Chapter 15: Never Leaving You Behind, Again

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Levi POV:

We have been riding for about 4 hours now, I take out my pocket watch. We left at 8:00am, and it is now noon. "(L/n), Let's stop here and eat some lunch, but keep your eye out." I command, "Yes Sir." she replies, but I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. I just scoff and hop off my stallion. I pet his long black mane, and then hold my hand up to him, and he licks it.

"Wow Levi, I am surprised you are letting your horse lick your hand. Spreading it's nasty germs all over your hand." (Y/n) smirks, "Tch." is all I respond with, pulling a handkerchief out of my pocket, and using it to wipe my hand off. I then grab that hard biscuit that is wrapped in a silver wrapping.

(Y/n) does the same, as we sit on the grass eating the stale biscuit. We are also keeping an eye out for titans, but to our luck we haven't encountered any since we left the wall this morning. "Hey Levi, How much longer are we going to go today?" She asks "I plan on going for another few hours, maybe around 5 more." I shrug. I want to get as much information as I can, before heading back and continuing tomorrow.

"Ugh, but that's gonna take forever!" She groans "Tch, we need to get as much information as we can, including all the possible routes to Shiganshina." She just shoots me a pout, and continues to eat. After we finish, we get back on our horses, and continue riding.

We are currently stopped, so I can write notes in my notebook. I glance over at (Y/n), she is looking into the distance, and drumming her fingers on her thigh. She usually only does that when she is thinking, or nervous. "Brat." I call to her, she turns her head to look at me, her (e/c) eyes meeting my silver ones. "What is on your mind?"

"Nothing." She simply states. "It's not nothing, you are drumming your fingers on your thigh, and you only do that when you are thinking deeply about something, or you are nervous." She just huffs at me, "I have a bad feeling, that something is about to happen." I questionably look at her, then I look around, my eyes scanning our surroundings. Looking at the forest to our right, the leaves of the trees ruffle, and I get what she is feeling. It feels like the wind has changed, and something doesn't feel right.

"I feel it too, let's start heading back then." She nods and we start riding back. 'Thump' 'Thump' I quickly turn my head, and see 16 titans running towards us. "Shit." I mumble under my breath. The titans range from 6 meters to 18 meters, there are two many for us to take on by ourselves. I glance at (Y/n) as she is riding besides me, she is looking at them too. "Keep running, hopefully we can make it to the wall before they can catch up." She nods, and turns her focus back to infront of us.

We kick our horses harder, making them gallop faster, as we race towards the wall. I glance back behind us, and the titans are slowly gaining on us. 'Shit' I think, 'I need to think of a plan, a better one than just running' as I think I glance at (Y/n) again. Her brows are furrowed, as she is probably also trying to think of a plan. Her eyes meet mine, waiting for my orders, but I don't have any, yet.

Then it hits me, we need a distraction. At least then one of us can make it to the wall. I sigh, and look over at (Y/n), but it seems she has the same idea as me. Her bright (e/c) orbs, show a hint of sadness. 'No' My eyes widen with realization, as she stands on her saddle "Goodbye Levi, I am glad we got to meet again." and with that she launched herself off, and headed back towards the titans. Their eyes follow her, and she goes towards them. She swings her swords killing a 6 meters, then launching, and killing a 10 meter.

She launches off the dead titan, and went to go for a 8 meter, but another 10 meter grabbed her. "NO!" I screamed and turned my horse to go back for her, she was able to break free of the 10 meter and killed it, but a 15 meter grabbed her. I could hear her scream, fear over taking my body, I launched towards the titan killing it. I looked over my shoulder and saw her launch out of its limp hand. We continued to take out the remaining titans, until none remained.

I landed on the ground, as she killed the last titan, following it down. She jumped off the evaporating titan corpse, and marched over to me. Before I realized what was happening.

She slapped me.


Across my face. 

I reached a hand up to my burning cheek, and my gaze met hers. Her (e/c) were burning with rage, and glaring at me. She was pissed, and I mean pissed. "What the fuck Levi!" She screamed "I was going to sacrifice myself, so you could live! I am not important! You are humanities strongest! They need you not me! You should've just kept running to the wall, instead of coming back! You should've just left me!". Before she continued I grabbed her wrist pulling her towards me, my lips landing on hers. She hesitated for a bit, but then kissed me back. The kiss was soft, sweet, and portrayed everything we had been trying to tell each other.

We pulled apart for air, I could see a light tint of pink on her cheeks, as she stared at me in shock. "I am never leaving you behind again. When I saw you take off for the titans, I couldn't just let you get eaten. When I saw you get grabbed, something inside me screamed, and I had to come running back for you. I left you behind once, and I swear on my life I will never do that again.". She was speechless for a minute, but then she kissed me. I didn't hesitate long to kiss her back. I put my hands on her hips, bringing her closer, and her arms snaked around my neck, her fingers lacing in my raven locks.

We stood there, just kissing each other for what seemed like forever, but we needed air, so we broke apart. She had a wide smile, and her (e/c) eyes were soft. I couldn't see the darkness behind them at this moment. "Thank you, Levi." Her words were soft, "You are welcome, brat." she lightly giggle and smacked my arm. "Let's get going now, before more of those beasts show up." She nodded, and we whistled for our horses.

My horse showed up first, but hers didn't, so we stayed a little longer. "Come on brat, maybe she is closer to the wall." I sighed and gave her my hand, helping her up onto my stallion. Her arms were around my waist, as we started back for the wall. She kept calling for her mare, and then in the distance I saw something white running at us. I tensed just in case, but (Y/n) squealed, almost bursting my eardrums "(H/n)!" She yelled, I stopped my stallion and she jumped off and ran towards her mare. "I am so glad you are okay!" she said hugging the white beast. 

"Come on brat, we still have a ways to go." She nodded and hopped onto her horse, and we continued the journey back to the wall.

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