Chapter 23: Healing

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(Y/n) POV:

It has been two weeks since I have returned to HQ. I have been let out of the infirmary, and have returned to Levi's room. Everyone by now knows we are together, mainly because he was the most distraught by my disappearance, and never left my side while I was in the infirmary. 

My body is slowly healing. Most of my bruises have started to disappear, and my body isn't in as much pain. The only pain I still have is on my foot where my pinky toes are gone, and where my nail beds are empty. I have nightmares every night, even with Levi by my side.

Hanji has been helping me to learn to walk, as without my pinky toes, my balance is very off. I stumble and fall a lot and its starting to piss me off, but I am getting better.

"Levvvi! I am bored!" I groan, laying on the couch in his office. "Then read a book or something." He states.

"I've already read all the books in here, I want to go outside."


"Why not?"

"Because as soon as you go outside, you'll want to train or something."

"Of course I want to train! I am tired of just sitting around."

"If you want to train, then walk over here to me. Without stumbling or falling."

"Fine, I will." I then slowly turn, so my legs are dangling off the couch. I push myself to stand. I stumble a little bit, but regain stability a little bit. I then take small and slow steps, wobbling a little, but not stumbling. Before I know it I am standing behind Levi as he sits in his desk chair.

I wrap my hands around his shoulders, and whisper into his ear. "See? I did it, now can I start training again?" He grabs my hands with his. His thumb gentle rubbing the back of my hand. "Fine. You can start tomorrow, but we will take it slow."

"Yay! Thanks Shorty!" I exclaim, and almost jump in excitement. "Can you help me back to the couch though? My feet and legs hurt."


"Oh come on! I walked all the way over here!"

"If you can't walk around by yourself, you can't train."

"Ugh." I groan, but instead of walking back to the couch, I walk around his chair and sit myself on his lap. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing? I don't feel like walking back to the couch, so I am going to sit on your lap." I kiss his cheek. "Fine." He then returns back to doing his paperwork, as I sit cradled in his lap. The door then suddenly bursts open, and my body tenses, and I snuggle into Levi's shoulder.

"LEEEVVIII!" Hanji cheers, then quiets "Oops, sorry (Y/n). I sometimes forget that you are here." She apologizes. "It's, okay Hanji."

"What do you want Shitty Glasses?" Levi spits.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask if I could help (Y/n) start training again. I promise it won't be anything too harsh. It should only be about an hour or so." Hanji asks.

"Yes, but I will be there as well. Nothing too hard or drastic. She is still healing."

"I know that! It's only going to be a few exercises to help her body heal, and get used to working again."


"Thanks, Grumpy!" She exclaims and then leaves. "See, even Hanji thinks I am well enough to start training again." I smirk. He kisses my forehead, and cups my cheeks in his hands. "I know you are ready, but be careful. As soon as you start hurting, please let us know." He whispers, before kissing me gently. "I will, Levi. I promise."

He then goes back to working, as I start to fall asleep in his arms.


It's cold, and dark. I can feel the hot, gooey blood streaming down from multiple cuts all over my body. I won't scream, I won't cry. I am strong enough to endure this. "Oh this is fun don't you think?" Don's voice echoes in the room. I don't reply. "Answer me dammit!" He yells, before smacking me. I hold back my tears, as my cheek burns form the pain. 

"Fine you won't answer. I'll just have to beat you until I hear something from you." He states, before starting to punch me repeatedly. The pain surges through my body. Each punch bringing more and more pain. I don't make a sound, not wanting him to have that pleasure of hearing me scream, or cry.

"Still nothing? You are tough, but soon you'll be begging me to stop." He walks away for a moment. I stare at the ground, feeling the blood dripping from my nose. The crimson liquid dripping onto the dark gray floor. He returns, and pulls me from the chair. I am now laying on my stomach. "This oughta get something out of you." I can hear the smirk in his voice. Then it comes, a very sharp pain on my back. I hold back a scream. Another one, and another. I soon realize he is whipping me. I can feel the blood coming from the gashes from the whip.

'Crack!' The whip sounds, I scream. "P-please....stop." I hear myself beg. Don chuckles, and continues, as I scream more. He then grabs my (h/c) hair, forcing me to stare into his bright hazel eyes, so bright they look almost yellow. "Good girl." He smirks, "Now for some more fun."


I scream, as I wake up, realizing I am now in Levi's bed. "(Y/n) it's okay." I hear him say, but my mind still stuck on the dream. He gently cups my cheek and I flinch, before relaxing into his touch. "Look at me." but I don't. His other hand reaches under my chin, lifting it slowly. Making me look into his eyes. A beautiful silver meets my gaze. So gentle, calm, with a sense of comfort and worry. I sigh, not realizing I had been holding my breath. "You are okay. Don is never going to hurt you again. No one will ever hurt you again. Not as long as I am alive. I will protect you." Levi whispers and rests our foreheads together.

"Okay." He then kisses me. It is gentle, and full of love. He pulls back after a minute. "(Y/n), I love you, so very much."

"I love you too, Levi." He then lays back onto his bed, and I snuggle into him. His strong arms wrap around my body, securing me there as if I were to disappear at any moment. I burry my head into his chest, hearing his heartbeat. "Goodnight, Levi." I mumble as my eyes start getting heavy. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." He then kisses my head, before we both drift off into a deep sleep.

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating yesterday! I had a really bad day with my ADHD, and could not focus to save my life. But here is the new chapter! I will post another one tomorrow! This story is getting close to being finished! Stay tuned!

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