Chapter 10: Her Smile

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Levi POV:

It has been two weeks since (Y/n)'s incident. She has been approved to return to training, but she has to make sure she gets sleep, and eat. Once I had heard what had happened that day. She was being stupid again, she used to do this a lot. She would have so much on her mind that she wouldn't take time to care for herself.

My thoughts being cut short as I walked out of HQ, and onto the training field. My squad was supposed to be training in hand to hand combat today, but she was just sitting there, watching the others. I quietly walked up behind her, "Tch, the hell do you think you are doing (L/n)? You are supposed to be training.".

"Well everyone else seems so weak to me, and I don't to accidentally hurt them." I looked down at her. She kept her focus on the others watching them, her (E/c) orbs watching their every move. "Tch, then fight against me." She quickly turned to look at me, shock displayed in her features. She then scoffed and stood up, "Alright shorty. Let's fight." and with that we each took a few steps away from each other, and got into fighting stances.  She had her feet perfectly in line with her shoulders, and her fists up and ready. I took the first leap, my fist aiming for her, but she quickly dodged my attack, and kicked my back, making me stumble a bit. 

I quickly steadied myself, and went after her again. She blocked with her right arm, and tried to bring her left fist up to punch my chin, before she could, I grabbed her right arm, and spun her around. She used the momentum to kick my feet out from under me. She was now straddling me, pushing her forearm into my neck, keeping me still. Her knees on my arms pinning them to the ground, her eyes were narrowed and glaring into mine, as I glared right back. We then heard cheers around us, she then shot her glare to the others making them shut up.

She got off of me and held her hand out, I took it as she helped me up "Good fight shorty." I scoffed and walked away from her. I could hear the others excited voices as they were impressed at how she could take me down. I just marched my way back to my office, as the sun was now starting to set. I didn't feel like eating dinner anyway.

I sat at my desk and began to do some paperwork, it had been a few hours now and the sun had completely set, making the sky dark. As I was signing a document, I heard the door to my office open, and (Y/n) walked in with two cups of tea. After her incident, and after I had explained to her why I had to leave her, she had started bringing tea and drinking it in my office with me. We never really said much to each other, and occasionally she would read a book from my bookshelf, but tonight she seemed different. Her dark, (e/c) eyes, had a bit more light to them, and they seemed to be laced with confusion, but also hope.

She had sat on the couch in my office, looking at her full cup of tea for a long time, as I took sips from mine and continued my paperwork, just her company was enough for me. Even if she was upset about something, I wouldn't bother her too much to figure out what it was, that was on her mind.

"Levi?" Her sweet voice came out almost at a whisper, but I looked up at her, she was still looking at her cup of tea. "What brat?" She was silent for awhile, then she took a deep breath "Why do you still wear it?"

"Wear what?"

"The necklace." I sighed and untucked the necklace from my shirt, the dark silver wing shinning a little bit.

"Because I made a promise, and even if she hates me. I will always keep that promise, whether she wants me to or not."

"Levi, I-I am sorry." I looked back at her, and I couldn't believe what I saw on her face. Her eyes shined like she was about to cry, but on her lips, barely visible, was a small faint smile. A smile I haven't seen in a long time. I stood up from my desk and walked over to sit next to her on the couch.

"Sorry for what brat?" I gently asked, gazing into her eyes.

"I am sorry for not taking care of myself, and I am sorry I said I hated you." A single tear ran down her cheek and I gently reached up carefully to wipe it away. I cupped her cheek, and she leaned her head into my hand.

"Brat, It's okay." She shook her head.

"No Levi, It's not. Ever since you left my world has only gotten darker, and because of that I forced myself to hate you, when I knew I could never."

"(Y/n), you already know how bad I feel about that, but if I hadn't left you. Isabel, Farlan, and maybe even you, would all be dead right now. I may not have those two anymore, but at least I have you." She looked up at me, her (e/c) looking into mine.

After she had calmed down, she left my office. A familiar pain was in my chest, it hurt to see her so sad, and I wanted to do nothing but hug her, and take the pain and sadness away, but I couldn't.

A/N: Kind of a bad chapter, but I wasn't sure where to go with it after the last one.  Next one should be better! Stay tuned! 

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