Chapter 9: I'm Sorry

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Y/n POV:

After I yelled at Levi, I stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind me. I walked down the stairs, and passed the other members of the Levi squad. Armin, and Eren looked like they wanted to say something, to ask if I was alright, but I am pretty sure my normal dark scowl, was even darker. They were probably afraid I would rip theirs heads off, and in the moment I probably would have.

My hands were in tight fists at my sides, as I went down the stairs to the basement. I then slammed the door to Hanji's lab open, and slammed it shut behind me. I marched over to a chair that was in there and threw some of the paperwork off of it, flopping myself into the chair, and glaring at nothing. Hanji had watched me storm in, but decided to wait a bit before coming to see what was wrong with me. "Geeze (Y/n), why are you so pissed off right now?" She asked me, her bright hazel eyes starring into my (e/c) ones with concern.

"Levi." I simply stated.

"Hmm, Shorty has a way of pissing people off." She smiled at me, and then sighed and started walking towards the door "Dinner will be done shortly, are you coming?".

"No." And with that she walked out, closing the door gently behind her. Millions of thing ran through my mind, causing my head to start spinning. It was probably spinning more to the fact that I haven't really slept or eaten much the past few days. It had drained my body, and made me weak. My head started spinning more, as I tried to stand, but I fell onto the hard floor. The last thing I heard was Hanji's lab door opening and someone screaming my name before I backed out.


I was sitting on the steps of the house I shared with my three friends, looking at the necklace that was around my neck. It had two silver chains, with two charms, one hanging on each of the chains. They were wings, one was a bright silver and the other was a dark silver. When they were put together they would cross. My mother had given this necklace to me, when I turned 7 years old.

She had told me "When you find the right person, give them one of the necklaces. That way even when you are apart you will always be with them." I smiled at the memory. I then heard the door to our house open, and a short raven-haired boy came out. He sat next to me on the steps "Hey brat, what are you doing up so late?" I giggled, and smiled at him.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Was it the nightmares again?"

"No, I was just couldn't stop thinking about my mom. She has been dead for 10 years now, as I will be turning 18 in a month." I smiled, and I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

"Was that hers?" I nodded, "Yes she gave it to me when I turned 7." His silver eyes, looked at me with concern. I slowly took the necklace off, and untangled them, handing him the dark silver half. He was confused, but I just giggled.

"My mother told me to give this to the right person, someone I could trust. I trust you Levi, and I want to give this to you." He reluctantly took the necklace putting in around his neck, he then hugged me and whispered in my ear "I will always wear it, and with it I am making a promise that we will never leave each other behind, that we will stay by each other's side forever. Okay (Y/n)?"

"Okay Levi, I agree with that promise." We then pulled away, and locked our pinkies together, sealing the promise.

---End Of Flashback---

My eyes felt heavy as I tried to open them, once I did I looked around. 'I am in the infirmary' I thought before my eyes landed on someone sitting slouched in a chair close to my bed. It was Levi, he had his legs crossed, his arms resting on the armrests, and his head was leaning to the left. He was fast asleep, he had always looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. I took a moment to study his face, but then my eyes landed on something hanging around his neck 'It can't be. He still wears it?' I thought, as my eyes saw the little dark silver wing hanging out a tad.

I then remembered that I hated him, I slowly tried to get out of bed, but my legs were weak and the pain in my head, wasn't helping. I sat on the edge of the bed, slowly sliding off, My bare feet touched the cold wooden floor, and I tried to stand. As I did, my legs gave out, and I went tumbling to the ground, but before my face could hit the floor, I could feel a strong arm around my waist, holding me up. "Brat, don't even think about getting up. You have been asleep for about a day, which means your legs are too weak to even carry you." He scoffed, and pulled me back up, setting me on the bed, I glared at him "Don't fucking touch me.".

"Tch, should I have just let you smack your face on the ground then, and crack your head open again?" he scoffed.

"What are you even doing here anyway?"

"What does it look like I am doing? I am making sure you don't do something stupid."

"Not like you even care about me anyway." I whispered, for a brief moment I could've sworn I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes, but it quickly returned to his normal bored expression. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'm sorry." I almost didn't hear the words come out of his mouth, I sat back against the headboard, my eyes wide from what he just said.

"For what?" I asked, he then sat forward, and looked at me.

"For everything, I didn't want to leave you in the dark, but the job we had been given was too dangerous. I don't regret my choice though, because if you came with us, you might be dead alongside them." His cold silver eyes, softened as he looked at me. I couldn't believe the words that had just come from him. This whole time, I thought he had left because he grew annoyed with me, and just abandoned me, but he was actually protecting me.

"I meant to come back to get you, (Y/n), but after they died. I was so full of grief, I had forgotten about the person that meant the most to me."

"I know you hate me, and I doubt we will ever be as close as we were, but I just wanted you to know that I was sorry, and that I never meant to hurt you like that." With that he simply stood up, and left the room. My (e/c) eyes watching the door, I was shocked. I had always known that Levi wasn't the most open person about his feelings, but hearing him apologize, and to see the hurt in his eyes. I wanted to jump up from my bed and go after him, but my body was frozen in place. I was still mad at him for leaving me, but to know that he was sorry made me feeling a little bit better.

I kept my eyes trained on the door for awhile longer, and before I knew it my eyes began to grow heavy, and I fell asleep. His words replaying in my mind 'I'm sorry'.

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