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~"ain't no time to regret"~


Katherine's POV 

I woke up and Hermione was no longer in the room, it was kinda late for breakfast so I quickly got dressed and went to the great hall hoping there was still food for me.

I went through those huge doors into the almost empty great hall and spotted my best friends sitting at the gryffindor's table, two of them.

"Morning" I said with a smile "where's Ron?"

Hermione sent me a knowingly look and pointed with her eyes at the other side of the table where Ron was sitting with Seamus.

"Don't tell me he's still with that" I groaned and managed myself next to Hermione.

"He is" Harry said staring at his food, which apparently he hadn't bothered to eat "I tried to make him reason and guess who got pissed off?"

"I'm sorry, do you want me to talk to him?" I asked.

Harry shook his head "he's probably jealous, he wanted to enter to the tournament and I guess that seeing your best friend doing what you want to do the most even though you weren't even allowed to because you were underage but still getting in and making you feel less it's not cool at all" he said without taking pauses to even breathe "even though if your best friend never wanted to do it and hates being under the spotlight"

"He is" Hermione said "he told me once that he sometimes felt less and overshadowed by you. That you were always great and popular and he was... just Harry Potter's best friend"

"But that's not my fault!" He said, he looked altered by Ron's thinking "I don't like always being great and popular and always having something to do with everything and always making people gasp while they look at my forehead every time they know my name!"

"He's right" I said looking at Hermione "honestly, the only thing he'd done by himself and the only thing he should actually be proud of is getting to be youngest seeker in a century and all that, the rest of the things just happened, they were just meant to be for some reason" 

"We should go to the common room" Hermione said.

"I can't, I've got an interview with Rita skeeter because I'm a champion probably because when I was a baby my mom didn't want Voldemort to kill me so sacrificed herself to save me and somehow forbid Voldemort from murdering me and making me defeat Voldemort being 1 year-old" Harry said, again, without taking pauses to breath.

He clenched his jaw and tried to calm himself down "sorry" he whispered, acknowledging his previous explosion.

"It's ok" hermione said.


"We should- uh- we should finish, we have homework"

We did and once that Harry'd left I stood up and went right to Ron. I know Harry told me not to but I know how important he is to Harry and I can't let them just be fighting. Plus he was a git and I had to fix that.

"Hey Ron, can I talk to you" I said with my best forced smile.

"Can't, eating" he snapped.

"Great! Come here" I took his left ear and pulled it out of the hall.

"Ouch! What do you want"

"You have to listen, do you actually think Harry wanted to be in this thing?" I almost yelled "You know, this is not Harry's fault so if you're blaming that you are not the amazing brand new situation to someone it's not on him" 

"Why do you even care? He can take care of himself"

"He is your best friend and you are his, you have no idea of how much you are hurting him by not being by his side right now telling him it's not his fault and that everything it's going to be ok"

"How sweet of him, he needs me" He said sarcastically, but not in a good way.

"Quit avoiding the subject, he really does need you"

"Pity " he stormed out and I didn't see him for the next hours. 

• • •

"Can I join you?" Harry asked softly.

I was reading a book in the courtyard, I've been alone all evening so I thought company wouldn't be bad.

"Sure" I responded, I leaned to the side of the bench and tapped the empty spot with my hand.

"Today's been horrible"

"Why? Something happened in the interview?" I asked closing my book.

"Besides a woman telling me I was 12 and turning my mm s in bizarre stories, no. But by the other hand everyone is avoiding me and calling me a cheater" He said leaning his head on my shoulder, there was a moment of silence after I placed my head on his "did you wash your hair today?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"It smells good, whats your shampoo?"

"I don't know, coconut, honey, pitahaya?"


"What about it?"

"What the heck is that?" He said with a confused smile

"It's a fruit, it's like pink with green things, it's completely white with small black dots"

"I thought it was pink and green"

"You know what I mean"

We stayed again in silence, watching the sky where it started to rain but it didn't bother us cause we had a roof on top of us.

"What's your favorite animal?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"Which are your favorite animals?"

"Dogs, cats and probably pandas"

"Stags, dogs and owls, now you do another question"


"No offense but I don't really know about plants. Perhaps I don't know, a rose I guess"

"You can't think of anything else huh? Tulips and lilys"

"Favorite food?"

"Are you going to make fun of it?"



Harry looked at me frowning.

"Once I went to a restaurant with my parents and there was this Venezuelan dish, you grab the flour and make it- I don't know but it was good. Plus it had vegetables, cheese and chicken and it was soo tasty!"

"Huh, well now I feel dumb for saying treacle tart"

"Uh-huh, uhm, kisses or cuddles"

"Forehead kisses"

"That was not an option but cuddles"

"Hot or cold?"


"Cold too"

"Cant think of anything else"

And we talked, trying to forget all the horrible things that we knew they were happening around.


Amount of words: 977

Chapter 19, forget

Invisible string

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