Chapter 1: It's Been A Long Time

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Y/n POV:

I was running, as fast as my legs could carry me. Passing broken down houses in the streets of the underground, why? Well I stole some bread, and now some thugs are after me. This actually reminds me of a time when I was around 10 years old.


"(Y/n)! Run!" a boy about the age of 12, with short black hair, and sliver eyes, came running up to me and grabbed my hand, making me run with him.

"Levi! What did you do now?!" I yelled at him

"Uhhh, I got into a fight, but no time for talk, run!" and we did just that, running down the broken streets of the underground, turning corners, and running down more streets. We finally found an abandoned house, and we hid inside. "You Idiot!" I yelled as I smacked the back of his head.

"Sorry, but here." Levi said throwing me a piece of moldy bread "stole this, before I got into that fight."

"Thanks." he just hummed his reply. We were just kids, thrown into this horrible world, without knowing much. We learned to steal and fight, though. In the underground you can only do what you had to do, to survive.

--End of flashback--

I giggled at the memory, before it turned to hatred, I quickly ducked into a dark alleyway, and waited for the thugs to pass. Once I was sure they were gone, I got the piece of bread out from my pocket and ate it. It wasn't much but it kept me from starving.

I have been living in this underground hell hole since I was born, my mother was sickly, and my father was a worthless piece of shit, who would beat my mother, and I. He finally killed her when I was 8 years old, and I ran away from him. That's when I met Levi, he was only 2 years older than me, but he taught me how to fight, steal, and survive. That is until he ditched me in this place, 10 years ago. I am now 28 years old, and my fighting and stealing have gotten much better.

"Bastard." I whispered under my breath at the thought of him. I stood up after finishing my bread, and made my way to my "house", it was more of a shack, but provided me a place to sleep, which I rarely do, and be safe.

The underground is a sad place, most of us have never seen the sunlight, or felt the wind on our face. Most people here were prostitutes, or thieves, like myself. Doing the best we can to survive, I opened the door to my shack, and laid down on my blanket. I closed my eyes and imagined what the above ground must be like, I am one of those here that wish to go there, but I doubt I ever will. I then fell asleep, dreaming of the above ground.


The next few days weren't any different than any other day for me. Steal, hide, and eat. I was getting tired of running on my feet though, so I went to the old place that Levi and I lived with Farlan, and Isabel. I snuck in, and took a look around. The place hadn't changed much, it still had the one chair, two broken couches, a table, and some cabinets, that have never been filled.

I made my way into Levi's old room, and walked to his closet. I opened the door and found what I was looking for, I am surprised it is still here. His old ODM gear, he left it behind for me when he left. He said I might need it, and I guess he was right. I pulled it out along with the straps, and I began to fasten the straps around my body. I then pulled out the large metal boxes and attached them to the straps , I knew how to use the ODM, but I stopped after Levi left.

I walked out of the house, and grabbed the handles. I checked everything to make sure it still worked, which everything seemed to be intact. I then launched my grapple onto a tall building, and the gas pulled me towards it. I then swung from building to building, damn it felt good to use this thing again.

It wasn't long before I was using the gear to steal things and purposely knock things over, so others much worse than I am could steal something and run. "Someone call the Military Police, someone is back with ODM gear!" someone yelled, and I just scoffed. The MP's could never catch us before, and they aren't going to catch me now.

It wasn't long before I heard ODM gear letting out gas behind me, that I started to get a little worried. I turned to look behind me and sure enough there were about 6 MPs chasing me, some with their hoods on and some without their hoods on. Immediately I quickened my pace, and started making sharp turns around the buildings. I started heading for a dead-end, which I used my ODM gear to shoot me backwards, with the MPs still going forward, not prepared for my fast moves.

Something caught my eye though as I passed by them, "shit" I muttered to myself, under one of the cloaks I saw the symbol for the Scouts. "Alright, let me see what you are made of" I said as they were right behind me again, I quickly went through a small opening in a broken down building, and quickly made my way through it. I jumped out the other side and launched myself. Then I heard another ODM above me, "dammit", they came crashing down on me and knocked me out of the air.

I landed roughly on the broken street, but I quickly got to my feet and grabbed my knife from inside my waistband. "Alright asshole, you want a fight you got it" I spat. They came at me with their long blades, and I easily blocked their attacks. This person was quick, and reminded me of someone, but I was quicker. I knocked one of their blades out of their hand, sending it flying. We kept fighting though, until a tall, blonde man, with bushy eyebrows, broke up the fight, he grabbed my hand, that was holding my knife, and pushed against my other one, with his other arm.

"That's enough, take a look around you, do you really think you can fight your way out of this?" The man said, I looked around, they had me surrounded, I couldn't win. I dropped my knife and we backed away from each other. I was then handcuffed and forced to kneel on the ground. The man stood infront of me "What is your name?", I didn't answer. "Okay, how did you obtain the ODM gear?" again I stayed silent, "Who taught you how to use the ODM gear? Do you have a military background?" again, nothing.

My face was then forced to the ground, I looked back at the man who pinned me, and growled. "I'm self taught." I simply said, my voice laced with anger, and my eyes narrow "ahh, so you can speak, then what is your name?" I stayed silent, until I heard a very familiar voice "Her name is (Y/n) (L/n)", shit it couldn't be him, could it? "Alright then (Y/n), you have two options, join the scouts, or we give you to the MP's to most likely be executed.". The hand on my head, let go and I sat up, my eyes meeting a certain person's, the same person I fought just moments ago. He pulled down his hood, and my (e/c) eyes, met with silver ones. "Tch, I'll join the scouts" I said my glaring eyes never leaving his. He walked over to me and pulled me to stand and led me out of the underground. "It's been a long time, huh Levi?" I spat. He didn't say a word just kept leading me to the aboveground.

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