Chapter 27: Last Peaceful Night

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Levi POV:

It's been 3 weeks, since (Y/n) and I brought the news about the beast titan to Erwin. He has finally come up with a plan.

-----1 week ago------

We were all in the mess hall, but we weren't eating. Just waiting for Erwin to announce his plan.

"Attention!" His broad voice called out, gathering the attention of everyone else. "In one weeks time, we will retaking wall Maria, and defeating our enemies!" He then explained everyone's roll in the mission. My thoughts drifted elsewhere.

"We will be leaving at sundown, that way any titans we encounter on our way to Shiganshina will be asleep, and not be a problem. Dismissed." He said as he walked out. The mess hall immediately filled with chatter of everyone's worry, and fears.

--------Present time---------

In just two days, we will be leaving for Shiganshina, to seal the walls once again. Everyone was training exceptionally hard. I sat outside, near the training field. I watch as (Y/n) goes through the obstacle course, that is set up. She finishes before the rest of the squad. She throws her arms in the air in victory and laughs as the others drag their tired bodies to the end.

(Y/n) is pretty much back to her old self, her cuts have healed and are now scars, scattered along her body. She can run, jump, and do everything she could before. Better yet, she is kicking everyone's ass in training.

After watching everyone catch their breaths for a bit, I stopped up and walked over towards them. They all saluted except (Y/n), which she hardly ever does anyway. "Go get your ODM gear and meet me at the forest in 20." I state, and they all take off. "You seem more grumpy than usual." (Y/n) said. "It's nothing, besides shouldn't you be going to get your ODM gear?"

"I already have it over by the forest." I look at her with slight shock. "I was going to train in ODM gear myself later, but it seems you want our whole squad to do it." She shrugs. "Yeah." I reply then we both walk to the forest together, hand in hand.


I fly through the forest with my squad. "Connie, Sasha, take the West! Armin, Jean, take the East! Eren, and Mikasa take the South! (Y/n) you are with me in going North!" I shout my orders, before the group splits up, going our assigned ways. "Titans" Jump out at (Y/n) and I, but we quickly take them out. I take a minute and admire (Y/n) as she goes to slice the dummy titans nape. Her brows furrowed in concentration, her (h/c) hair flowing behind her, as she spins her body taking out the nape, her engagement ring that I gave her, sparkling.

She notices me watching her, and she smirks at me before flipping me off. "Brat." I mutter to myself, and continue to follow her, killing more of the dummy titans, as we finish up the North end of the forest.


"That's enough for today. Go get cleaned up, eat, and enjoy your day off tomorrow."

"Yes Sir!" they saluted walking towards HQ. "You nervous?" (Y/n) asked "How can I not be? I can't stop thinking about how many possible deaths we will have on this mission." I snap, and she sighs. She puts her hand on my shoulder as we walk. "It's going to be okay, Levi. As long as you live, those deaths will be worth it." She states as we enter HQ.

"Only if you survive as well, (Y/n)." She giggles "I will Levi." She then kisses my cheek, before heading into the bathroom, in my room. I can hear the shower water running, and the 'clank' of her gear as it drops to the ground. I exit the room and go down to the mess hall for dinner.

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