Chapter 4: Fresh Air

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I woke up, when a bright light was shinning into my eyes. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep away. I looked out my window to see that the sun had risen. It was so bright, and beautiful. I got dressed, and brushed my hair. I then made my way down to the mess hall to get some breakfast. I had been given a tour of the HQ when I had arrived yesterday, and with my instincts, I had memorized it all.

I opened the door to the mess hall, and walked in, ignoring the stares, as I made my way to make my plate. Once I had my plate filled, I sat down at an empty table in the back of the room. As I munched on my food, 4 people sat across from me, and 2 sat on either side of me. I tried to ignore the feeling of being trapped, as I ignored them. "You are (Y/n) correct?" Said a male voice, I looked up, my (e/c) eyes meeting, teal-green ones. He had short, shaggy brown hair, he had a smile on his face. I simply just nodded at his question, "Nice to meet you, I am Eren." I just stared at him, as others spoke up "I am Sasha! Are you gonna finish your toast?" a girl with long brown hair, thrown up into a ponytail, said as she pointed at my toast. I handed it to her "Thank you!" she smiled as she hungrily ate it, "I am Conny" a short boy said, he looked as if he was bald.

"I am Armin, and this is Mikasa!" A cheery blonde boy said, and I looked to the girl he said was Mikasa, she wore a red scarf, and had short black hair. Her face showed no expression, and she simply nodded at me. I looked to the last boy who, sat next to me. He had light brown hair, and a undercut, he smirked at me "I am Jean" his voice sounded flirtatious as he winked at me. I just ignored him and looked at my now empty plate, "anyway (Y/n), we are all apart of the Levi squad, and can't wait to work with you!" Eren said, after introductions had been made, the others chatted around me, I listened to their conversations, and actually enjoyed their company, I wouldn't show it though. My face held its usual frown, as the others continued to talk.


We were now outside, infront of a huge forest. Eren was explaining how to kill the titans, and how to use the ODM gear, but I stopped listening after I heard him tell me how to kill a titan. I already knew how to use the gear, so it seemed pointless to listen as he explained it. Instead my eyes focused on the forest. The trees were super tall, green, and smelled wonderful. I took a deep breath in through my nose, the air was so fresh, unlike the grungy, dirty air of the underground. "(Y/n)? Are you listening to me?" Eren asked, taking me out of my thoughts, I simply nodded. "Okay then, I want you to go through the forest, and kill 5 titans, and return to me" I just nodded again, and attached the blade to the handle of the ODM gear. I flipped one blade backwards, like I would hold my knife. (How Levi holds his blade) I could feel Eren starring "What, idiot?" I snapped, making him jump "The swords weren't made to be held that way.".

"Tch, does it really matter. All I have to do is slice the titans nape, no matter how." I spat, and before he could say another word, I launched myself into the forest. My ODM gear was new unlike the one I was using in the underground. As I flew through the forest, a "titan" swung out at me, I quickly dodged it, and went above it. I launched my grapples into a tree ahead on the titan, I launched towards it, and spun around as I cut out the fake nape. I then continued further into the forest.

After I had killed all 5 titans, that Eren had told me to kill, I met back up with him at the entrance of the forest. "(Y/N) that was awesome!" He yelled as he ran over to me, I backed away from him, my body tensing, ready to fight. Eren stopped "It's okay (y/n), I am not one of those underground thugs, I won't hurt you." his words were quiet, and non threatening. My body relaxed, "What's next?" my voice, being very nonchalant.

"(Y/n) you sound just like Captain Levi." Eren giggled, I rolled my eyes, as he explained what we would do for the rest of the day.


Once we had finished training for the day, I went into my room and grabbed another set of clothes, which consisted of jeans, a button up shirt, a bra, and a pair of underwear. I then made my way to the women's bathroom to shower, turning on the water, it was cold, but I didn't mind. It was better than being gross, and stink. In the underground, I only cleaned myself about once a week, as water was sparce, and I had to do it with just a piece of cloth, as I didn't have a shower. No one down there had a shower.

Once I was clean, I got out and got dressed, and made my way to the library. I loved reading, and haven't read a book in years. I picked out a random book, and sat down on one the chairs in the room, as I began reading.

I had gotten through about 5 chapters, when I heard the library door creak open. I put the book down and hid behind a bookshelf, I may be above ground, but I wasn't about to let my guard down just yet. I heard footsteps approaching where I had just been sitting, once they passed the shelf I was hiding behind, I jumped on them, wrapping my arm around their neck, and slamming their back onto the ground. I backed away, and got into a fighting stance. I went to check my waistband for my knife 'shit, I forgot they took it'. I looked over to the person, as they got up "Tch, brat, you aren't in the underground anymore. There is no need to jump on someone and throw them to the ground." the familiar voice spoke.

"I don't care, I am not letting my guard down." I snapped back, as I relaxed my stance. As I turned to go back to reading, I felt a hand grip my wrist, and spin me around. He then kicked my feet out from under me, and I fell. He bent my arm that he was holding behind my back and pushed it forward, It hurt like hell, but I didn't show it. "Good idea brat." I rolled my eyes, "Can you let me go now, shorty?" after that he let me go, and I stood, brushing the dirt from my pants. "Come with me."

"Why, should I?" I snapped.

"I am your Captain now, and unless you want to be handed over to the MPs, I suggest you listen." I sighed and followed him out of the library and into the hallway.

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