𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑙

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Everyone was celebrating Harry in the common room, the twins grabbed him and had him on their shoulders. The party was loud, you could barely hear someone talk to you besides you. You could barely see the common room because of the amount of people that were there.

"Knew you wouldn't die Harry! Lose a leg!" George said.

"Or an arm!" Fred yelled.

"Pack it in all together?" George added.

"Never!" They said in unison.

The egg was wandering around the crowd until Seamus took it.

"Shush!" He yelled and kissed the egg.

"Huh, he kissed Harry's egg, bit gay don't you think?" Katie whispered-shouted Hermione, if she whispered, there was no way hermione could hear her.

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?" Seamus threw the egg back at Harry.

"Shall I open it?" 

The whole crowd yelled "yes", Harry flipped the tip of the egg to reveal the clue, but instead, a loud and pitchy screech filled the room.

The twins dropped Harry and everyone started covering their ears. Harry managed to close it again so the screeching would stop.

It did, the room went silent, now people where still trying get their hearing sense back to normal.

"What the hell was that?" Ron asked.

"I don't know"

"I'm pretty sure you still have to figure out the clue, unless the clue is scratching a board with chalk or nails" Katie said with her head between her hands trying to hold the headache that was starting.

• • •

"I can't believe she wrote that!" Hermione exclaimed in disbelief, reading a copy of the daily prophet.

"What?" Katie asked frowning, taking another sip from her goblet.

"It's a picture of Harry and I hugging in the tent, it says Miss granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards, her latest pray, sources report, it's no other than the Bulgarian bonbon Viktor krum, no words yet of how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow."

Harry rolled her eyes and stared at his plate with a frown.

"Package for you mr. Weasley" Nigel Creevey, Collin Creevey's little brother, had approached ron and gave him a package.

"Thanks Nigel" Ron said and took the box. The boy was grinning while looking at Harry really exited, Ron noticed this and whispered "not now"

The boy left and Hermione gave him a dangerous look.

"I told him I would get Harry to sign him an autograph" he says "oh look, mum sent me something!"

He unwrapped a horrible dress robe, that looked like it's been there since 1879.

"Mom sent me a dress" he said in disbelief.

"Well it does match your eyes" Harry joked "is there a bonnet?" He started looking for one in the box "aha!" He took it and placed it where it's supposed to go once you wear the tux.

"Very funny Harry" he said "Ginny! It must be for you" Ron walked to her little sister.

"I'm not wearing that, it's awful"

Hermione and katie started chuckling.

"What's so funny for you two?" Ron asked.

"Share the joke so the whole class we can laugh" Harry mocked.

"It's not for Ginny, it's for you!" Hermione said.

Everyone started laughing.

"Dress robes" she finished.

"Dress robes? For what?" Ron asked.

• • •

"The Yule ball has a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since it was stablished" mcgonagall said "on Christmas night, us and our guests, gather around the great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity"

"As representatives of the host school" mcgonagall continued "I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this, since the Yule ball is, A dance"

The whole room started to chatter excitedly, some girls were talking about what they would wear, some boys about who they would ask and Katie, was talking about how she would learn to dance.

"What kind of dance it will be? If I pay for classes I have to be prepared" katie told hermione.

"Shush, mcgonagall's talking"

"Maybe a bit of classical and we could add some more"

"Katie, shush"

"Maybe tango! I've always wanted to learn how to dance tan-"

"Silence!" Mcgonagall yelled, the whole room stayed quiet "the house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries, I will not let you in the single course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons"

"Try saying that five times fast, huh?" George threatened fred.

"babbling, bumbling, band of baboons"

"babbling, bumbling..."

"babbling, bumbling, b..."

"Now, to dance is letting the body breathe" mcgonagall kept talking "inside of every girl, a secret swan slumbers, prepared to burst and take flight"

"Something is going to burst out of Eloise Midgen, but I don't think is a swan" Ron joked.

"Inside every boy" Minerva turned to look at the redhead who had interrupted her speech "a lordly lion prepared to prance, care to join mr. Weasley?"

Ron looked at her hoping it was a joke, Harry's serious face turned into a smirk once he pushed his friend to the dance floor with his transfiguration teacher. Fred whistled causing Ron to look at him with an angry frown. Mcgonagall grabbed him and started to dance.

"One, two, three, one, two, three..."

Katie shared a playful look with Harry as they saw Ron dancing with clear disgust in his face. Fred and George started dancing mockingly imitating Ron and mcgonagall.

"Oi!" Harry called the twins "never gonna let him forget this are you?"

"Never!" The boys assured.

Harry looked back at his best friend and then directed his glare back at katie who was containing a hysterical laugh, she gazed back at Harry and managed a smirk on her face, Harry returned it.

"Who's gonna mock him first?" 

"If someone does I'm good with it"

Poor Ron was never going to forget this in a bad, bad, way.


Amount of words: 939

Chapter 22, the Christmas ball

Invisible string 

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