Chapter 13: Warmth and New Mission

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(Y/n) POV:

I was in a dark, cold room, but I wasn't scared or cold. I felt a warmth around my body, it was relaxing me, as the dark room grew bigger, and colder. I snuggled more into the warmth, it felt familiar, and safe. I never wanted it to leave, for it was keeping the darkness away.

My eyes slowly opened, I was in a room, but it wasn't my room. It was bigger, and was perfectly neat. The bed was comfortable, and warm. It smelled like 'lemon and vanilla?' I thought, my room doesn't smell like that, then I heard it. A thumping of a beating heart, and I felt strong arms around me, not wanting to let go.

I slowly lifted my head, and saw who I saw laying on, and snuggling with. It was Levi, my mind played through the events of last night, and a small smile tugged at my lips. I wanted to stay snuggled up to him like this, I had missed this feeling of comfort, but no one can see me coming out of his office with him. I slowly, untangled myself from his grip, making sure not to wake him, and made my way out of his bedroom, and office.

Before exiting his office, I quickly check the hall to make sure no one was there, and once I was sure the coast was clear, I quickly left and slid into my room that was across the hall. I let out a sigh of relief, once I closed my door behind me. I quickly grabbed my extra clean uniform, and made my way to the showers. Once I was done getting ready, I put my (h/l), (h/c) hair into a braid that falls over my left shoulder, and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I was so hungry after not eating much yesterday, so I grabbed a plate and filled it up, and got a cup of coffee and went to sit with my friends. "(Y/n)! You're okay! I was so worried yesterday!" Armin gleefully hollered as I sat, "Yeah, I am fine Coconut." I smiled a toothy smile at him, without realizing it. "(Y/n)?" I look around and see that Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, and Jean were staring at me with wide eyes. "What's up with you guys? See a ghost or something?"

"(y-y/n), you smiled." Eren stutters

"It was so beautiful!" Armin basically yells.

"You should do that more often!" The others agree. I just sigh and sheepishly rub the nape of my neck, as I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I felt awkward, as they were so happy about me smiling. I haven't smiled in over 10 years and it felt weird, especially after their comments. I returned to my normal scowl "If you guys don't stop fangirling, I am going to feed you all to the titans myself." I hiss at them, but they just laugh, knowing that I probably wouldn't actually do that. "There is our (Y/n) that we all know." Jean says while smirking at me, I just roll my eyes and finish my breakfast and storm out of the hall.

I wasn't mad at them for being happy that I smiled, I was mad at myself for letting my guard down infront of them. I just march my way to my room, and put on my ODM gear, before going outside, to train some, but before I could I heard a deep voice behind me "(L/n)." I turned around and my eyes met those of the Commander. I quickly salute him "Sir.".

"Come with me, I need to discuss something with you." Erwin commanded and I nodded, following him into his office. After entering, I saw the familiar silver eyes of Levi. I shoot him a glare. Erwin sat at his desk, and cleared his throat. "Do you know why I called you both in here?"

"To cause me mental anguish, from being in the same room as her?" Levi retorts.

"As if I wanted to be in here with you, either." I snap back.

"Enough you two!" We immediately shut up and look at Erwin, his abnormally large eyebrows furrowed, and he looks at us. Levi then clicks his tongue, and I mutter an "I'm sorry." before Erwin continues.

"I called you both in here, because you both are excellent fighters, and I am sending you both on missions together outside the walls. Just the two of you."

"What?!" I yell "I can't be stuck alone with him! We will kill each other!" 

"That is why I am doing this, for the next few weeks, I want you two, to find the best route possible to Shiganshina. You two need to get along, and be able to work together, without wanting to tear each other apart." Erwin folds his hands together on his desk, his icy blue eyes staring at the both of us. "Fine." I mutter, as Levi scoffs. 'This is going to be just great.' I thought to myself, although we are getting along better than before, I am still pissed at him, for leaving me behind all those years ago. I doubt I will ever be able to forgive him. "Good, you two shall start tomorrow morning." I salute him, before leaving his office. Levi is following behind me "Don't be late, brat." He snaps "Of course, don't want to keep your short ass waiting, Captain." I turn to salute him, as I snap the word 'Captain'. "Tch" He scoffs and walks away.

I relax my shoulders, and make my way out to the training grounds. I can see the rest of the squad already practicing, and some are resting. I walk up to them, and flop myself down on the ground, looking up at the sky "You okay?" I hear Eren ask.

"No, Commander Bushy Brows wants me and Captain Tic Tac to do a few short missions outside the walls to plan the best route to Shiganshina." I huffed.

"Damn, I pray for the titans in that case." I shoot Eren a glare, as he giggles. "Whatever Titan Boy." I snap, standing up, and walking towards the forest to practice my ODM skill. "I told you not to call me that!" Eren whines, as I walk away. 'Yup, this is just going to be fucking great!' I growl to myself as I shoot off into the forest, and began to kill dummy titans. 

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