𝑓𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒

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𝑇.𝑊:  mention of self-harm, mention of anxiety.

~"Fuck a fake smile"~


"I'll be fine right? I mean, what's the worse that could happen" 

Harry tried to calm himself due to the last task being only one week away.

"I've survived, I can do this" he reasoned.

"Of course you can do this, we can just practice a little bit more if you want" offered hermione, sitting on the floor besides katie.

Harry was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Ron was on a chair watching Harry talk to himself and katie was trying to finish her homework.

"You'll be okay, we still have one more week, focus on your homework and trying to be a normal teenager okay?" Katie proposed dipping her quill on the tint and writing down an essay about divination.

"Shit, the essay" Harry groaned covering his face, he separated his left hand's index finger to let him see the fireplace where his friends where sitting responsibly doing their work, he peeked at katie with a smirk and let out a sigh.

"You look stunning today Katie" he said out of nowhere and  grinned sassily.

"You are not copying my essay" she simply responded knowing what he was up to.

"Please" he begged "the pressure of being young and famous is overwhelming" he dramatically placed the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically "It's like... you don't know the point of life... do you ever feel like that?"

"On daily basis" 

"Then you'll understand how hard for me is... thinking about the future when you don't think there's nothing else to-"

"I'll let you read it a couple times, that's it" she finally said, still not taking her eyes off her piece of parchment.

"Thank you, my dear friend, thank you for always being there for me!" 

Katie rolled her eyes as she placed her quill back to her bag and handed the parchment to Harry.

"Return it to me by tomorrow okay?" She demanded, cleaning up the room.

"Okay" he nodded.

• • •

"You got this Harry, one more time!" Katie encouraged as she helped Harry with protective spells "explelliarmus!"

"Protego!" He moved his wand to reveal sparks of light blue particles that vanished in the air after colliding against the red sparkles from Katie's wand.

"You are prepared for this Harry, you haven't missed anything!" 

He sighed "yeah, I guess"

"It's natural to be anxious, don't worry" she said sitting down on a bench and patting the spot next to her rapidly, he sat down besides her "Last year I read a muggle book about psychology, it's really interesting, and I'm going to be your charge-free customized psychologist!"

"Psychologists are supposed to be customized beca-"

"Shh" she cut him off "what bothers you Harry?"

He looked at her stranged "uh- the fact that someone signed me up for a possibly mortal tournament?..."

"Good, now, what are you most struggling with in this exact moment?" She looked at him straight into his eyes, making him lay back as if she would hex him out of her eyes.

𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔/ℎ.𝑝Where stories live. Discover now