Chapter One- Invited

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Aurora: "Come on it'll be fun!" 'Aurora says reassuringly, earning a hesitant look from Chip'

Chip: "I....dunno, there's going to be a lot of people" 'Chip says hesitantly, earning a light chuckle from Aurora'

Aurora: "You'll have me there! Think of it as a date night" 'Aurora says wrapping her arms around Chip's neck, standing behind him as she does so'

Chip: "....You are SO lucky that i love you" 'Chip says in an exasperated tone, zipping up his black and blue jacket'

Aurora: "Yep! Luckiest gal in beach city!" 'Aurora says with a light chuckle, placing a kiss on Chip's cheek before she lets him go'

Chip: "Well. You're the one leading me to this party! Lets go!" 'Chip says gesturing to Aurora'

Aurora: "Allright! Just try and keep up!" 'Aurora days as her thrusters kick on, boosting her into the air with a purple glow'

Chip: "Oh please, like that's going to be a problem!" 'Chip says with a grin as his thrusters kick on aswell, propelling him into the air with a neon blue glow'

'Aurora had already been quite far ahead of Chip, however as expected he was able to catch up to her rather quickly'

'Aurora lets out an evil smirk as her feet open up, turning into a set of large rocket like thrusters before she speeds ahead of Chip, a shockwave following her which in turn causes Chip to stagger mid air momentarily, a look of surprise across his face'

Chip: "Okay then...." 'Chip says with a dark chuckle, his diamond shaped gem beginning to glow brightly'

'Chip's black hair flickers a bright neon blue before stabilizing, his eyes erupting into a similar neon glow as his thrusters seem to charge up'

'As Chip booms off into the distance a violent shockwave rings out from where he had been, knocking down the trees that had been below him previously'

'Aurora could be seen flying with a purple trail of light following behind her, As Aurora looks back her eyes widen before Chip appears under her, laying on his back as he continues to fly. His eyes, hair and gemstone still glowing brightly'

Chip: "What's goin on slowpoke?" 'Chip asks in a cocky tone of voice as he looks up at Aurora, who currently has an awe struck look on her face'

'Before Aurora can respond her Hud beeps a few times, indicating she was approaching her destination, causing her to grab Chip by the arm'

Aurora: "Hold that thought! we are here!" 'Aurora says as she fly's down, taking Chip with her'

'Chip deactivates his glowing state before landing next to Aurora, a brief metallic *Bang* accompanying both of their landings'

'Chip and Aurora look around curiously, noticing the party was being held at a large mansion of sorts. Music was blaring inside, people were still arriving. Aurora and Chip were getting some looks from the new arrivals'

'The other people weren't exactly giving the couple any negative looks, they acted as if two celebrities had shown up actually'

Aurora: "Okay! before we go inside. I should tell you that the crystal gem's have gotten pretty popular over the last three years on earth. Which means, WE have become celebrities of a sort" 'Aurora says earning a defeated sigh from Chip'

Aurora: "Especially you" 'Aurora says earning a light tired and alarmed look from him'

Chip: "Why..." 'Chip asks quietly in a defeated voice, earning a light chuckle from Aurora'

Aurora: "That's what you get mister "United Earth Representative" I mean come on, you are directly responsible for the colony on Mars!" 'Aurora says in an amused but clearly proud tone'

Chip: "Why do I have to be like I am?" 'Chip asks himself earning a smile from Aurora as she takes his hand into hers'

Aurora: "It's a good thing to be kind. It's one of the things I love about you" 'Aurora says softly after placing a kiss on Chip's cheek before she begins to lead him into the mansion'

'As Aurora leads Chip into the courtyard of the mansion, Aurora stops, noticing the rather fancy clothing everyone else was wearing while the both of them are wearing rather casual clothing'

Aurora: "Huh, I feel a little under dressed..." 'Aurora says earning a light smirk from Chip as his gem glows brightly, having pulled his walking stick out of it'

Chip: "On it!"

'Chip lightly raises his walking stick before a blue glow covers both himself and Aurora'

'Once the light dies down and Aurora can open her eyes she looks herself over, a light grin crossing her face'

'Aurora was now wearing a sort of feminine jacket/tuxedo combo. It was colored black with purple glowing highlights, causing her eyes to light up into bright purple stars'

'Chip himself was wearing a similar outfit as to what his "Diamond Outfit" was on Homeworld only it seemed to have quite a bit of his own personal flare'

'The once red undershirt had become black and blue while the tail's of his coat are much more pronounced. In general he looked much more regal, with a light pinch of badass scientist mixed in for good measure'

Aurora: "W-Well then!" 'Aurora says with a light purple blush on her cheeks as Chip opens his eyes. Showing them to be in his diamond state aswell. Looking quite similar to Blue Diamond's eyes only more mechanical'

Chip: "Say Hello to the "Neon Diamond" Version Two! what do ya think?" 'Chip asks curiously, bowing lightly with a small grin'

Aurora: "You certainly look like a Diamond..." 'Aurora says placing a hand on her chest'

Chip: "Is that bad?" 'Chip asks with worry in his voice as he leans on his walking stick, a light look of worry on his face'

'Aurora responds by wrapping her left arm around his right arm, a surprisingly bashful look on her face'

Aurora: "No....It's actually kinda hot" 'Aurora says bluntly earning a neon blue blush from Chip as Aurora tightens her grip on him'

Chip: "Why do you feel the need to be like this?" 'Chip asks with an embarrassed tone'

Aurora: "It's my job! You're linked with me I'm going to let my boyfriend know when I think he's looking attractive!' 'Aurora says in a defiant tone, earning a nervous chuckle from Chip'

*To Be Continued*

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