacker used Chip's nanotechnology to create the spikes.

Steven threw his shield, knocking the hacker off balance slightly upon impact.

He grabbed it again mid air and was able to block a blast from Chip's arm cannon.

The hacker was knocked out of the attack by Aurora slamming the blunt side of her giant sword into him. Using it like a bat.

The hacker was flung into the nearest wall, causing Chip's eyes to flicker.

Next thing the hacker knew. Garnet was holding him down as Yellow stomped over. Placing a finger upon Chip's torso.

She pulsed a small bit of electricity through her finger. Managing to short circuit his body.

Chip's eyes fell dark as he went limp, earning a sigh of relief from Garnet.

Yet despite this precieved victory. In the depths of the Diamond palace. An old reactor began to whirr to life.

It was the same size as Chip's reactor. Yet it looked far more ragged.

It sputtered to life with a blood red glow, various wires were visibly hooked up to it.

The body attached to the reactor jerked and twitched, one glowing red eye bursting to life.

"H-How Unfortunat-t-te"

"Plan B) I-It Is"

*To Be Continued*

A Living Machine. Chapter Two ( A Steven Universe Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now