Chapter 17: I Love You

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(Y/n) POV:

It has been about a week since Levi and I have been doing our little expeditions. We have most of the routes already done, but Levi said something about a few more to go through. I had just groaned, I was kinda getting tired of doing this. There weren't many titans to be seen, which was both a relief and worrisome.

"Levi." I said to the raven haired man riding next to me "Yeah I know, it's too quiet."

"Should we mention something to Erwin?"

"Maybe, as it could pose a possible threat later." I nodded and we continued riding for awhile, occasionally stopping so Levi could write in his journal.

"Let's head back." I nodded and we turned our horses around and headed back towards the wall.

After reaching the wall, we began to ride towards HQ "Levi, are you okay?" I asked, he had seemed rather off today, usually we would throw snotty remarks back and forth, but today he was pretty silent. "Yeah, I am fine." He lied, I could always tell when he was lying, ever since we had met. His brows would be furrowed slightly, his eyes would be slightly more squinted than normal, and he would often run his hand through his hair, which he had been doing a lot today.

Not wanting to bother him further, we continued to ride in silence. Once we had reached HQ, and put our horses away, we walked inside. "(Y/n)!" Hanji came running up to me shortly after we entered. It was around noon, as we had left very early this morning, and with the absence of titans, we decided to call it early.

"Will you come with me, and help with Eren's experiments?" I sighed, at her question.

"Fine, but you owe me one." She squealed and started pulling me out of HQ and towards the training forest. "What are you going to do today?" I asked, with curiosity. "Well, we have been trying to get Eren to harden between two trees, not leaving a single gap between them." She answered and I nodded.

"Okay Eren, go!" She yelled, as she shot off a green flare. Bright lightening quickly appeared, revealing Eren in titan form. He walked between two trees, and started to harden. Once finished, some scouts went to pull him out of it, while Hanji checked the wall. "There are holes everywhere, this won't do. Come on Eren you can do it!" she exclaimed. I walked over to Eren and put my hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "You got this, try thinking of the walls, how they don't have a single gap." I said to him, "Thanks, (Y/n)." he sighed, smiling back at me.

This time after he had hardened, there wasn't a single hole anywhere in the hardened space. "Yes!" Hanji screamed, and jumped in excitement, as she ran over to the wall. I just rolled my eyes, and started to walk over towards Eren. I offered him a hand, as he was sitting on the ground catching his breath. His emerald eyes meeting mine, as he grabbed my hand. I pulled him to his feet "See, I knew you could do it." I smiled.

"Thanks, and I am glad you are smiling more." I felt heat come to my cheeks, at his kind words "Thanks, Eren. Let's go dinner will be ready soon, and we don't want Sasha to eat it all before we get some." We giggled and made our way to the mess hall for dinner.

Sitting at our usual table and began to eat with our other friends. "Sasha you're going to choke! Slow down!" I yelled at the brunette, she just shot me a side eye and continued to eat. "Trying to get Sasha to slow down while eating, is like trying to tell a titan to not eat people." Connie sighed, and I nodded. "Have you heard of the ocean, (Y/n)?" Armin asked, "No, I don't think you have said a thing about it since I got here." His eyes seemed to have sparkled "It's so big, that you can't even see the end of it! It also so full of salt, merchants could spend their whole life, and still not get all of the salt out of it!" He exclaimed. "That sounds wonderful Coconut, I hope to see it one day."

"You will! I know it!" I giggled, and patted his head. He looked as happy as a little kid on Christmas. Eren then put his arm over my shoulders, and I looked at him "We all know you will make it, you are as strong as Levi. If anything you'll make it there before any of us will even get the chance." He smiled "Thanks, Eren, but I know all of you will see it too." he nodded, and the rest of dinner was spent chatting and laughing with my friends.

I was the last one to leave the mess hall, it was late and everyone was already in bed. I silently made my way through the dark, empty halls. I felt a little uneasy, something about the eeriness of the dark halls at night, was unsettling. A hand then grabbed my wrist, making me squeal, then my mouth was covered by a hand. "It's just me, don't freak brat." Levi's voice whispered into my ear, sending a chill down my spine. I nodded and he dropped his hand from my mouth.

He then led me to his office, his hand never letting go of my wrist. As soon as we entered, and he closed the door behind me. Levi pinned me to the wall, a hand on either side of my head, trapping me. "L-levi." I spoke nervously, I had never liked being trapped like this. "What is going on between you and Jeager?" His cold voice snapped. "The fuck do you mean?"

"You know what I mean (L/n)."

"Actually I don't, care to explain?"

"You two are always so damn close to each other, I noticed how you blushed after he said something to you earlier. You two also seemed to be very close at dinner."

"Levi, we are just friends. Why are you so pissed off about that?" He gritted his teeth, turning and walking towards his couch, sitting on it. He sighed, before continuing "Christ (Y/n), can't you see that I am jealous?". I walked over to him, and looked at him with confusion "Why are you jealous?". Before he said anything, he turned to me and smashed his lips onto mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

My arms going around his neck, as his snaked around my waist pulling me closer. I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip, asking to be let it. I didn't let him, causing him to squeeze my hips, and I gasped. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, claiming every inch of it as his. He then pulled away, but our faces stayed close, foreheads resting against each other, as we caught our breath. "You are so stupid sometimes." He whispered, I pulled away and slapped his chest. He chuckled, and his silver eyes met my gaze. "I don't know how you can't tell, but I love you." My eyes widened, and a blush spread across my cheeks.

I didn't answer for awhile, I was in complete shock. This cold, stoic man, and just softened and confessed his feelings. He sighed, and was about to get up when I grabbed his face, and kissed him passionately. "I love you too, Levi." I whispered between kisses.

My heart pounded against my chest, I was afraid it might cause my fractured ribs to completely break. This wasn't a new feeling to me though, as I have always loved Levi, ever since we met. My heart had longed for him, and when we would cuddle, it felt like home. We hugged after the kiss, and he pulled he closer, as if he was afraid I was going to disappear. I knew for sure I wasn't going to go anywhere, and I knew he wasn't ever going to leave me alone again.

I have been a lot happier lately, and him confessing to me, made me realize. He had saved me from the dark, as there was no more darkness in my head, or around me. There was only light, and love.

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