𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑐𝑢𝑝

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~"Viktor I love you, Viktor I do"~

Katherine's pov

We were finally there, a muggle man sold them some tents and once that they were up, we just had to wait for the game to start.

"Are we all going to fit here?" Harry questioned looking the tent.

"I guess we will... I hope" I responded furrowing "well, let's get inside"

The tent wasn't tiny, it was really big with 3 rooms, one for boys, another one for girls and the living room. The twins were inside the dinner room with their feet on the table, Ginny and Hermione were heading the girls room, mr Weasley was ensuring that the tent was ready, ron was hyperventilating on the sofa dramatically and Jake was sitting besides him staring at the floor.

"Well I guess that's all!" Amos Diggory said "here is were we split, see you in the game!" They were going to the door were Harry and I were.

"Luck with potter" Cedric whispered in my ear, I rolled my eyes. Harry, was watching him like he was Peter Pettigrew or Voldemort himself. I knew Cedric didn't like me nor did I, in the little chat we had he said that he liked a girl from ravenclaw, he didn't tell me who but at least it's not me.

"Can someone bring water? There's a water well over ther-"

"I'll go" Jake quickly responded "maybe doing something will help the time to go faster" and like that he left.


I know right?  

Jake told you he was not going to watch the game, why would he want time to go faster?

Maybe he wants to leave already 

• • •

The time did pass fast, we were finally in the bleachers and we were so happy until a cold voice talked.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron complained.

"Well, put it this way" 

Lucius Malfoy.

"If it rains... you'll be the first to know" draco laughed at his awful father and said:

"Father and I are in the minister box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself" draco bragged, ugh I hate that git.

"Don't boast draco" Lucius scolded "there's no need with these people"

I swear I was about to insult him but Harry took me by the shoulder to force all of us to leave. But  malfoy took Harry's sweater with his cane.

"Do enjoy yourself won't you?" He started "while you can" 

"Go bleach again, your grey hair is showing up a lot" I released the cane's grip on Harry and pushed everyone to our sits.

The game was awesome, Viktor krum caught the snitch but Ireland won because of their chasers, I didn't mind however.

"There's no one like krum!" Ron said madly.

"Dumb krum?" George questioned.

"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind" 

The twins mock at him

"He's more that an athlete" 

The twins mock at him

"He's an artist" 

" I think your in love ron!" Ginny mocked.

"Shut up"

"Viktor I love you" fred started singing .

"Viktor I do" George continued.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you" we all started singing.

After a few minutes we all went to bed except Harry and I.


Amount of words: 506

Chapter 7, the quidditch World Cup

Invisible string

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