Chapter 28: The Final Battle Part 1

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(Y/n) POV:

The sun was just starting to rise as we walked our horses through the forest. Shiganshina is just right over the next hill. Millions of thoughts running through each of our minds, as we neared it.

I looked back over my shoulder at Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. All three of them seemed to be in deep thought, I could tell from the look in their eyes that bad memories had come to surface. "Levi, do you think they'll be okay?" I whispered to the raven man walking next to me. "They'll have to be, if not they will surely die." I nodded at his response, and in my mind I hoped they could clear their minds and focus on the mission at hand, before they died in battle.

"Scouts mount up!" Erwin's voice boomed, and we all mounted, galloping towards the abandoned town. Vines, and moss had covered most of the houses that were still partially standing. Everyone pulled their hoods up over their heads. Some kept going forward on horseback, while most of us engaged our ODM gear, climbing to the top of the wall. 

"No time to stand around! Get moving!" Levi yelled at the three starring at their old home, as we ran by. They quickly got back to their senses and followed us. We flew through the town, getting to the inner wall, so Eren can seal it. Levi and I landed on top the wall, looking down at the open hole. I cringed when I heard Eren do a battle cry, more like a dying goat scream, but still. He transformed, I used my arms to block my face from the blinding light, as he did.

The roar of his titan, made me drop my arms, as I watched him get into position. His body started to get covered in a gray, hard, crystal, as he sealed the hole. Scouts on either side shot up green flares, signaling the hole had been completely sealed. Eren then made his way back to the top of the wall. Levi checked on him, making sure he was good to go. My gut on the other hand had an unsettling feeling, something wasn't right.

"Come on." Levi stated, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Levi, something doesn't feel right." I whisper.

"I know. It was way too easy to seal that hole, and not see a single titan in sight."

"But, what does it mean?"

"That we keep our eyes and ears open, and tread carefully." I nodded, but before we continue onward, Armin shot up a red smoke signal, halting the mission. 

"The hell are they doing?" I asked, "Seems like your Coconut friend figured something out." Levi replied, as we watched scouts tapping the walls with their blades. Erwin didn't fill us in on what was happening, so all we could do was stand there and watch.

Soon an acoustic shell was fired, drawing everyone's attention to the man who shot it. Before he could say anything, he was falling to the ground lifeless. My eyes widened "It's Reiner! Be careful!" I shouted, and noticed Levi wasn't by my side anymore, but instead he had plunged his swords into Reiner, one through his neck and the other in his stomach.

"Levi! Get back!" I shouted seeing as lightning was coming from Reiner. Levi got away from him just in time. "Damn bastard! What do I have to do to kill him!" Levi growled, and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hanji, and Levi's squad go for the armored titan, the rest of us will protect the horses." Erwin ordered, then another flash of light from behind us. Multiple lightning strikes to be precise. Levi and I turned to see the beast titan, and several other mindless titans.

"Levi, (Y/n). You two protect the horses." Erwin commanded "Wait so you want us to protect the horses, and not titan boy?" I snapped, it was our job to protect Eren. "Yes." Eyebrows replied. "Fine, come on (Y/n)." Levi stated, as we went down the wall to help protect the horses, and the beast titan screamed and several 4-6 meter titans came running our way.

"Well let's go and protect the horses, and stupid new recruits." I scoffed, and Levi and I went towards the front to help kill titans. I quickly took out three titans in a row, and stopped on a roof to catch my breath. My (e/c) eyes glaring at the beast, he was just sitting there. 'What are you planning?' I asked him mentally, he then turned his head, his eyes locking onto mine. Something was laced in his eyes, but I couldn't figure it out. I gave him the middle finger, and shot off towards more titans.

I landed on the roof next to the one Levi was standing on. "He looks to be enjoying himself." Levi scoffs, "I know." I simply replied. "Captain! (Y/n)! There aren't very many small titans left, you two rest. We will take care of them." Another Captain yelled. "Right." Levi nodded at him. "Who are we kidding, these kids are going to drop like flies." I stated, and Levi hummed.

Just then before I could say another word, small pebbles went flying past my face. My eyes widened and I looked at Levi who had the same expression. We then looked at the beast titan, as he was about to throw more rocks. "Shit! Get down! He is throwing crushed boulders!" Levi screamed at the others, but they were soon killed. Their bloods and screams filling the air.

I quickly jumped down from the roof, and landed next to Levi on the ground. We then ran towards the cadets who were holding the horses. "Quickly get to the wall!" I ordered them, but they were frozen in place. Just then I could hear more rocks hitting the houses, more screams filling the air. "Go now!" Levi hissed, and they quickly began to run for the wall.

As we got tot he bottom of the wall, there was a loud crash. I looked up to see Eren's body, laying, unmoving on top of the wall. "Shit." I muttered, and Erwin joined us on the ground. "What's going on." Levi demanded of Erwin. "The colossal, and armored are on the other side, everyone is doing their best to fight them. The beast titan on this side is throwing boulders, soon all the houses will be flattened down, and there won't be any cover." Erwin stated and my eyes went wide.

"Shit, we are being trapped in. Our best option would be to probably abandon the horses, and wake Eren's shitty ass up, and have him carry as many people as he can." Levi replied.

"But, Eren would only be slowed due to the added weight." I piped in.

"Do we really have no other option, than to just die?" Levi questioned.

"It seems so, if we didn't have a way to fight back." Erwin said eerily calmly. He then began to explain it to us, as our eyes widened. After Erwin and Levi had a private chat, we gathered to tell the cadets what the plan was.

"Listen up! We will charge the beast titan head on, together! Shooting flares, as he is about to throw, it should throw off his aim, while we are doing that. Captain Levi and cadet (L/n), will be approaching the beast titan and kill it." His broad voice boomed. Everyone scattered to get their gear together, as Levi and I refilled ours. "Ready?" I asked him, after I finished "as ready as I can be. Be careful."

"I will Levi, I love you."

"I love you too." We then shared a short but sweet kiss, before taking off. Attaching our gear to the wall of titans, as the rest of the scouts started screaming and charging the beast. 'Here goes everything' I thought, as I brought my blades behind my head, ready to kill the first titan.

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