Chapter 16: A Peaceful Night

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(Y/n) POV:

Our ride back to HQ was silent, but not uncomfortable. Once we arrived I hopped off (H/n), ignoring the pain on my sides, and (H/n) shot me a look. I smiled slightly and petted her neck "I am okay, girl." she just huffed at me, and I led her into the stables. After untacking her, and feeding her, I started to make my way into HQ. It was around 6pm, so dinner would be ready shortly.

As I opened the large door and walked in I heard someone yelling. "(Y/N)!! YOU'RE ALIVE!" The brunette screamed as she hugged me tightly, I winced slightly, but she didn't notice. "H-Hanji... Can't..B-breathe..." I struggled to say, but she gasped and released me from her tight embrace. "Hehe sorry, I was just so worried." She giggled, "It's okay four-eyes." I smirked to her. We then made our way to the mess hall. I sat down with my friends at our usual table.

"Hey! You're back, how was spending the day with the Captain?" Armin asked "It was pretty boring actually, not much happened." I sighed as I shoved some food into my mouth "How much did you two bicker and fight?" Jean laughed, I lightly smacked his shoulder, which made him pout and rub his arm. "We only bickered a few times, and why do you say that as if we are an old married couple?" I glared "It's because you two act like it." Connie joined in.

"Ugh, you guys are annoying." I groaned as I finished my food, we then continued with casual conversation, with Sasha being yelled at for stealing someone's food. Which caused us all to laugh, she was quite the character, that's for sure. After we all had finished, we said goodnight, and made our way to our rooms. I opened my bedroom door and slipped inside, I took off my ODM straps, cape, and jacket. I lifted my shirt up a bit, and glanced at the bruises that had formed. Big black splotches were scattered all over my torso, probably from that titan that had grabbed, and squeezed me. I gently touched them with my fingers, specifically checking my ribs, to see if any were broken.

Some felt cracked, but they weren't bad, I sighed letting my shirt fall back down, as I rummaged through my drawers searching for the extra bandages that I kept in there. After finding them, I lifted my shirt again, and tried to wrapped my body the best I could, so my cracked ribs could heal. I was struggling, as I was using one hand to wrap myself, and my other hand to hold my shirt up. "Tch" I jumped as I heard someone scoff behind me, I quickly dropped my shirt and turned around. "I knew you had gotten yourself hurt." Levi scoffed, leaning against the frame of my bedroom door.

"I am fine." I replied, and he sighed. He came infront of me and held his hand out, I stared at his hand, then at him questionably. He rolled his silver eyes at me "Give me your bandages, so I can help you." I handed him my bandages, and sat on the edge of my bed. I slowly lifted my shirt to reveal the dark bruises, but made sure my shirt didn't go past my bra. He walked over, and sat next to me on my bed, his fingers lightly touched the bruises and I tried not to wince. "I am going to press harder to check for breaks."

"I already did, I didn't find any complete breaks, just some minor fractures."

"I don't care, I am just going to double check." He scoffed, and I rolled my eyes. His hands pushed into my ribs, making me squeeze my eyes shut, and wince at the pain. "You are right, you have a few minor fractures, but no complete breaks." His voice was quiet, and calm. He then began to wrap my torso tightly, holding the fractures together, so they can heal properly. I watched him as he worked, his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. His silver eyes following his hands. I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and I quickly looked away.

After a few minutes he stopped wrapping me up, "That should do. Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked, my (e/c) eyes met his, and I could see a hint of worry, and concern laced in them. I shook my head "No.".

"Okay then, come on, we have to write reports on what we did today."

"Do we have to include everything?" I asked, not wanting to write down how we kissed.

"Yes, everything. Dumbass, of course I am not going to explain every little detail. I don't want eyebrows to know we locked lips." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, and a small smile crept onto my lips. I then followed him out of my room, and into his office. I grabbed a piece of paper and sat on the opposite side of his desk, and began to write my report.

I finished and handed it to him, "I'm done." he hummed, and I was about to leave, but then he stopped me "You have to wait until I am done with mine brat."

"Seriously?" I scoffed "Yes, now sit." I rolled my eyes, and grabbed a book from his bookshelf, and laid on his couch and began to read. My eyes began to become heavy after awhile, and then they fluttered closed, causing me to drift into sleep.


"Hey bitch! I paid to do whatever I wanted to you and you are going to let me do just that!" A man yelled at me, his breath reeked of alcohol, his hands were around my throat, squeezing it tightly. "N-no." I was able to breathe out, he then started to rip my clothes off of me. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks, my body tense. "S-stop...p-please." I begged, but he just continued, until I was completely naked. "Damn, you are a pretty one." He creepily smiled, his eyes starring at my body. I tried to move, tried to get him off, tried to get his hands off my throat. It was no use, the more I struggled the tighter his grip became on my neck.

He slid himself into me, pleasing himself. "Y-you like that?" he groaned, I just squeezed my eyes shut, and cried, waiting for it to be over. He smacked me with his free hand "Look at me bitch!" and I opened my eyes, his face was above mine. He smiled, he had almost no teeth, and the ones he had were stained yellow. His eyes looking into mine, then my vision became cloudy from the lack of oxygen. The last thing I saw was his smiling face, and I heard him chuckling.


I shot up, my breathing heavy, and my eyes wide. Tears streamed down my face, I quickly glanced around the room. Seeing a figure infront of me, I tried to scoot away "N-no.. p-please..." I begged, I could see the figure, reach a hand towards my face. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself for the pain. None came, except light, gentle touches. "-/n), you are okay. It's just me, Levi" A soft, deep voice spoke. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked at the blurry figure. One thing became clear, soft silver eyes, starring into mine with worry.

The tears that once clouded my vision slowly disappeared, and I could see the figure clearly. "L-levi?" I croaked, "Yeah, it's me. You are okay, you're safe." he gently spoke, his thumb stroking my cheek. I took a few deep breaths, to calm myself. "I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Disturbing you, while you were doing work."

"Brat, you didn't disturb me, I finished my paperwork shortly after you fell asleep." His brought his other hand to my cheek, and brushed away my tears. "You okay?" he asked, I just nodded. "(Y/n), I can tell you are lying, but I won't push you to tell me." I sighed in relief, and he stood up offering me his hand "Come on, let's get you back to sleep." I nodded, and slowly put my hand in his, letting him pulling me up. He walked me to his bedroom, and sat me on his bed, while he rummaged through his drawers. "Here." he said handing me a t-shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. He walked out of the room, while I changed. A few minutes later, he came back in, and threw my dirty clothes into his clothes basket. 

He had me lay on his bed, and he tucked me into his blankets. He stroked my cheek again, and brushed some of my loose hairs out of my face. "Get some sleep." He gently spoke, and then as he stood up to leave, I grabbed his wrist. "Please... stay with me?" I muttered, and he sighed. "Okay, move over." I nodded and moved over a bit, letting him crawl into bed, getting under the blankets with me. His silver orbs, softly looked into my (e/c) eyes. He then lifted his arm, and I slowly snuggled up to him. His arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling me closer.

I laid my head on his chest, as one of his hands drew circles on my back, and the other stroked my (h/l), (h/c) hair. "I am not going anywhere." He whispered, my body relaxed. "Thank you, Levi." he just hummed, and I slowly felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep. I knew with him by my side, this would be a peaceful night. One I haven't had in a long time.

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