𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠

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Harry found himself having an anxiety attack in his room.

Two days before the last task the panic started to sink in even more.

Ever since his name appeared out of the globet of fire he could get anxiety attacks several times a week, mostly when the tasks were close. He couldn't sleep very well and ate his dinner to get back to his room and sleep, but he couldn't. He managed to get to the bathroom and sat on the bathroom floor and started breathing deeply and exhaling, he knew he was going to be fine after a couple minutes passed but the minutes where the longest in his life. He was sweating and trembling uncontrollably, his heart beat was incredibly fast and his rapid breathing was harsh and uneven.

He tried to calm down but he couldn't, how could he? He well knew what to do to help the anxiety attack but he knew he still had to win the last task. That only stressed him even more, thinking of all the consequences that it could lead to.

I'll be fine, it will be like the last two Harry, just calm down, breathe. He repeated in his head.

But it really wasn't working. He was truly frightened. 

He felt like he could die.

He knew he could die.

His self acknowledged remedies weren't working at all and he just tried to wait, breathe, and let it go by itself.

After a couple minutes he was getting better, he could breathe and think properly. But he could only think about what Katie'd told him that one day.

"The next time any of this happens, please tell me right away" 

He made an unkeepable promise to her. 

He couldn't tell her that he was so messed up. She was normally really anxious and that would lead her to preoccupy about him.

No. He was not going to tell her this.

Once he felt better he stood up, just wanting to get in bed and try to wake up better.

So he did.

• • •

Katie went to bed feeling horrible.

She had a such bad feeling about something.

Maybe she was nervous, that's it.

She didn't want to worry about it and tried closing her eyes. But she couldn't sleep.

She didn't know what was wrong with her.

The girl sat up and grabbed a book, maybe that would distract her and let her sleep.

She felt better after a couple minutes but she highly doubt it was because of the book. She noticed she wasn't reading at all, she couldn't remember anything about the lecture.

She put the bookmark back to its place and closed her eyes again. And she could sleep.

Next morning they where all eating breakfast.

"Harry, why aren't you eating" ron mumbled to his friend with his mouth full.

"I don't feel like it"


"I'm just not hungry okay?" He spat, staring at his plate with no intentions of eating his cereal.

"C'Mon Harry, you've got to eat" Hermione tried to cheer him up.

"I don't want to, live with it"

"I've known you for four years and I've never seen you not wanting to eat cereal" Katie told him "are you... feeling well?" She looked at the boy worried, waiting for an answer.

Then the guilt sank in, he couldn't tell her, but he knew she was trying to help. Maybe he had to tell her... no, or... yes? 

"Harry?" She snap her fingers to cut him out of the trance.

"Oh... uhm- yeah I'm fine"


"I didn't sleep well, I'll go back to the common room" he sat up.

"Okay... if you need anything tell me, okay?"

He nodded.

She knew something was off, but preferred to think he wasn't really hungry.


Amount of words: 597

Chapter 33, unkeepable promises

Invisible string

A.N: hey! How are y'all? So, I don't really know what I'm going to do with Harry and cho, I'm thinking they should be together but break up earlier. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but can y'all give me your opinion and tell me if I should do it like in the books or what?

Have a good day!<3

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