Chapter 6: Anger

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Y/n POV:


I was 17 years old when Levi and I, met Farlan and Isabel. We met while running after having stolen some food, and we quickly became friends. I smiled how the two seemed to have lightened the dark world around us. Their smiles, and laughter filling the rooms of our small home.

Levi and I were sitting on one of the broken couches, sharpening and cleaning our knifes, while Farlan was fast asleep on the other couch. Until we heard a loud bang on the door, quickly standing and being alert, the three of us moved closer to the door. Isabel had gone out a few hours ago, to get some fresh water for us. It could've been her, but as the door hadn't been knocked with our secret knock, we were on high alert. Farlan leaned against the wall next to the door, as Levi and I stood infront of it. As we all nodded, in a silent agreement, Farlan turned the handle and flung the door open. A certain red headed girl fell on the ground, as we all sighed. "What the hell child? We could've killed you!" Levi spat at her, as she sat up "I am not a child, Levi bro!" she huffed at him, I kneeled next to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, "what did you do this time, Isabel?" my words soft as I asked her, she was about to answer before we heard something. Levi and Farlan, went outside, while I stood next to Isabel. "Hey have you guys seen a trashy female thug run through here?!" a man shouted "That's all there is around here!" Farlan yelled back as I heard the men walking up the stairs to our home. "Hey here she is!" he yelled back to his followers "Is she yours?" he asked.

"What if she was?"

"judging by that question you would have no problem if we came in and took her off your hands."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Isabel tense, my gaze returned to the man as he placed a hand on Levi's shoulder, as he passed 'dumb move, dumbass' I thought, as Levi quickly lifted his blade slicing the man's hand, Levi then kicked and punched him "don't you touch me with your filthy hands you pig." he narrowed his eyes as he held the man by his collar, and threw him out the door "Ah, sorry. We prioritize cleanliness around here. Wash your hands then try again?" Farlan said. The men scoffed and left, We turned back to Isabel "You better explain, now." I snapped at her, she just held her hands out showing us a tiny bird. "I was trying to get through the stairs to get this guy to the aboveground, as I am sure he would rather fly up there, than down here." Farlan knelt beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder "I am sure he would, but his wing is broken. Come on." he said standing up and tending to the broken wing. The bird stayed with us for a few weeks as it healed, we then released it to a giant hole that lead to the above ground. We all smiled watching it fly away.

--End of Flashback--

I hadn't even realized I had walked out of HQ, with my memories flowing through my head. I was pissed my (e/c) eyes were narrow, my hands balled into tight fists at my side, my frown going deeper, and I stomped my way to the training forest. Levi's words played over and over again in my mind 'They're dead'. I had made my way deep into the forest away from everyone. I grabbed my knife from my waistband and I threw it as hard as I could, the sharp blade piercing into the trunk of a tree. Tears fell from my eyes, as I retrieved the knife. My legs gave out as I screamed, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

I could remember their laughs, and smiles. Their voices playing in my mind. I would remember Isabel calling me 'Sis' and Farlan humming as he cleaned. I screamed again, as I stood up and walked towards another tree, I punched the tree as hard as I could, over and over again, my knuckles bled but I didn't care. The tears fell from my eyes, they left me in the underground, just to end up dead. I hated myself for not being there, to possibly save them. I heard someone approach me from behind as I continued to punch the tree. "(Y-Y/n)?" the voice calmly, said. I knew that deep voice, that held no emotion. Their arms wrapped around me, holding my hands down, so I couldn't punch the tree anymore. "It's okay (y/n)..." I turned around quickly, the person not expecting this, I threw a punch at him, but he didn't falter.

Instead he pulled me into a hug "Stupid brat". He held me close, I couldn't move. I just wrapped my arms around him, as I sobbed. He stroked small circles on my back, knowing this would calm me down.

After awhile, my sobs sub-sided, and I pulled away from him "Hug me like that again, and I'll kill you." I glared at his silver eyes, and huffed as I stormed away.

"(Y/n)." Levi grabbed my arm.

"At least stop by the infirmary...please." His voice was calm, I nodded and headed to the infirmary. I threw the door open, as Hanji whipped her head to see me, and rushed over. "(Y/n)! What happened?!" she said quickly leading my to a bed, which I sat on. My face held no emotion, and my tears had long since dried up. "You did quite a bit of damage." the brown haired woman said, as she disinfected, and bandaged my bleeding knuckles. She sighed standing up "Just be careful for the next few days, please?" her worried voice asked, "I will Hanji." I whispered and left the room, heading down to the dining hall for dinner.

I grabbed my plate, and sat at my usual table, joining my friends, even though I hardly spoke to them. "(Y/n) what happened?" Eren asked "I got carried away with training." I simply replied, "(Y/n) don't be so careless!" Armin called, worry laced his beautiful blue eyes. I softened my (e/c) orbs at him, "I won't be from now on. I promise you Coconut." he smiled lightly, at my nickname for him.

Dinner had passed, and I just made my way to my room, closed my door, and changed into something comfortable. I flopped on my bed, and thought of Farlan, and Isabel, as I drifted to sleep.

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter! I felt I needed to express a little more on the relationship between the four of you. The next chapter will be a little more intense, as you all go on a expedition!

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