Chapter 19: Missing?

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Levi POV:

After (Y/n) woke me up and left, I made my way into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I take a quick shower, and brush my teeth. I then walk back into my bedroom and open my closet, I grab a pair of black jeans, and a gray t-shirt, after getting dressed I put my boots on and go to the mess hall. Breakfast was already over, but I wasn't really hungry anyway.

I grab the metal kettle from the cabinet, and set it on the stove. I then light a match, and light the wood under the stove. I fill the kettle and wait for it to whistle. As I wait I grab a cup, and a tea bag. It's not my favorite tea, but it'll do for now. I ran out of my tea a few days ago, and just haven't gotten the time to get some more. The kettle is now whistling, as I put out the fire underneath. I pour the hot water into my cup, and put the tea bag in.

I grab a spoon and stir it around, watching as the clear water starts to turn brown from the tea bag. I take my cup and sit at a table in the mess hall. It is eerily quiet in here, since everyone is out enjoying their day off. Someone sits across from me, I look up through my eyelashes. Meeting Erwin's gaze "Hello, Levi, you sure slept in today." he chuckled "Tch, I was doing paperwork, eyebrows." I scoffed.

"Hm, I see. Maybe I give you too much."

"Yeah you do, I have better things to do than just paperwork."

"I know you do, but don't worry about it today. Take a break and relax." He says standing up to leave, I just roll my eyes at him. "See you later." He says walking away, I don't even acknowledge him. Once I finish my tea, I wash my cup and spoon, before going back to my office. I sigh sitting down at my desk. I hate how quiet it is in here without (Y/n), she is almost always in here with me while I am doing paperwork. She usually reads, or we talk. I enjoyed her company, and without her here it's quiet.

I don't mind her going out with friends though, she never really had many friends besides Farlan, Isabel, and me. So her having more friends is something that makes me happy, seeing her happy with them. I continue my paperwork for a bit, thinking about (Y/n).

----Time Skip brought to you by: Connie's hair growth supplements.---------

I finished about a stack of papers before standing up, and heading to the mess hall for lunch. I open the icebox, and don't see much, so I settle for some soup that was leftover. I light the stove and pour the soup into a pot and place it on the burner. After it is done, I put the soup in a bowl, and grab a spoon. I sit down at the table I sat at this morning and began to eat.

The sun was high in the sky, and was warm. I cleaned up my lunch mess, and decided to listen to (Y/n)'s request to relax. I exit the HQ doors, and go for a walk. I reach the wooden fence that is about a mile from HQ, I cross my arms and rest them onto of the fence, just looking into the distance. I can see the wall from here, and I scoff at it. I hate the damn walls, I hope that one day they will be gone.

I sigh and make my way back to HQ, and read a book once I reach my office. I take my boots off and place them next to the couch, as I lay down to read the book I had chosen.

After a few hours the sun is starting to go down, and I put the book back, and slide my feet into my boots. Leaving my office and going back to the mess hall for dinner. The cooks made some kind of gruel, I grab myself a bowl and sit at my normal table wondering when (Y/n) would be back.

"Hello Levi, enjoying your day?" Erwin asks. "No."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"I have done nothing, but some paperwork today."

"Ah I think I see, you had hoped to spend the day with someone, but they went out with friends." I shoot him a glare, and he chuckles "I know you Levi. You met someone, I can by the look in your eye every time you see them. You are in love."

"I am not in love. Love in this world will only get you killed." He chuckled again "Whatever you say Levi, but the girls should be back soon." I feel a flutter in my heart at his words. 'Does that mean I can still spend the rest of this off day with her?' I think to myself.

After dinner I make my way back to my office, and continue to do paperwork. Occasionally looking out the window, seeing the sun get lower and lower, and still no sign of (Y/n). I groan and continue to work.

--Time skip: By Hanji's experiments--

My office door bursts open "Hanji, what the fuck can't you knock?!" I yell at her, but once my eyes meet hers, I can see the fear in them. "Hanji, what is it?" I ask, my curiosity peaked. "(Y/n) is missing." she breathes out "Hanji what do you mean?" I stand and march over to her. "She should've been back by now. She said she was going to get a few more things so Mikasa, Sasha and I came back. I had a bad feeling so I went back to Stohess. I found (H/n) with (Y/n)'s stuff on her, but (Y/n) was no where to be found." My eyes widened, "Where the hell is she then!?" I shout, while putting my gear on.

"I-I don't know, but I found this." she pulled out a smashed box of my favorite tea bags, and (Y/n)'s necklace. My heart feels like it being ripped from my chest, as panic arises. "Let's not stand around, let's go find her." I command, and she nods running out of the room.

'You better be okay, brat.' I say to myself, as I walk out of my office, and to the stables to get my horse.

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