Chapter 22: Safe and Sound

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(Y/n) POV:

I was struggling to breathe as Don hands were around my throat, choking me. He had an evil grin on his face, his bright yellow-hazel eyes wide with a murderous look in them. His shaggy brown-gray hair falling around his face. My vision started to become blurry, I couldn't even try to get out of his grip as my hands and legs are bound by tight ropes. He chuckles as my vision goes dark.


I jolt awake, breathing heavily, as I quickly glance around the room. 'I'm in the infirmary' taking notice of the familiar surroundings. I feel someone holding my hand, and leaning on the bed. I look to my right, as see a familiar raven haired man, fast asleep. His hands holding mine, he had dark circles under his eyes, and I could see the tear stains on his cheeks. I gently bring up my free hand, wincing in pain as I do. I brush some stray hairs out of his face.

'He looks so peaceful.' I think starring at Levi. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, as I run my fingers through his hair. "Hmm." He mumbles, and I scratch his undercut, in a soothing way. "(Y/n)..." He again mumbles. I raise an eyebrow at him 'I wonder what he is dreaming about?'.

"Please...wake...up....I'm sorry.." My breath hitches. "Levi, you did nothing wrong." I reply, he then jolts awake. His silver eyes widen and his mouth slightly hangs open. "(Y/n)?" He questions and I nod. He then embraces me tightly, my body tenses before relaxing. I hug him back, burying my head into the crook of his neck. "I am so sorry... if I had been with you.. y-you wouldn't have gotten hurt.." He chokes out, and I hug him tighter "Levi, this isn't your fault.".

After a minute of hugging, and crying, we separate. "W-what did he do to you?" Levi whispers. My eyes widen and I look at my hands that are in my lap. The memories from my time being tortured by Don, and his gang. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I can hear the worry, and guilt laced in his voice. "It's okay, umm how long did he have me?"

"4 days."

"I see." Silence entered the room, it was also so tense that it could be cut with a knife. The door to the infirmary opens, and I jump. "Lev-." Hanji stops in her tracks, seeing that I am awake. She runs over to me, and I tense. "Hanji! You are scaring her! Idiot!" Levi yells at her, and she stops right next to my bed. "(Y/n)? You're awake." Hanji sighs, and I slowly turn to meet her gaze. I can see the tears threatening to spill from her hazel eyes. "Yes Hanji, I am awake." I whisper and give her a sad smile.

"C-can I hug you?" She stutters and I nod, she then crashes into me and holds me tight. "I-I was so worried!" she sobs into my shoulder. I rub her back "I am okay Hanji." I reassure her, and she sobs harder. "I-I shouldn't have left you alone that night! I-I am a bad friend!"

"You are not a bad friend. I told you to go back to HQ without me."

"B-but you got kidnapped, a-and hurt!"

"I know, I thought I was strong enough to protect myself. But I guess I wasn't." I whisper to her, her sobs soon subside. "How are you feeling?" She asks. "I hurt like a bitch. It feel like I just got chewed up by a titan." I joke. "Okay, let me replace your bandages." I nod, as she lifts up my shirt. Levi quickly looks away, as Hanji tends to my wounds, and replaces bandages. My eyes widen with every bandage she unwraps. Cuts and bruises covered my body. My pinky toes were missing, I look back down to my hands.

'I'm hideous.' I think to myself. I never thought I was pretty, but now. I know for a fact I am hideous. I am going to be covered with scars, more than I already had, and who would love a girl that can't even balance because her pinky toes are missing? No one. "(Y/n)?" I hear Levi whisper, I look up and meet his gaze, he is worried. "I'm okay." I sigh, but I know that he knows I am lying. He drops the subject, until Hanji leaves. "Thanks, Hanji." I say as she leaves "You're welcome. Get better soon okay?" I nod at her request.

"You need a bath." Levi states.

"That's rude! You saying I stink? Besides Hanji just re-did my bandages, they are gonna come undone if I bathe!" He sighs, and sit on the edge of the bed. "I can redo the bandages, but your wounds need a proper cleaning. Plus you've been gone for 4 days, and asleep for 2. I doubt the piece of shit let you clean yourself." I look down again at my hands. "You're right. Can you help me to the bathroom?" I meet his gaze again, as he nods.

He walks into the bathroom that is connected to the infirmary, and I hear the water running. After a few minutes he comes back out "It's ready.".

"Okay." He then picks me up gently, and carries me into the bathroom. He sets me on the floor, and reaches to undo the buttons on my gown, then stops. "Do you need help undressing? If it's okay.". My breathe once again hitches. "N-no, I can get it. I'll let you know when I am done." He nods and stands up, leaving the bathroom.

I release a breath, that I didn't know I was holding, and begin to undress myself, and take off my bandages. I grab a towel, from under the sink, to cover myself up. "I am done Levi." I call to him, and he enters the bathroom again. "I am going to pick you up and place you in the tub, okay?" He asks, and I nod. I knew Levi had a gentle side to him, but I never knew he was this gentle.

He picks me up again, and places me in the tub. He then turns around and begins to leave. "Let me know when you are done."

"Okay." He then closes the door, and I stare at all my cuts and bruises before slowly cleaning myself. "Shit." I hiss, my movements causing my body to hurt. "You okay?" Levi calls from outside the door. "I-It hurts to move." I reply. "Do you want help?" I think about it for a moment. 'This is Levi. He won't hurt me. He loves me.' I think and then reply "Y-yes please.". I cover myself the best I can with my hands, as Levi enters.

He grabs a washcloth and puts some soap on it, before gently cleaning my back. My gaze fixed to the bath water the whole time. He gives me the cloth to wash my privates, before he washes my hair. He grabs a clean towel, and places it next to the tub, as well as a clean hospital gown. He leaves the room, as the tub drains. I dry myself with the towel, and put the gown on.

"I'm done." He then comes back into the room, picks me up, and places me back onto my bed. "I am going to apply ointment, and bandages now." He says, and I nod. He carefully applies the ointment, and wraps me in bandages. Then sits on the chair next to my bed. "Get some sleep." He whispers, and I carefully lay down on my back.


"Yes, brat?"

"Can you sleep with me?" I hesitantly ask, he then stands up "Move over a little." I do as he says, and he crawls into he covers with me. He lays on his back, and lifts up his arm. I slowly move closer to him and place my head on his chest. His arms wrap around me. I feel a sense of comfort, and my eyes begin to get heavy. "Goodnight, Levi." I whisper "Goodnight, brat."

'With Levi, I will always be safe and sound.' I think as I drift to sleep.

A/N: Did you know your pinky toe plays a huge part in your balance? It would be nearly impossible to run, skip, and walk without it. For the sake of this story, (Y/n) will still be able to do all those things, but will trip occasionally, as her balance will be off. It won't cripple her too much. Enjoy!

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