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~"How did you know?"~

"I'm here!" Katie yelled at the entrance of the classroom.

Snape turned to look at her with the most mischievous face he could've managed.

"You are late ms. Jones" he said with his raspy voice.

"I know I thought I was going to be fine but I was too far away and got lost, just- please let me take the lesson, I assure you professor this will not happen again" she said without pausing to catch a breath.

"You can sit down" said snape, walking back to his desk, katie sighed gratefully and muttered thank you "ask ms. Granger what we are seeing and ten points will be taken away from gryffindor" 

She walked through the classroom and sat besides hermione "what did I miss?" She asked dropping her bad and placing her supplements on the desk.

"Why are you late?" Hermione whispered.

"I was talking to Jake, what did I miss?" Katie whispered back ready to take notes.

"You talked to Jake? What did he say?" 

"What. Did. I. Miss" she asked one more time.

"Right, sorry"

The class went as fast as a flobberworm as always, I mean, what can you expect with Severus Snape in the same room as you?

When they were leaving the classroom, ron gave Harry a knowingly look and then he looked at katie. Harry shook his head, ron nodded and stared pushing him to the girl. He remained in silence and then Ron stepped on his foot.

"Ow! Uhm-" he cleared his throat "uhm... Katie?"

"Yes?" She brightly asked.

"Can we — talk?" He stuttered.

"S- s- sure" she mocked "sorry that sounded rude what do you need to talk about?" 

Harry grabbed her wrist and took her away from the rest of students.

He looked really nervous and didn't really know how to say what he was supposed so tell her.

"Uhm... okay, you know that... we- in your birthday we..."

"Kissed?" Katie finished the sentence not giving it importance.

"Uh- yeah, well, we kissed a couple times after that too and all right?" He let out in one breath, katie nodded "well, I uh- lately I have...."

"You have developed some feelings for cho Chang and you realized that you liked her and that's why you invited her to the Yule ball and want to tell me to remain as friends?" Katie finished.

Harry's eyes widened as if she had just turned into a dementor "how did you know?"

Katie chuckled "oh Harry, you are so oblivious" she laughed "you are my best friend I noticed, besides, I have been feeling the same way, I just thought it would just fade away and we would just one day look back and laugh of how young and naïve we were 5 months ago"

Harry chuckled "brilliant, so... we're good?" He asked. 

"We are good, now tell me Romeo, how you gonna conquer your Juliet?" She she placed her arm on his shoulder.

"Shut up, besides I'm pretty sure she's dating Diggory" 

"Right, don't worry, what has to happen will happen" she comforted patting his bag "race to the Great Lake? I want to draw maybe I can find inspiration there" she offered.

"You bet" and he started running.

"Hey! That's not fair I was supposed to cheat and start running first!" Katie complained.

"You are too slow grandma" Harry yelled already far away.

"Grandma?!" She yelled dramatically "I'm going to beat your ass"

"Trying doesn't hurt anybody!"

And they just kept running to the Great Lake where Katie got first.

"I bet your grandma can't do that" she joked seeing how Harry was gasping for air with his head down.

"I never met my grandma, she died of dragon pox, tragic" he dropped himself on the floor besides Katie "what are you going to draw?"

"The water, I'm not really in the mood to get creative" she grabbed her sketch book and started doing random traces on the paper. 

They just remained there, enjoying each other's company.


Amount of words: 635

Chapter 32, friends 

Invisible string 

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