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~"where the heck have you been?!"~

A couple weeks passed and there was still no sign of Jake.

Katie decided to go to ravenclaw's common room to ask his friends where he was or if he had been seen.

She was walking there decided and steady, hoping for a reasonable answer from his classmates. Once she was in front of the door, she remembered she had no knowledge about the password.

"Guess that's a reason why I am not in ravenclaw" she murmured to herself, trying to think about something. Then, a voice suddenly quoted a conundrum.

"Which came first: the flame or the Phoenix?" Said the voice.

"I don't know, the Phoenix?" The girl guessed, nothing happened "the flame?" Once again, the door remained closed "the ashes?" She said, getting tired.

The door didn't open until a couple seconds later a blonde girl with bulging blue eyes came out the common room with a magazine upside down.

"Oh I'm sorry-" Katie started.

"Yeah? Is anything I can help you with? Are nargles infesting your room?" She suddenly asked.

"Uh- no" she answered, confused by tons of things ", I just wondered if you could give me the right answer for the riddle of the password, you see, I need to see my brother but I don't know the password" 

"Oh, good, normally people come to me and tell me things related to nargle infestations, they never really seem to have an actual problem though" she said, and suddenly stopped talking.

"So... could you give me the password?" Katie asked once again with a smile.

"Sure" she said, looking at the door "a circle has no beginning"

And like that, the door opened.

"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, it was a pleasure to meet you" the girl sweetly responded.

"Same to you"

Katie went through the door and looked around in the big room full of books. She saw a group of boys that she could recognize as her brother's friends.

"Excuse me" she said.

A ravenclaw boy turned to look at her.

"Have you seen umm... Jake? Jake Jones?" She asked.

"In his room, you must be his sister, Katherine, right?" The blonde boy asked.

"Yes, I am" Katie responded with a rather awkward tone, uncomfortable by the smirk in the boy's expression "and if you don't mind to look for him and tell him I want to talk to him..."

"I'm Leo, nice to meet you" he said extending his hand to the girl in front of him.

"Pleasure" answered katie not taking his hand "now, please I need to talk to my brother"

"I'm sure you can wait, let's hang out shall we?" He proposed placing his hand on her waist, making her even more uncomfortable.

"No, we shall not" she quickly objected, pulling away the hand off her waist "if you are going to make me loose my time please tell me because-"

"Katie?" She heard.

"Where the heck have you been?!" She almost yelled.

"You have no idea of how stressed I have been just because I didn't see you having your breakfast, or lunch, or dinner, or classes! I have not seen you coming out of a classroom in 5 months Jake Stewart Jones! Five months! And all you say is 'Katie?' Yes, I entered your common room, dealing with a weird yet kind girl to enter here and a guy who wasn't just like 3 years older than me, he was flirting with a fifteen year old in a really inappropriate way if you ask me, all that so I could talk to you and you say 'Katie?' and freeze?! Let me tell you something young man, I'm not going to-" she was cut off by Jake who had pulled her into a hug.

It was like all her worries vanished in the warm atmosphere of the embrace, he was okay and that was what it mattered, he was alive at least, that made Katie sigh to calm herself down a little bit, after a few moments she pulled away.

"Why have you been so missing lately?" She questioned "I barely see you lately you know? What have you been doing?"

"First of all, school, I've been spending a lot of time studying and doing homework, I do attend the tasks, but I immediately go back to my room or the library, second of all, I might have been sneaking food out of the kitchen for my meals, my friends and I eat here in the common room and we enjoy being us together, and lastly, I'm going to be completely honest with you, please don't tell anybody okay?" Katie nodded. Jake sighed and whispered "I'm working with the twins on some tests for wizards wheezes" he let out all in one breath.

Katie looked at him frowning "look, if you'r lying to me I'm not buying that, now, what are you on?"

"It's that I promise" he said looking kind of agitated.

"Are you gay?"

"What?!" He asked surprised "n- no"

"Then what? You, Jake Jones, is definitely not involving himself with the weasleys"

"I am, I swear" he assured.

Katie didn't believe him at all, not even a little bit, but decided to play along.

"That is why I'm always here, the sweets sometimes leave pimples or weird stuff on my skin and if someone sees me like that they'll know, I can't risk that, I'm a prefect. Also a part of me doesn't want to leave the common room because he's scared of a teacher seeing him with the twins, but I get payed so... I guess I need the money" he revealed, passing his hand through his brunette hair.

"What do you need the money for?" She asked frowning.

"I'm graduating next year Kat, I need to start saving up if I want to live by myself" 

Then it fell as if a huge amount of cold water was swamping her back "oh... right, graduation" 

She hadn't had the time to think about that, him leaving school, and her house, having his own family and probably kids. Jake was in year 6 but Katie was just ending year 4, she still had 2 years without seeing her brother in school, it was not going to be as different as the current situation but still, what was she going to do without him?

"Yeah" jake nodded slowly "graduation"

Katie snapped herself out of her thoughts and remembered.

"I have potions!" She reminded herself "oh shit" 

She started running to the door.

"Bye!" She yelled to her brother.

She was running through the hallways now, thinking about how did Jake get into the whole wizards and wheezes thing,

Jake Jones allied with Fred and George weasley huh? Did not see that coming.


Amount of words: 1078

Chapter 31, allied

Invisible string 

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