Chapter 11: The Rain

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Y/n POV:

I am back in the underground, but why? And I am running but from who? I don't know, when I fell asleep I was in my room at the Scouts HQ, but now I am running for my life back in the underground. "(Y/N)! Get back here so I can kill you!" A man yelled, and my legs moved faster, it was starting to get hard to breathe. I turned a corner and hid against the wall, I was panting from all the running. Wait I am smaller, I appear to be around the age of 5. My hands are small, as well as my legs and feet, and wearing a dirty, cloth-like dress, without any shoes.

I turned to peek around the corner, not seeing anyone chasing me, I sighed in relief, and turned to head down further into the dark alley, but when I did my face was met with a man's. It was my father, and he looked pissed. "Where do you think you are going to fucking piece of shit?" He hissed, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He grabbed me by the neck, squeezing tightly, I couldn't breathe. "You didn't bring me any more of my alcohol when I asked you to this morning, and now you will pay." He tightened his grip around my small neck, I clawed at his hand, but it did nothing. My vision started to become blurry, and dark.

I jolted awake, another nightmare, once again. As I sat up on my bed, I turned to look out my window, the sky was dark, and I could hear the rain hitting the roof. Thunder could be heard in the distance, but it sounded like it was in my room. I was still not used to rain, or thunder, The loud noises it made scared me, but I wouldn't show it. On days like this my dark mood, got even darker. I sighed, and forced myself out of bed, and got dressed. We wouldn't be training much today, so I didn't bother to put my ODM straps on, or tie my (h/c) hair up into my usual ponytail.

I opened my door, and made my way down the mess hall for breakfast. I could hear everyone chatting as they ate, but I didn't feel like eating, so I just grabbed a cup of coffee and sat next to Armin. "Good morning (Y/n)!" The blonde haired, and bright blue eyed boy greeted, as I sat down. I simply hummed in response "Are you okay?" he asked with concern, once again I didn't say anything just nodded. "Hey (Y/n)! Since you aren't going to eat can you go get me some more food?!" Sasha begged, "No, get it yourself." I huffed in response, she pouted, and gave me the puppy dog eyes, but I still refused.

"Good morning Levi squad!" Another cheery voice greeted, but I didn't feel like talking to Hanji today, so before she could continue, I stood up and walked out of the mess hall. I heard Hanji ask Armin, and the others if I was okay, but they just shrugged in response. I knew since it was storming, Levi would have us clean but I didn't feel like it. My mind was still on the nightmare I had this morning, I could still smell the alcohol in my nose, even though it wasn't there. I went to my room and grabbed my cloak, throwing it on and pulling the hood up. I went outside, onto the roof. I didn't mind getting soaked, I just wanted to be outside away from everyone else for awhile.

"Tch, brat you are going to catch a cold out here." Levi's stoic voice rang out, but I just sat there looking into the distance. "Brat, you are freezing, come inside."

"So you can make me clean? No thanks I am good." I snapped, my body was shivering, although I tried to ignore it I couldn't. Levi just sighed and came closer.

"No, I won't make you clean. I can tell something is on your mind, so you can either sit in my office, or go to your room for awhile. I just don't want you getting sick." I sighed and nodded, following him back into HQ. I went and changed into some dry clothes, and decided to go to Levi's office. When I entered, he wasn't there so I just shrugged. I grabbed a book from his bookshelf, and sat on his couch while I began to read it.

I heard the door to his office open and I looked up, my eyes meeting his silver ones, as he closed the door behind him with his foot. He had two cups in his hand, and handed me one, before going to sit at his desk and do paperwork. I took a sip of the hot liquid, savoring the taste of the tea. "How did you know I would be in here?" I asked him.

"Whenever you are in a mood like this, you don't like being alone." He was right, ever since I came to the surface, when it rained, I would either be with Hanji, my friends, or here in Levi's office. Being alone while I was in such a dark mood, made it even worse. When I was alone I would start thinking too deep into my memories, mainly the bad ones. We sat there in silence for a long time, I could still hear the thunder, and the pouring rain outside. When the thunder was extremally loud, my body would tense, and I would loose my spot in my book. I think Levi took notice of this, because every time there was a loud 'boom' I could feel his eyes on me.  

When I had finished my cup of tea, I sat it on Levi's desk, and plopped back onto the couch. "Are you okay?" His deep voice asked, I could hear his worry even if he had tried to conceal it. "Yeah, I am fine." I lied, and he knew this. He clicked his tongue, and sighed deeply. I didn't even get up to go get some lunch. I still didn't feel like eating, so I just picked out another book to read while Levi left to go get his lunch. When he got back, he threw a piece of bread at me, "Eat it." he scolded.

"I am not hungry."

"(Y/n) you haven't eaten anything today. You had a cup of coffee this morning, and a cup of tea about an hour ago. You need to eat something."

"I said I am not hungry."

"Fine, then I'll force it down your throat if you don't eat it yourself." I sighed in defeat, and munched on the bread. Piece by piece I ate it, "Thank you." Levi whispered, probably hoping I couldn't hear him but I did. I opened my book up once again and began to read more of it, distracting myself from the thunder outside. Every now and then I could hear Levi shuffling some paperwork around, and it soothed me for some reason. Just knowing he is there, brought me comfort. 

Before I knew it, I couldn't hear the thunder anymore. My hearing focused on the man, sat at his desk, mumbling, writing, and flipping papers. My eyes began to grown heavy, and I couldn't keep them open anymore. I slowly closed my eyes, and fell into a relaxing sleep.

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