Chapter 26: Don't Die

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Levi POV:

I sander down to the mess hall and enter, my eyes instantly landing on a certain (h/c) haired girl, then to her left hand, where a small, shiny ring laid. She was smiling with her friends. 'Glad to see you back to yourself.' I thought to myself. After her kidnapping, it took awhile for her to smile and laugh again. I am glad to see it.

"Levvviiii!" A certain screech came. "The fuck you want four-eyes?" I scoffed, as I sat down at our table. "That was mean. Anyway you excited for our mission today!?"

"No, why does bushy brows have to send you with me?"

"Because he knows that it'll be so much fun!" I simply rolled my eyes, and finished my breakfast. I then marched over to my squads table. They all saluted "Finish up brats, we are leaving in 15 minutes." 

"Yes, Sir!" They chanted, as I walked away. I felt like something was being aimed at me, so I turned my head to the side to see (Y/n) flipping me off, with a smirk across her face. 'You'll pay for that later.' I thought, as I shot her a glare. She simply just giggled, and got up putting her tray in the kitchen.


I sat on top of my stallion, as we walked through Trost, towards the gate. I could hear Hanji rambling to (Y/n). "I hope we catch an abnormal!" Four-eyes said, as she began to drool. "We already have the stupidest abnormal here." (Y/n) snapped at her. "What? Where?" I could hear the 'smack' as (Y/n) hit Hanji on the back of the head. "I mean you, four-eyes."

Hanji whined, saying that (Y/n) was mean for hitting her, and calling her an abnormal. I almost laughed at the two. We then came to a halt right infront of the gate. "The gate will open shortly. Don't die idiots." I commanded "Yes sir!" They once again cheered. I simply rolled my eyes, as Hanji yelled at the Garrison.

I could hear the gears turn as the gate slowly opened. "Let's go." I stated as the gate was finally open. We charged through, the sound of our horses hooves against the ground like thunder. There were about 30 titans that were too close to the wall for comfort. "Engage ODM gear!" Hanji yelled, and soon the sounds of ODM gear filled the air, as we raced towards the titans.

I lost track of my squad for a minute, so I landed against the wall. 'Armin, Eren, and Mikasa are to my right. Jean, Connie, and Sasha to my left. Wait where was (Y/n)?' Panic rose in my chest slightly, not seeing the one person I cared about the most.

The sound of gas being emptied, and blood splattering caught my attention. I just barely caught a glimpse of her (h/c) hair, in her usual ponytail. 'Phew, she is okay.' I sighed, watching her kill titan after titan. I rejoined the group in killing titans.

Just when I thought we had them all finished off, something caught my eye. Thump, thump. Titans footsteps rang through my ears, but when my silver eyes met where the sound was coming from, they widened. "Captain! What the hell is that?!" Sasha screeched landing next to me, on the wall. "I don't know, but stay away from it for now." I replied my eyes still watching the hairy, tall titan in the distance.

"I don't think it knows we are out here yet, we should keep it that way." Armin whispered. "Right." I said. "Continue killing these titans near the wall, (Y/n) you are with me, in sneaking up to that thing. We need to at least get a little closer." I ordered "Right." (Y/n) said, and we got on our horses and ran towards the beast titan.

When we were about 20 meters from it I spoke up "Keep this distance." I turned to see her nod, and then the beast stopped, turning around and facing us. I quickly pulled my reigns back, as my horse reared from the sudden stop. (Y/n) did the same thing. "Oh, I didn't know people were outside the walls." The thing spoke, my eyes widened 'it can speak our language?' I thought "What are you?!" (Y/n) replied to the beast. "I am the beast titan, isn't it obvious?"

"Beast titan?" She whispered "What do you want here?!" I asked "I simply want to see humanity destroyed, but not yet. I need to think of a plan and get more information." it said, and my eyes widened. "(Y/n), retreat."

"What?! No! Not unless you come with me." She protested "Just do it dammit!"

"No!" Before I could say anything else, she shot towards the beast. 'Shit, stupid brat.' I thought, and followed. She chopped up the beast's arm, as I took out it's eyes. "You dumbass! What do you think you are doing! I told you to retreat!" I yelled at her, while cutting up the beast titan some more. "Did you really think I would leave you behind! I knew you were going to try and fight him!" She screamed back, as she took out his ankles.

"Brat! I didn't want you involved!"

"Too bad Levi! I already am! Wherever you go, I go!"

"Fine, don't die then!" and with that we cut his nape together. A blonde haired man with glasses came out of it screaming. "Not as calm now, are you?" I spit at him, but he couldn't answer as my blade was in his mouth. "It's impolite to not answer." (Y/n) glared at him, and cut off some more of his arms.

He screamed against my blade. "Tch, we will get our answers soon."

"Levi! Look out!" (Y/n) screamed, pushing me and her to the side, as a titan clamped it's jaws. It almost looked like it was glaring at us, before picking up the blonde man in its mouth. Carrying it away. "They were right about you! Levi and (Y/n)! You two are dangerous!" He screamed as he fled in the titans mouth.

I was about to chase after them, but (Y/n) arm stopped me. I gave her a confused look "You can't go after him, neither can I. Our gas is almost gone, and we only have two blades left, each." I sighed "You're right."

"Of course I am. Let's go back and inform Erwin, he'll come up with a plan." I nodded, and she kissed my cheek, before whistling for our horses.


The ride back seemed to take forever, but we eventually met up with the rest, and went back inside the walls. Hanji drooling and babbling all the way back to HQ about the beast titan. Once we arrived back, we all untacked our horses before heading inside. Everyone went to the mess hall for dinner, since it was now late in the evening.

(Y/n) and I marched up to Erwin's office. I slammed the door open, as we walked in. Erwin's thick eyebrows raised in confusion. "Erwin." I stated "We have something to report to you." (Y/n) finished my statement. He nodded "Sit."

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